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  1. In this video I show how I find offset 230 for previous video: Angry Birds - hack coins, gems - offset calculator - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
  2. Same as previous but elite tuning hacked too (next 4 dword after pro). It cause lowest rank but car have better speed and nitro. Any elite tuning can be from -4 to +4. In sum it must = 0. Because of that I changed it to [+4, -4, -4, +4]. Values placed in same order as on screen for elite cars.
  3. About the group size in group search If the offset 230 then whe have 115 address And to be very accurate group size Will be 457 ?
  4. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    size can not be under 5, the min size is 5, and you should not define the group size by yourself unless you know what you are doing, the group size are defined automatically when you create your group search by selecting multiple value in the memory editor
  5. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    It mean that he will not consider value that distance between them is out of the group size. eg: 200;300::9 the group size if 9, if he found results that distance is out of this max size he will ignore them
  6. 33 (group size) will be enough.
  7. MAARS

    What does this button do?

    It automatically propose a group size if your using a group search
  8. Max group size. 4 byte values. Min group size for include first byte of 5 4-bytes values is 17.
  9. Enyby

    Question about group size

    Minimal group search size for specified types.
  10. the :25 called as group size, and it differs each device type, for me it works with 20, some might be 30,25,24 etc. its best to use :512 ( default GG group size or in short dont add group size at all and let GG decide)
  11. Offset is distance between items. Group size - max possible distance between two group items.
  12. btw..the group search codes(armv8) are still working. just increase the group size to 3929
  13. :: is ordered search. 5 is minimal group size for two dword.
  14. <string name="ordered_group_search">Ordered group search</string> If you want respect order of values then specify __colon__ twice. Without group size: 195 __semicolon__ 6543 __colon____colon__ With group size: 195 __semicolon__ 6543 __colon____colon__ 300
  15. @EnybyHello, I am reporting a behavior that appears to be a bug in gameguardian. It seems that the "Copy as group search", when used with "UTF-8" and "UTF-16", assumes that the values are consecutive, i.e. one byte apart. However, this is not always the case, causing group searches to sometimes fail. This is best illustrated by examples: Let's search the string "abc" in UTF-8 and save the first 3 results, but leave out the second one: gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(":abc", gg.TYPE_BYTE) gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(1)) -- first result - "a" gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(1, 2)) --third result - "c" Now, we have two results: 97 byte, representing the character "a", and 99, representing the character "c". These results are a byte apart - so they do not directly form the string "ac" and would not be searchable as ":ac"; rather, they would be searchable by a group search that accounts for the byte in between: 97B;0~~0B;99B::3. However, the Copy as Group Search function, when I select UTF-8, gives ":ac". This is not the right group search and seems to be a bug. In order to show why this is wrong, here is the situation where I discovered the bug. I had a script that writes a string to memory, like this: function Write_String(mystring) --[[ Allocate memory in Anonymous region and write string to allocated memory ]]-- address = gg.allocatePage(gg.PROT_READ | gg.PROT_WRITE, gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) values = {} for i = 0, #mystring do values[#values + 1] = {address = address + i, value = ":" .. mystring:sub(i, i), flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end gg.loadResults(values) -- must load results before we can edit with setvalues gg.setValues(values) end Write_String("Here is my special string!") If I run this script, I get the string written in consecutive byte values. I use Copy as Group Search for UTF-8, and it gives me the correct search: ":Here is my special string!". But now let's revert what we just did by refreshing the game, change the address spacing to every 2 bytes, so the string is no longer consecutive, and copy it as a group search again: function Write_String(mystring) --[[ Allocate memory in Anonymous region and write string to allocated memory ]]-- address = gg.allocatePage(gg.PROT_READ | gg.PROT_WRITE, gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) values = {} for i = 0, #mystring do values[#values + 1] = {address = address + i*2, value = ":" .. mystring:sub(i, i), flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end gg.loadResults(values) -- must load results before we can edit with setvalues gg.setValues(values) end Write_String("Here is my special string!") We copy it as group search again, and get the exact same thing: ":Here is my special string!". However, now that the addresses are 2 bytes apart, this is wrong and will not work. If we try to search it, nothing comes up. So, this is definitely not working right. I'm pretty sure that it's a bug. My suggestion for fixing this would simply be displaying an error message if the addresses were not consecutive, like this: "UTF-8 [or UTF-16] group search only works for consecutive addresses. Please use a different type of group search." If there's any other information anyone would like, feel free to ask.
  16. Verify your chopper/ATV then restart game. i group search with this order. i will group 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 group size i set is 50 but when you group more you need to change group size. search above first value and see. see group value. It about -1,xxx,xxx,xxx D ; 0D ; partvalueD after edit them, you need leave your base then restart game.
  17. Ordered group search with group size equal to 9 and 170 respectively. Check GG help at least before asking such questions. https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_group_search
  18. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    My answer stay same. Use group size 33. It is usually enough for find needed sequence.
  19. Yep. Last number max group size. Depends of what you need from distance between first and last value.
  20. maybe but not really sure. you can try to expand the group size. see if it give you any results. if not then i cant help anymore.
  21. Group size depends from game and info what you search. If you do not know exactly - you can leave it empty. It is assumed as 512.
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