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Posts posted by NoFear

  1. 13 minutes ago, Husein said:

    i got more 1000 address on first scan, next scan after change value energy, still 1000 address, my gold 0

    If you don't mind waiting, after work, I'll make a guide for those who have 0 gold. 

  2. Doesn't save... 

    And not sure how it will effect saving... 



    Edit 1 to 0.

    If you want edit 100 to something large. 

    10 = hunger/thirst timer

    1 = amount

    100 = max value. 



    added 1 minute later
    7 hours ago, Sanskrit said:

    It still wouldn't work. 

    So I now have 12 SkillPts, and the DWORD being 659. 

    12 -> 1012; 659 -> 1659. Used a SkillPt, went back to see the results of GG, now the value of double is 3868 and the DWORD is 2559.

    Remap skill points to your xp. Follow the gold method, but instead apply it to skill points instead. 

    Or find your xp value

    Copy the dword/double combination, since it is proper. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Trol1025 said:

    Ok so i was trying to edit gold in 1.5.1, everything was ok, i edited the last value, switched off game, turned back on but golds were on same amount.

    Did you do something after edit to make it sync? Like goto map or go from map to level...? 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Bonzkie said:

    NoFear will your method done in the video work for editing skill points? thank you for your effort in hacking and sharing. will wait for your free craft hack

    Skill points, same as xp. Except you don't have to do n=o+d, you know the exact value. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, AVG50 said:

    Sorry, but I don't understand how to look for it all. If I do a search the address containing the value 350000000, the GG finds nothing.

    Can You make a video? Search for "ristal_5":
    and you'll find 5 units (8 addresses in each) to explore possibilities for hacking. You need to look for prizes for completing missions - 16, 20, 25, 30 and 40 crystals. If it can help, for each mission along with the crystals give gold - 5000, 8000, 10000, 15000 and 20000.

    The address line that "get" is @.for address location .

    Search dword hex of that location. That will give your what points to it. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Zaidos said:

    If search only results in 1 address and just editing that one actually works, is it just standard encryption and not the XOR kind?

    Is it plain dword value and not large string of numbers? 

    Plain dword, then it's not xor at all. Just value had a 0 above it. 

  7. Again, please, I only ask you give credit to me if you repost this anywhere... 


    Using the N=O+D function, find your XP value. Once you find it, copy it.Save and restart game .

    Double value search your gold and xp in an ordered search. Should have 4 results. 

    Goto the first result of your gold, scroll up and only -8 bytes away is an address being pointed to. Copy address location. Dword search the hex of address location. Should have 1 result. The 1st xp value, -8 bytes away, copy the address location. Goto got hex search of the pointer for gold. Edit dword value and paste the xp hex address and your gold will not point to the xp value. This is of you have a lot of xp. XP is very easily hacked, so you can remap gold to xp qty. Save edit and reopen and everything saved fine. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, FourmB0ss said:

    Game updated a few ago... It might have got harder lol... The changelog is the same as last time.. wondering what they changed this time :/


    thank you and god blast you :D ??XD

    I'm not to worried about the update :p


  9. 25 minutes ago, Zaidos said:

    I want to try this out but looking at the post, it seems it involves an unfinished Assault. I'm gonna have to wait for 3 days to pass so I can do the raid again.

    This is the perfect time to see if you can undo you earning it. 

    Search the address (not the same every launch). 

    Goto the locatio  after you search the hex dword. And look for either values of 1  or XOR 1.  And edit them to 0.  See if you can make it so you can earn the crystals again  

  10. 2 hours ago, AVG50 said:

    The phrase "get_crystal_" found in 3 places. In one place it's part of a file path from the library of sounds. Two other places you can see in the screenshots. At the time of the search, I passed all the missions, but the last prize was not taken away.



    The address/value directly above each "get crystals", do the one you plan on REPLACING. Where you see value 350000000,copy the address. CF3E6F49

    Dword search  CF3E6F49h

    Hopefully you have 1 address. You can goto address and see if anything nearby looks useful. 

    Now copy address of the 350000000 above the one you want to replace it with. 

    Click edit value on your result, pastethe value with an h at the end. 

    This should hopefully replace the crystal reward with another. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, AVG50 said:


    I searched for this string and found a few places, each of which contains the group of lines from "get_crystal_1" to "get_crystal_5". The game has a "Assault" mode, which has 5 missions with prizes for completing each one. Prizes are 16, 20, 25, 30, and 40 crystals, respectively. Are there enough data to see whether it is possible to hack these values so to get more? Unfortunately, I don't understand the organization of memory for Android.
    PS Sorry for my bad English =)



    Send ss or video of the address location and everything nearby. I'll walk you through the rest

  12. 5 minutes ago, FourmB0ss said:

    hmmmm I'm afraid I don't understand you. The number below the negative highlighted number? Here's a wider pic.


    added 1 minute later

    I tried my own method on main acc and didn't work ( it reset) Let me try my method on a new account with 25 coins and see if it works since It won't work on a huge sum of gold apparently.. gimme a few

    The highlighted value. Click it. Choose  double. What's the value? 

  13. 32 minutes ago, FourmB0ss said:

    I did my coin hack easily but had to try 3 times on new accounts to get it to work.


    1: I had 25 coins, search 25 coins as double anonymous.

    2: Spend some.

    3: Refine the new value.

    4: Click on the new value in the list and go to.

    5: You will see the coin amount highlighted and a 2nd number above your coin which is in a double value that ends with a negative number. 

    5: Select both and change your COIN value with DWORD to whatever value u want, for safety reason and for game to not crash keep it at million. 

    6: Change the second number with DWORD to the same number.


    This trick crashed my game 2 times but on the 3rd time it worked and saved. I set it to 2m coin but it game me 7,777,444 gold which mad me go " WTF!?!?!" but it worked and it saved lol

    The dword and double SHOULD NOT MATCH... 

    If dword = 445 and gold is 25

    25,000,025 gold would give you 25,000,445  dword. 

    Pay attention to the value checks....  

    For me I didn't even have to bother, edit double value only synced fine. 

    When you load game, I think you have 3 gold values. 

    Starting, current and spent. 

    What I was explaining to do was finding the "starting" amount and modify that.  What ends up happening, you try to spend the gold and save and quit. What you bought does not save, but your start gold will be the hacked amount. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Zaidos said:

    I manage to trim my results to about 30 addresses but most of those addresses amount to the value of "0" when paired with each other.... and then I find a pair that is the number of times I've used the overdrive but the other pair is not present in the search results....





    I've noticed the four addresses you have found that they are 4 bytes apart from each other respectively.


    Your results will not be a xor key/xor value pair. It will be ONLY the value. 



    Results will only show those addresses... 

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