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It'd be great to have Select Half under Select All. A lot of cases in which we search a value and need to remove a half of rows repeatedly until remaining just one of them what contains exactly the value we need

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My use case is:

- The price of a sword is 189 golds

- I want to buy it 1 gold only

- So I search value 189

- Return 140 rows

- I select 70 rows (by hand), change 189 to 190

- The price appears 190, now I know it is among 70 rows selected

- I convert selected and remove other 70 rows

- Over again I select 35 rows, change 190 back to 189 and so on until find the row I want and change it to 1


So I think it'd be really convenient if having Select Half feature instead of selecting by hand.

Don't know there is any other method just better than binary search for this case

Edited by gnet
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Use fill. Change all with increment +1. You have all different values. Back to game and see new price. All revert back except found value.


Another approach:

You found 140 values. Set to show first 70. Set all to 1. Go back to game. If not changed - delete all selected. It loads next 70. Set show 35. Change all. And continue your binary search.

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You can combine both methods - on second method with change value use fill. If price change you known exact value. If not - you all revert back.


Fill can be used if you press button "more" on "edit selected" dialog.

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18 hours ago, Enyby said:

Describe about offset calc and offset goto. I do not understand how it must works and for what.

Value is located at AAAAAAAA

400 Bytes away is another useful value. 

Negative 40bytes is another. 

Rather than manually scrolling all the way to the next value, jump to by the offset. 


Then the calculator would be, I plug in address A and address B and subtract the two and find the offset between them.


This I find extremely useful since the offset in games is typically the same. So if I find hp, I know 128 bytes away is atk. 128bytes away from atk is def.  Just a more efficient way of navigating between values. 

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1 hour ago, Enyby said:

Another approach:

You found 140 values. Set to show first 70. Set all to 1. Go back to game. If not changed - delete all selected. It loads next 70. Set show 35. Change all. And continue your binary search.


One more good idea. But I dare not change values too much because it could crash game. I just change +1 or -1 and be sure to revert exception back to original values before deleting them

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1 hour ago, gnet said:



One more good idea. But I dare not change values too much because it could crash game. I just change +1 or -1 and be sure to revert exception back to original values before deleting them

Best is set filter to smaller qty. Edit all +1. If you edit it, nice, start to narrow it down. If not,edit all back, deleted selected. Search value again (which auto selects too). Then edit all +1.  This is the best if you are having crashing issues. I did this method for 25,000 results...  I did end up finding the value, lol.  

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