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Posted (edited)
On 9/28/2019 at 1:42 AM, Granger said:

@Enyby here How can I make It Negative Or the Back Will Go back And Ok will go straight?


lol.lua 142 B · 4 downloads

gg.alert is what you're looking for i guess?

if gg.choice, it need to declare mostly like

if menu is equals 1 

if menu is equals 2

Edited by Hun2Memory
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi sir, when i using 

t = gg.getResults(2)
t[1].value = 180
t[2].value = 180

How can i get the values of t[1] and t[2] when it has been changed by game.

Beecause at i noted. When the values changed i used this

gg.toast('Current value are: '..t[2].value..', '..t[2].value)

This code still give 180, 180 even it has changed by game to other values.

  • 2 months later...

Hello Enby,

I'm new to this application but can you help me that is there any link that can help me create a lua script about doing automatically search then offsetting and then changing the value?

Thank you,

On 11/1/2019 at 7:15 PM, minhthong0824 said:

Hi sir, when i using 

t = gg.getResults(2)
t[1].value = 180
t[2].value = 180

How can i get the values of t[1] and t[2] when it has been changed by game.

Beecause at i noted. When the values changed i used this

gg.toast('Current value are: '..t[2].value..', '..t[2].value)

This code still give 180, 180 even it has changed by game to other values.


  • 1 month later...
On 7/17/2017 at 11:23 PM, Enyby said:


Most of them exists in gg scripts. Except coroutine and some calls in os (popen, execute) for security reasons.

You can use print for describe their content:

print('base =', base)
print('bit32 =', bit32)
print('coroutine =', coroutine)
print('io =', io)
print('os =', os)
print('package =', package)
print('string =', string)
print('table =', table)

base = nil
bit32 =        table(537f0fa4): {
       [arshift] = arshift
       [band] = band
       [bnot] = bnot
       [bor] = bor
       [btest] = btest
       [bxor] = bxor
       [extract] = extract
       [lrotate] = lrotate
       [lshift] = lshift
       [replace] = replace
       [rrotate] = rrotate
       [rshift] = rshift
coroutine =    nil
io =   table(537f85ac): {
       [close] = close
       [flush] = flush
       [input] = input
       [lines] = lines
       [open] = open
       [output] = output
       [read] = read
       [tmpfile] = tmpfile
       [type] = type
       [write] = write
os =   table(537f9ae4): {
       [clock] = clock
       [date] = date
       [difftime] = difftime
       [exit] = function: exit
       [getenv] = getenv
       [remove] = remove
       [rename] = rename
       [setlocale] = setlocale
       [time] = time
       [tmpname] = tmpname
package =      table(537f043c): {
       [loaded] = table(537f044c): {
       [bit32] = table(537f0fa4): {
       [arshift] = arshift
       [band] = band
       [bnot] = bnot
       [bor] = bor
       [btest] = btest
       [bxor] = bxor
       [extract] = extract
       [lrotate] = lrotate
       [lshift] = lshift
       [replace] = replace
       [rrotate] = rrotate
       [rshift] = rshift
       [gg] = table(537fa8a8): {
       [BUILD] = 5523
       [CACHE_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache
       [EXT_CACHE_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache
       [EXT_FILES_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files
       [FILES_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files
       [PACKAGE] = catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_
       [REGION_ANONYMOUS] = 32
       [REGION_ASHMEM] = 524288
       [REGION_BAD] = 131072
       [REGION_CODE_APP] = 16384
       [REGION_CODE_SYS] = 32768
       [REGION_C_ALLOC] = 4
       [REGION_C_BSS] = 16
       [REGION_C_DATA] = 8
       [REGION_C_HEAP] = 1
       [REGION_JAVA] = 65536
       [REGION_JAVA_HEAP] = 2
       [REGION_OTHER] = -1032320
       [REGION_PPSSPP] = 262144
       [REGION_STACK] = 64
       [SIGN_EQUAL] = 536870912
       [SIGN_INEQUAL] = 268435456
       [SIGN_LARGER] = 67108864
       [SIGN_SMALLER] = 134217728
       [TYPE_AUTO] = 127
       [TYPE_BYTE] = 1
       [TYPE_DOUBLE] = 64
       [TYPE_DWORD] = 4
       [TYPE_FLOAT] = 16
       [TYPE_QWORD] = 32
       [TYPE_WORD] = 2
       [TYPE_XOR] = 8
       [VERSION] = 8.28.0
       [VERSION_INT] = 82800
       [alert] = function: alert /* gg.alert(string text[, string positive[, string negative[, string neutral]]]) -> int: 0 = cancel, 1 = positive, 2 = negative, 3 = neutral */
       [clearResults] = function: clearResults /* gg.clearResults() -> nil */
       [copyMemory] = function: copyMemory /* gg.copyMemory(long from, long to, int bytes) -> true || string with error */
       [dumpMemory] = function: dumpMemory /* gg.dumpMemory(long from, long to, string dir) -> true || string with error */
       [editAll] = function: editAll /* gg.editAll(string value, int type) -> count of changed || string with error */
       [getRanges] = function: getRanges /* gg.getRanges() -> int */
       [getResultCount] = function: getResultCount /* gg.getResultCount() -> long */
       [getResults] = function: getResults /* gg.getResults(int count) -> array || string with error */
       [getSelectedPackage] = function: getSelectedPackage /* gg.getSelectedPackage() -> string || nil */
       [getSpeed] = function: getSpeed /* gg.getSpeed() -> double */
       [getValues] = function: getValues /* gg.getValues(table values) -> table || string with error */
       [gotoAddress] = function: gotoAddress /* gg.gotoAddress(long address) -> nil */
       [isPackageInstalled] = function: isPackageInstalled /* gg.isPackageInstalled(string pkg) -> bool */
       [isProcessPaused] = function: isProcessPaused /* gg.isProcessPaused() -> bool */
       [isVisible] = function: isVisible /* gg.isVisible() -> bool */
       [processKill] = function: processKill /* gg.processKill() -> bool */
       [processPause] = function: processPause /* gg.processPause() -> bool */
       [processResume] = function: processResume /* gg.processResume() -> bool */
       [processToggle] = function: processToggle /* gg.processToggle() -> bool */
       [prompt] = function: prompt /* gg.prompt(table prompts[, table defaults[, table types]]) -> nil || table with keys from prompts and values from inputs */
       [removeResults] = function: removeResults /* gg.removeResults(table results) -> true || string with error */
       [searchAddress] = function: searchAddress /* gg.searchAddress(string text, long mask, int type, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [searchFuzzy] = function: searchFuzzy /* gg.searchFuzzy(string difference, int type, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [searchNumber] = function: searchNumber /* gg.searchNumber(string text, int type, bool encrypted, int sign, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [setRanges] = function: setRanges /* gg.setRanges(int ranges) -> nil */
       [setSpeed] = function: setSpeed /* gg.setSpeed(double speed) -> true || string with error */
       [setValues] = function: setValues /* gg.setValues(table values) -> true || string with error */
       [setVisible] = function: setVisible /* gg.setVisible(bool visible) -> nil */
       [sleep] = function: sleep /* gg.sleep(int milliseconds) -> nil */
       [startFuzzy] = function: startFuzzy /* gg.startFuzzy(int type, long memoryFrom, long memoryTo) -> true || string with error */
       [timeJump] = function: timeJump /* gg.timeJump(string time) -> true || string with error */
       [toast] = function: toast /* gg.toast(string text[, bool fast]) -> nil */
       [io] = table(537f85ac): {
       [close] = close
       [flush] = flush
       [input] = input
       [lines] = lines
       [open] = open
       [output] = output
       [read] = read
       [tmpfile] = tmpfile
       [type] = type
       [write] = write
       [math] = table(537f473c): {
       [abs] = function: abs
       [acos] = function: acos
       [asin] = function: asin
       [atan2] = function: atan2
       [atan] = function: atan
       [ceil] = function: ceil
       [cos] = function: cos
       [cosh] = function: cosh
       [deg] = function: deg
       [exp] = function: exp
       [floor] = function: floor
       [fmod] = function: fmod
       [frexp] = function: frexp
       [huge] = inf
       [ldexp] = function: ldexp
       [log] = function: log
       [max] = function: max
       [min] = function: min
       [modf] = function: modf
       [pi] = 3.1415927
       [pow] = function: pow
       [rad] = function: rad
       [random] = function: random
       [randomseed] = function: randomseed
       [sin] = function: sin
       [sinh] = function: sinh
       [sqrt] = function: sqrt
       [tan] = function: tan
       [tanh] = function: tanh
       [os] = table(537f9ae4): {
       [clock] = clock
       [date] = date
       [difftime] = difftime
       [exit] = function: exit
       [getenv] = getenv
       [remove] = remove
       [rename] = rename
       [setlocale] = setlocale
       [time] = time
       [tmpname] = tmpname
       [package] = table(537f043c): *** RECURSION ***
       [string] = table(537f2b4c): {
       [byte] = function: byte_
       [char] = function: char_
       [dump] = function: dump
       [find] = function: find
       [format] = function: format
       [gmatch] = function: gmatch
       [gsub] = function: gsub
       [len] = function: len
       [lower] = function: lower
       [match] = function: match
       [rep] = function: rep
       [reverse] = function: reverse
       [sub] = function: sub
       [upper] = function: upper
       [table] = table(537f1ad0): {
       [concat] = function: concat
       [insert] = function: insert
       [pack] = function: pack
       [remove] = function: remove
       [sort] = function: sort
       [unpack] = function: unpack
       [loadlib] = function: loadlib
       [path] = ?.lua
       [preload] = table(537f04bc): {
       [searchers] = table(537f08b8): {
       [1] = function: preload_searcher
       [2] = function: lua_searcher
       [3] = function: java_searcher
       [searchpath] = function: searchpath
string =       table(537f2b4c): {
       [byte] = function: byte_
       [char] = function: char_
       [dump] = function: dump
       [find] = function: find
       [format] = function: format
       [gmatch] = function: gmatch
       [gsub] = function: gsub
       [len] = function: len
       [lower] = function: lower
       [match] = function: match
       [rep] = function: rep
       [reverse] = function: reverse
       [sub] = function: sub
       [upper] = function: upper
table =        table(537f1ad0): {
       [concat] = function: concat
       [insert] = function: insert
       [pack] = function: pack
       [remove] = function: remove
       [sort] = function: sort
       [unpack] = function: unpack



There's no number assigned to gg.REGION_VIDEO?

Just now, Ashleycolton said:

There's no number assigned to gg.REGION_VIDEO?

You have quoted old message. "REGION_VIDEO" constant was not present in the API back then.

As for you question. Of course there is a number associated with this constant. You can print it with the following code: 

  • 1 month later...

So u just add (gg.) in order for it to work? Do u know any lua executor that I can use this such command

local stats = Instance.new("IntValue")

 stats.Name = "leaderstats"


 local Money = Instance.new("IntValue")

 Money.Name = "Money" 

 Money.Value = 100


 Money.Parent = stats

 stats.Parent = newPlayer

  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning, sir, 

I'm talking to you because I can now create scripts. Unfortunately I do my best, but I never find the values complicated (Walls, speed of the player, gravity, etc...).

Thank you for helping me.

ps I love GG

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