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  1. bro... either u checked too much values for "group search" or the values you chose to make "group search" they are far from base value - thats why group size increased solution - first, just copy base value search it... if the results very less, directly edit them (u might face crash, but its worth trying) sec. - run couple match and restart game... check static values around your base value... then group search it... (dont choose too much values) Also choose option - "Add type" & "group size" & select "ordered" hope its help
  2. I have read that already, again it doesn't really say what the group search size does it just says how to use it. I want to know what exactly "group search size" does. Because I noticed that if the number is too low sometimes my searches aren't found and other times they are and I wanted to understand this behaviour. It's ok I don't want to bother you too much thanks for the help
  3. Range. Region. Group size. Written after colon. Described in internal help. Specified maximal distance between first bytes of searched items. Default 512.
  4. Thank you SO much! I was finally able to finish my chopper. Now trying to complete the ATV but I can't get it to work using that same method. Tried the grouped search but no results come up. Should I try increasing the group size?
  5. For PRO only car MAX can be filled with any value. Usually zero. Because of that search by MAX for this cars is completely useless. Use PRO and group size 33.
  6. Hey mate What's the point between 230 and 560 How can you calculate the group size? every address is 4bytes? Can you explain it for me please?
  7. What you'd need is: 2D;0D::5 2D;0D is the group search of two values : means grouped within certain distance from each other and the second ":" means it's ordered i.g. they go one after another in the specified order 5 is the group size i.g. how far away they are from one another
  8. You didnot specify range for group search. It auto assumed in 512 bytes. It is too big for this target. Because of that you find trash. You wrong use group search and it produce bad results. Of course. No. Specify size in 9 and you get one result.
  9. Enyby

    What does this button do?

    https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?&q=group size&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy For example post from 2016 year: Asphalt8 Credit Hack (#4pc32zot)
  10. Demo about 0 coin. First, set group size to 100 Second, reduce your energy or skill point, then refined with first value. After, check address we have.
  11. ItsSC

    What does this button do?

    Short answer: The button auto generate the minimum possible group size. Long answer: Looks at the right-most two digits, 00, 04, 08, 0C, 10. For example, you searching XX;YY, which are two adjacent DWORD, the group size will be 5, which is counted by 00, 01, 02, 03, 04 (5 addresses apart). This is because one DWORD hold up space of 4. Meaning 0D eating up address 00, 01, 02, 03. By toggling the byte, you can see more addresses hiding between 00 and 04. So for example you are searching XX;YY;ZZ, the group size will be 9, which follow the formula 4n - 3, where n means how many values are there. XX;YY n =2 XX;YY;ZZ n=3 XX;YY;ZZ;aa n =4 and so on... Then the button generate the smallest possible group size depends on how many values you are trying to find.
  12. i'll give you some ideas. lets see if you can do some thinking and figure it out. a DWORD value typically 4 bytes in size. so for 2 Dword type values that are adjacent in memory, the group size/distance between is 4 bytes = 1D;1D::4 but by default GG will add 1 to it and suggest 5 = 1D;1D::5 the same as below. there are 4 distances(;) between the 5 values or 4 Dword values after the 1st. so group size will be : = 4 x 4 = 16 GG add 1 = 17 = 1D;1D;1D;1D;1D::17
  13. 12 is length of the letters of the item name, and 0, is just exist there, probs buffer and D is DWORD and :20 is group size, Q probably stands for query and thats why i called it query search
  14. slight correction, in my method if you use group size don't forget the 0D so the syntax should be String Length Dword ; 0 Dword ; Query : Group size The 0D is always be there, if you see it on the memory view, example 11 Dword > String Length of Said Item 0 Dword > uncertain what this meant but it's there 1953396072 Dword > first dword values of said item ID 1667199589 Dword > second dword values of said item ID .....
  15. Which help do you mean? The quick start guide on the main screen of GG app right? Cuz I already read that it doesn't really say what the group search size does
  16. Same way as for exact values, but using ranges. For example, a string for group searching these values with default group size looks like: "7~7.1;13.9~14;21~21.1". More information about this can be found in GG help: https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_group_search_ https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_range_search
  17. Enyby

    Can i lua this?

    Max size for group search is 65535 and can not be increased. Big size make search slow and need lot of memory. In script you can make one search get results, change it, clear, make second search and so on. Params for all search you can ask from user one time. Script support full size math so you can do any calculation inside script. See Math lib in lua reference.
  18. Wrong. (3 - 1)*4 + 1 = 9 - minimal possible length for this group if all dword (size 4). You need distance between first bytes. 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX Then you need: 4 bytes + 4 bytes + 1 bytes of last type. For dword you can search even 12 not 9 and it is does not matter. But if you mixed types then can be important. For example: Word + Dword. Minimal size is dependent of what you want find. if Only word + dword then 3. If dword + word too - then 5. Word - size 2: WW Dword size 4: DDDD WW + DDDD - size = 3 because all from word + first byte of dword. DDDD + WW - size = 5 because all from dword + first byte from word.
  19. Right I get that but what do you mean by search size? Is it the size of the results? It's kinda confusing, like what actually does the size parameter do?
  20. No commas like , this is to provide number place value . Like 100,100 will mean the value is Hundred Thousand One Hundred , which is treated as a complete one value. And group search means different values which are seperated by ; and their group size defined after : . To understand it more clearly you can try writing search function using , and without , and making group and all the possible ways you think. And just look at gg searching it , and see what it is searching.
  21. goto "buy gold" menu. tap +50000 gold with 1750 diamond, group search 50000d;1750d, and edit the diamond value to minus.. and buy it.... i used paralel space, idk about the app size, i recently download it from google play.
  22. I can not read your post: too small text size on it. Please, increase size of text.
  23. He did as you mean. But, this loader swell up to larger size because of encryption method. Original size before compiling is no more than 4kb.
  24. Description: extracts PE-files (.exe, .dll, etc.) from .bin files. For example, memory dumps. For example, from the one that can be obtained through GameGuardian. Use cases: 1. .exe file to be placed in one folder with a .bin file (s) and run. 2. On the .exe file, drag the folder with the .bin file (s). 3. Write in the command line: > get_dll_from_bin.exe path/to/your/.bin/files Result: In the same folder where there were .bin files there will appear .dll files if something was found. Example of output: Usage: drag dir with .bin files to .exe. Tool scan its and extract pe files as .dll files in same folder. Author: Enyby. Used dir: dump dump/com.raongames.growcastle-00008000-0000a000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-04000000-1c106000.bin: Not valid PE header: 2e746578 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-1c179000-1c17c000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-94ebb000-95161000.bin: Make 0.dll with size 2737152 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95169000-951ae000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-951c6000-95321000.bin: Make 1.dll with size 359424 Make 2.dll with size 878592 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95325000-95335000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-9533d000-95583000.bin: Make 3.dll with size 309248 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-95783000-96fe2000.bin: Make 4.dll with size 1684480 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-96fe5000-97371000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-976f5000-b7756000.bin: dump/com.raongames.growcastle-b7942000-bac40000.bin: Make 5.dll with size 3072 Make 6.dll with size 9728 Make 7.dll with size 171520 Make 8.dll with size 103936 Make 9.dll with size 6656 Make 10.dll with size 10240 Make 11.dll with size 13824 Make 12.dll with size 24576 Make 13.dll with size 65536 Make 14.dll with size 47104 Make 15.dll with size 9216 Make 16.dll with size 41472 Make 17.dll with size 66560 Make 18.dll with size 44032 Make 19.dll with size 18432 Make 20.dll with size 29184 Make 21.dll with size 33280 Make 22.dll with size 175616 dump/com.raongames.growcastle-bf810000-bf831000.bin: Download: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/7-utility-for-extracting-dll-files-from-various-dumps/ Old links:
  25. Anyone have fish size value? Fish size detectors or always big gish everytime caught a fish
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