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  1. Version 1.9


    Features: Player Animation speed Game speed Player object speed Double Jump Player object size Supply Pods detecting Range Dodge range Damage Enemy Teleport Note: Script detects when your in lobby or in match, so no need to restart the script your self as it will do automatically. Creator: Platonic Will more features be added? -> perhaps(when i have time) Video:
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    These are a few templates to allow you to easily create scripts for Unity based games. Fields.Class.Name.Offset.Template.by.BadCase Add edits to the "fieldEdits" table in the following format [1] = { editName = "Free Clothes", emoji = "", edits = { { className = "ClothesOriData", armEdits = {0X18, 0X28}, editTo = 0, editType = gg.TYPE_DWORD, editIfEqual = nil }, { className = "ClothesOriData", armEdits = {0X1C, 0X28}, editTo = 0, editType = gg.TYPE_DWORD, editIfEqual = nil }} }, className: is the name of the Class the Field belongs to armEdits: is a table in this format {arm7_field_offset,arm8_field_offset} editTo: is the value to edit the Field instances to editType: is the type of value to edit the Field instance as editIfEqual: use if you only want to edit fields of a certain value and or get user input for this value can bet set to nil: if editing all Field instance integer: for editing all Field instances of a single value integer range: in this format 0~100 for editing all Field instance with a value in that range text: for providing instructions to the user in a prompt asking them to specify the value to be edited Methods.Class.Method.Name.Template.by.BadCase Add edits to the "methodEdits" table in the following format [1] = { editName = "Unlimited Ammo", emoji = "", edits = { { className = "Player", methodName = "HasBulletsClip", armEdits = {{"~A MOV R0, #1", "~A BX LR"}, {"~A8 MOV W0, #1", "~A8 RET"}} }} }, className: is the name of the Class the Method belongs to methodName: is the name of the Method to edit armEdits: is a table in this format {(arm7_lib_edits},{arm8_lib_edits}} edits can be GG assembler opcodes (~A BX LR), hex (00000000h) or reverse hex (00000000r) Combined.Field.Method.Template.by.BadCase This is the above 2 templates combined, make sure you have the same items in both the "methodEdits" and "fieldEdits" If a function only has one type of edits for example "fieldEdits" and no "methodEdits" then the "methodEdits" edit table for that function should be an empty table {} Check the last function in the script for an example.
    1 point
    Great work, but keep crashing on v9.8.0 need update.
    1 point
  3. Maby reading the following sources helps: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_segment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_(computing) Maby it helps to know how it works: https://docs.unity3d.com/560/Documentation/Manual/IL2CPP-HowItWorks.html https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/IL2CPP.html#HowItWorks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offset_(computer_science)
    1 point
  4. Really great script .Thanks for the share. Here are the new items of the last update in case you want to add them with the other: PotionEnergy BlackShuko PiligrimHat PiligrimShirt PiligrimPants PiligrimBoots PiligrimGloves ResearchForSoldierHat ResearchForSoldierShirt ResearchForSoldierGloves ResearchForSoldierPants ResearchForSoldierBoots SoldierHat SoldierShirt SoldierPants SoldierBoots SoldierGloves ChestCultist ChestHarid ChestPlague
    1 point
  5. Version 4


    Read before download! Finally i've done this one. There are games such as freefire, ace fishing which hide metadata. This script will give you the hidden metadata header. If the value of result address is 0 or any number which the first 4 bytes is not AF 1B B1 FA, metadata header has been probably obfuscated. Re-edit header value for valid use. This script is Open Source! I'll update script when i found new features. Big thanks to cmp and enyby.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Just run before a match and play the match after completion u will be lvl65
    -1 points
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