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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2021 in all areas

  1. View File Real Racing 3 (12.2.2) Car Changer REAL RACING 3 CAR CHANGER Working RR3: 12.1.2 Current version: Description: Change car at will. Instructions: Execute Step 1 in the garage by selecting the desired car, then go to the race and replace the car with the one previously selected by running Step 2 Known issues: May not work in some devices. Search mode does not work in omp (x64) Video: Submitter MarioRossi93i Submitted 06/30/2021 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  2. With hide toolbar: Is this height enough for you, or would you like to see more? For example, by hiding the tab bar. Something like this draft: Vote.
    1 point
  3. here try this..me modified it from @CmP script (credits to him). local function h1() --your hack here-- gg.alert("Hack 1 Done") end local function h2() --your hack here-- gg.alert("Hack 2 Done") end local function h3() --your hack here-- gg.alert("Hack 3 Done") end local hacks = { {name = ">> Hack 1", func = h1}, {name = ">> Hack 2", func = h2}, {name = ">> Hack 3", func = h3}, } local hackNames = {} local hackFunctions = {} for i, v in pairs(hacks) do table.insert(hackNames, v.name) table.insert(hackFunctions, v.func) end gg.setVisible(false) local choice = gg.choice(hackNames,nil,"Main Menu") if choice ~= nil then hackFunctions[choice]() end
    1 point
  4. this is example script by @CmP script end everytime after hack is done. How to create Menu with values (#2j8mdsbl)
    1 point
  5. ty bro where i need to put these code ( after fonctions ?) in this case exemple [added 1 minute later] and with this i can delete exit functions?
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. No. In each case opcodes different and can be any.
    1 point
  8. one question if value of game add 10000 i need search add x1,x1, #0x10000?
    1 point
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