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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Great news sir, thank you for respect our wishes. One of the best things here is the support. A good cheatsite lives from their references and you guys have a lot from them.
    1 point
  2. Then root your phone otherwise. Without root, its impossible to use GameGuardian. Best help you get on http://forum.xda-developers.com Enter your phone model in the searchfield and read the stickys. Good luck
    1 point
  3. Input history will be added in next release. The keyboard will be special button, clicking which you call a dialogue with the last input strings.
    1 point
  4. when I go to an adress, I can only edit it with dword-values. But mostly i have float ones. To change it now, i have to convert my desired float value into dword manually. Before versions 8.xx it was integrated and worked fine. I click on a value and when I switch the type, the value gets converted automaticly. It was shown on the screenshots I posted in my start-post. The reason is the same, why I would like to have prediction back. Once I figured out, what is the right value for a certain ingame one (for example an hero-strength: ingame shown 4.5, but in memory it is 4.50000003243), I have to search for that value everytime I start the game and GameGuardian. These values do not change often (in the above mentioned example only when the hero levels up) With the predictions up to version 7.3.6 I start to type that number and have it without knowing the exact one. If I could save these values, would save a lot of time, as I could just recall former searches with one click.
    1 point
  5. If there are "big games" as you say and they do actually care about people not hacking then you can't use injection on those games since the code would also check itself. Currently the GG lacks a lot of tools to do such things easily and automatically. You can only scan for values (no AoB scan). Can't write scripts that do the work for you since no AoB scan. Currently You'd be better off using ceserver or get premodded apps.
    1 point
  6. hi good morning , would tutorial, guides, love learning hex, mod, cheat, hack .. some multiplayer games, or before releases or some exclusive app to vip or beta tester. . Thank you for listening.
    1 point
  7. Normal version is undetectable.
    -1 points
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