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Posts posted by NoFear

  1. 44 minutes ago, Zaidos said:

    Thanks for doing the request, Mr @NoFear


    For those who are update to the the latest version, is the hack still working?


    I always get these pair of address that equal to 106 ?


    UPDATE: I just found it. omg... are the addresses reusable while the app is still active?

    Not for gold. 

    For the booster, yes. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Enyby said:

    @NoFear Maybe in future we replace 'revert' feature with 'undo/redo' feature with support for copy memory.

    That would be good. 

    Not crucial,but would be helpful .

  3. If I found an area in memory with multiple hex pointers, instead of editing 1 hex pointer at a time to match a nearby group of hex pointers, I can mass replace them all. 

    Then if it changes, good... 

    If not, I want to revert them and try a different section. 

    For me it's a "neater" way to mass edit values, but if it doesn't give correct results, I am stuck with the change or close game and try again elsewhere. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Backlift said:


    I think this thread is dead because it has been created at December 24, 2012 and since then OP didn't responded and as you see below:


    No request was fulfilled.


    I see @NoFear is somehow maintaining this thread.

    I tried... 

    I just like good challenges to memory hack. 

  5. You can open chests to get xp for brobots. 


    So you need to edit distance. 


    I would find the dword or float value for distance. Save it then prices with many many unknown changes until you narrow results and find one that the xor closely matches your dword or float value. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, ghostzy said:

    I was just thinking if i can do the same thing for XP . I mean, same level , get a changed fuzzy search at 10 seconds ...and if at the end i'm getting the same XP value i should be able to alter it. Is this doable? 

    Maybe you didn't progress in the main story to allow XP ?



    Oh, xp is unlocked later in game? 

    Do you get xp for quitting the level? 

    Xp based on hp/kills/multiplier? 

    Because instead of editing xp, edit what contributes to xp. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, ghostzy said:

    Ok, after getting 3 data errors the 4th try i got lucky. But I've changed input value from  "" to "200.000.000".

    Thanks again for helping me out on this one . Really appreciate this.





    No problem. 

    Yes, you can just edit xor key to 0.

    Edit xor value to regular dword and be all set. 

    I don't understand the amount given though. 

    Why it caps out at like 3.5mil

  8. 15 minutes ago, ghostzy said:

    Here are the steps i'm taking on trying to find the 53 value:


    1. load the screen for Patrol 1 on easy

    2. run the fuzzy search for Dword (28 mil results)

    3. start the round and after load stop and run again fuzzy with changed . (4.4 Mil)

    4. Resume, then stop run fuzzy with Unchanged. Then i repeat again this step (i got arround 2.5 mil results)

    5. Then i pick up a few coins and run the fuzzy for changed (140K)

    6. Resume then stop imediatelly, run fuzzy for unchanged (75k)

    7. Resume pick again coins, then run fuzzy for changed (3500 results)

    8. Resume and stop again, search fuzzy for unchanged (1970)

    9. Resume and pick up again some coins , fuzzy changed (405)

    10. Resume then stop , fuzzy for unchanged (247)

    11.Resume + coins pick (176)

    12. Because i had no more room to move, i've picked again coins, then stoped; fuzzy for changed (60)

    13. Picked all the coins, paused, fuzzy for changed (54)

    14. Resumed for the last time, stopped imediatelly then i run fuzzy for unchanged (42)


    I've attached two printscreens with the results. I've undestood that i should look for "2 dword that are like 53 apart" . In the video i saw"53" value into the "green" column (dword ...i think) but nothing in my results. So my first problem is that i don't know how to indentify the corect value ? And the second one is i'm not sure how to "check them with xor calc"


    by the way if i'm stopping the game after i pick up the coins i get always 117 instead of 53 (i'm on the first patrol level on easy).

    Sorry to keep bugging you, but i've tried this for 4-6 yesterday and i don't seems to make any progress on my own.










    Second screen shot

    -174046295   xor key

    -174046308   xor value


    To check xor:

    copy the value that is the xor key (will be 4bytes above xor value). 

    Then click the xor value. 

    Click white arrow to right off field you type in. 

    Choose the bottom option (xor=???) 

    Paste xor key

    Click ok. 

    When it brings you back to the value it will show the value, not xor'd. 

    If 53,then correct value .



    Also that first SS, can pretty much assume none of those are it. 

    2nd SS all values are extremely far in value. 

    Those 2 I pointed out were closest to looking like 53 xor. 

  9. 45 minutes ago, atulant89 said:
    Can you give me more detailed instructions. I can not find the value 53. Thank you!

    Honestly, unknown dword change and unchanged as much as possible. I can't think of any other way due to it being xor with random key. I'm trying to convince Enyby to add a new method of searching to GG

  10. 27 minutes ago, ghostzy said:

    Hi guys, thanks again for jumping on this. This is what i've done so far:


    1.  i've set memory ranges to ranges only A or Anonymous

    2. got on the same level as in the demo.

    3. i've searched almost the same but i've also put increased when i picked more coins. I manage to get the list shorter > please see attachement.

    4. now the "fuzzy" search it'

    Thans fuzzy for me... it's like i'm failing at math again :)  

    5. i'm copying value "32,833,574" but i'm not sure why  your the selected values if the unselected ones are the correct ones.(hope that makes sense)




    You cannot do increased. 

    Xor key changes every value change. Has to be unknown changed. 

  11. 1 hour ago, AlvinToh1990 said:

    how to find the weapon armor durability value?

    If it is like prices, it's a strange byte/hex value that you get to by following hex pointers. I messed with the game a tiny bit and realized it is too complicated to have anyone to try and follow. 



  12. 3 hours ago, wanny1985 said:


    I am new and i don't know how do this :-)


    It's possible to have a savegame to download or i have to do this modification on my device?


    Thx a lot

    Can't be a save. 

    Unless someone added a ton of gold to an account for you. 

  13. I apologize for the lack of instructions. 

    I promised the videos so I hurried. 

    The values are xor dword. 

    Anonymous memory range.. 

    With the coins I chose that level on purpose because that first arrow of coins, is 53.

    Then find the 2 dword that are like 53 apart and check them with xor calc. 



    I have the video to use any plane and switch it to SSS rarity. But it's even more complex and I want to explain it with the video. 

  14. Here is gold hack:


    Unlimited Powerups:

    The 4 values are 2 sets of dword xor. 

    When you calculate the xor out, it is number of powerups consumed. You can freeze all 4 to 0 and be fine. I like the visual of 500 :p

    This edit stays for every level until you close game. 



  15. Values you search aren't the pointer. 

    Nearby values to what you search, could be the pointer. 

    added 2 minutes later

    Not the best example. 

    But here is one


  16. Welcome to forum @Backlift

    I can help explain many things with GG

    As with pointers, it's typically a hex value that the value is the address of information it pulls from. 

    If you want a few games to try pointers on, I have some you can practice with. You end up recognizing them in a list of values. Some games it is a nightmare, hex pointer to hex pointer to hex pointer. 

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