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  1. i'll give you some ideas. lets see if you can do some thinking and figure it out. a DWORD value typically 4 bytes in size. so for 2 Dword type values that are adjacent in memory, the group size/distance between is 4 bytes = 1D;1D::4 but by default GG will add 1 to it and suggest 5 = 1D;1D::5 the same as below. there are 4 distances(;) between the 5 values or 4 Dword values after the 1st. so group size will be : = 4 x 4 = 16 GG add 1 = 17 = 1D;1D;1D;1D;1D::17
  2. For example, for type of { int64[2]; float[7]; }, sizeof()=44. But if I input a search of `1q;0q;1f;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d ::44` or `-1q;0q;1f;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d;-1d ::44`, GG suggests a group size of 41? What is the correct group size?
  3. this isn't a bug.. copy group size will copy byte values with proper distance..( 97;99::3 ) if you want to merge the characters together to make a consecutive string, then select utf8 or utf16.. (:ac) this is useful if you have half a string ("Hello") starting at address 0xABC and also need another half ("World") at address 0xCBA, Now you can merge and search. ":Hello World" and not do a group byte search for values that are ::270 , this would be drastic!!
  4. What you'd need is: 2D;0D::5 2D;0D is the group search of two values : means grouped within certain distance from each other and the second ":" means it's ordered i.g. they go one after another in the specified order 5 is the group size i.g. how far away they are from one another
  5. Okay, whether I search with or without the pause menu visible doesn't seem to have any bearing on whether or not I find results. The only thing that seems to determine whether or not I get results is what group size I use. If I use ::13 I get nothing (again with or without the pause menu visible) for both the 256 and 257. Whereas if I use ::65536 I get thousands of results for the 257 and 5 to 7 results for the 256. I did a "goto" on all 7 results and randomly messed with the nearby negative values but unfortunately none were the correct health value. The funny thing is that having the "autopause game" setting in GG on "no" VS "yes" seems to make no difference at all. While actively in a mission, if you tap on GG's icon, you can perform your search without the pause menu visible regardless of what the setting says. If you want to perform the search WITH the pause menu visible all you have to do is tap on the X of GG's upper right corner and you'll immediately be brought to the pause menu and then you can tap on GG's icon again to perform your search with the pause menu visible. Way ahead of you Lol. Had already done it on my own but forgot to mention it EDIT: Sorry this may have been an oversight on my part.....I just now re-confirmed this, and with all regions enabled, the 327,684D;22D;28D;0D;33,554,931D::65 search yields the following restuls: But again none of the negative values around those results are the correct ones
  6. what are you trying to find? resources are simple and easy enough. search = ID;Current QTY;Max Storage::9 example : Wood ID = 2 currrent Qty = 20 max storage = 25 search = 2;20;25::9 @Jimeous guides for the resources is only for 32bit(armv7). for 64bit(armv8) you only need to increase the group size from 17 to 25. = 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h;0;2;20;25::25
  7. 12 is length of the letters of the item name, and 0, is just exist there, probs buffer and D is DWORD and :20 is group size, Q probably stands for query and thats why i called it query search
  8. for obtaining unobtainable items, i suggest not, cuz its basically red flag for devs. tho you can do the item swap on obtainable items. and also you should try to modify an output of crafting, for resources, some is on crafting table while some is on disassemble tab, both can be modified, dont think its dangerous to be modify. let's use an example for hard to get resources. Steel you can craft steel on crafting menu/table, the recipe will be 5 Iron 1 Aluminum 20 Lead 5 coal and output 1 steel you can search this 5;1;20;5:200 the 200 is group size, it might differs from each devices, but it seems it's works on most ppl. Search type will be Double you might found only 4 address, but for sake of example, i'll use what i find i got 100+, so now filter it by the biggest number from the search group, which is 20 (20 coal) and editAll with increment of 1 (when you open Edit all, there's a button called More or whatever in your language, open it and there's a new prompt with increment, put 1 on it) now refresh the recipe tab, reopen it. now you should see coal requirement changed. find the address and save it, after you save it, revert all and delete (so game doesnt crash) now you open the saved address tab (in gg), open the address and then click goto now in these tab(memory tab) you'll see bunch of address, ignore it for now, and focus to top left corner of GG you'll find a pause button and a word (No Filter or something in your language), click the no filter, in it put .0$ after that the memory tab will updated, now go back to saved list and click the address again, then click goto. now we back to memory tab that filter any address that ends with 0, if you done correctly the highlighted address will have value of 20 in double (if you have double in your memory view setting, top right click the letter thingy beside refresh button, it'll open a tab of which value will be shown, enable Double or E+. [my setting will be, h,S,D,F,E]) select the highlighted address, then difference up/down about 3-5 address till you find other value for other requirement. in my case it'll be 5.0E; <== This will be the Iron (up by 4 address from aluminum) random (ignore) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Aluminum (up by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 20.0E; <== This will be the Lead (HIGHLIGHTED ADDRESS) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 5.0E; <== This will be the Coal (down by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Steel Output (down by 3 address from Coal) select all of these address that we need (you'll get 5 address), and then you can change the requirement to be 1 (minimum is 1, if negative or 0 it doesnt craft) and you can change the output to like 20k or something. Note: the more the crafting recipe needs, the more addresses you needs, for example, a car with 10 crafting resources needed, you'll find 10 requirement and 1 output, resulting 11. lmk if you had more question
  9. you should enable String Representation on top right(on memory besideview small refresh button(h,D,F) and add string and Double) and the Item ID always be in 0D;0.0F;0.0E, on your video it's not, and helsing is 7 letters not 8, so the query should be 7D;0D;Q 'helsing', and again group size (:20) is vary from devices.
  10. soo basically the Excel is filled with Item_name, Dword values, Length of String item_ID This Excel is used for item swap, and no pointer is used lets say you wanted a Terem Ball We find the Terem ITEM ID by using String Item ID and use the String ID to located Item ID Using Query, you'll need Length (len) = 10; Divider = 0; String ID = Q 'ball_terem' Group Size (vary, mine 20) = :20 Search: 10D;0D; Q 'ball_terem':20 Type: Any and Using DWORD, you'll need Length (len) = 10; Divider(always there) = 0; Dword 1st 4 = 1,819,042,146; Dword 2nd 4 (if available) = 1,919,251,551; Dword 3rd 4 (if available) = 28,005; Dword 4th 4 (if available) = N/A Group Size (vary, mine 20) = :20 Search: 10;0;1,819,042,146;1,919,251,551;28,005:20 TYPE: DWORD and you'll find the item's string ID, and use the Length as reference point to find the Item ID which most the time located 3 address above Length. Here i attach a video for you, Droplist Item Swap wood to Terem and Terem to Mysterious Map sorry for low bitrate, i use 1mb bitrate for recording gudie.mp4
  11. slight correction, in my method if you use group size don't forget the 0D so the syntax should be String Length Dword ; 0 Dword ; Query : Group size The 0D is always be there, if you see it on the memory view, example 11 Dword > String Length of Said Item 0 Dword > uncertain what this meant but it's there 1953396072 Dword > first dword values of said item ID 1667199589 Dword > second dword values of said item ID .....
  12. the :25 called as group size, and it differs each device type, for me it works with 20, some might be 30,25,24 etc. its best to use :512 ( default GG group size or in short dont add group size at all and let GG decide)
  13. btw..the group search codes(armv8) are still working. just increase the group size to 3929
  14. yup that same as mine but at group size of 5. also same like you..sometime it work..sometime it doesnt. the game is weird a bit(or rather had little protection maybe?)sometime as when manually search the coins values..some refine results change to memory Other. and there was also a time when correct value was found and edited..when look for <Changed as search result>..no result appear at all like nothing ever been changed before.
  15. im using the Battle Pass to check what item i will get when changing the ID. so that i can use that ID value in Event Quest to claim it. as in Event Quest the item wont show up when you changed it..you will only see what you got after you claim it clearly you need to watch the video again and pay attention. yep if i may say so..its in the game codes anyway. search for the big value (ie.Cash 50000) then goto..scroll up and you will see the others values too. check all the values then Copy as group search -> Add group size
  16. Enyby

    What does this button do?

    https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?&q=group size&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy For example post from 2016 year: Asphalt8 Credit Hack (#4pc32zot)
  17. ItsSC

    What does this button do?

    Short answer: The button auto generate the minimum possible group size. Long answer: Looks at the right-most two digits, 00, 04, 08, 0C, 10. For example, you searching XX;YY, which are two adjacent DWORD, the group size will be 5, which is counted by 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 (5 addresses apart). This is because one DWORD hold up space of 4. Meaning 0D eating up address 00, 01, 02, 03. By toggling the byte, you can see more addresses hiding between 00 and 04. So for example you are searching XX;YY;ZZ, the group size will be 9, which follow the formula 4n - 3, where n means how many values are there. XX;YY n =2 XX;YY;ZZ n=3 XX;YY;ZZ;aa n =4 and so on... Then the button generate the smallest possible group size depends on how many values you are trying to find.
  18. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    size can not be under 5, the min size is 5, and you should not define the group size by yourself unless you know what you are doing, the group size are defined automatically when you create your group search by selecting multiple value in the memory editor
  19. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    It mean that he will not consider value that distance between them is out of the group size. eg: 200;300::9 the group size if 9, if he found results that distance is out of this max size he will ignore them
  20. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    It automatically propose a group size if your using a group search
  21. maybe but not really sure. you can try to expand the group size. see if it give you any results. if not then i cant help anymore.
  22. bro... either u checked too much values for "group search" or the values you chose to make "group search" they are far from base value - thats why group size increased solution - first, just copy base value search it... if the results very less, directly edit them (u might face crash, but its worth trying) sec. - run couple match and restart game... check static values around your base value... then group search it... (dont choose too much values) Also choose option - "Add type" & "group size" & select "ordered" hope its help
  23. Double Float amd dword All this types R 4 bytes in length means If there r two values 123 and 124. If 124 is next to it then 124 is 4 bytes away From 123. If u understand this then u should get ur answer. 512 is a group size or 512 bytes length! 40D;3F;3F:512 In 512 bytes length if 40 Dword value 3 Float value and 3 Float value exist then it will show u Result of this 3 values. Use of it example To Find any unique group search or code
  24. In group search what does the group size number actually do? I've checked the quick start guide on the app itself but it just tells me where the group size is and doesn't really explain what it does? So for example it says the default is 512, so a search looking like this: "40D;3F;3F::512" means it has a group size of 512. But what does that do?
  25. No commas like , this is to provide number place value . Like 100,100 will mean the value is Hundred Thousand One Hundred , which is treated as a complete one value. And group search means different values which are seperated by ; and their group size defined after : . To understand it more clearly you can try writing search function using , and without , and making group and all the possible ways you think. And just look at gg searching it , and see what it is searching.
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