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Everything posted by Lover1500

  1. You should link the game or photo at least. i think this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happylabs.hotelstory
  2. This is how i dump meta.dat ML hide global-metadata.dat.And I remember someone say global-metadata.dat is decrypted when load game. You can dump it like this. I tested it on online il2cpp dumper and it works.no error.
  3. error from metadata? or lib? both?
  4. Lover1500


    Then Upload your script. Theres missing something in your code block. I'll check it out. Dont worry. We wont steal your hack values XD
  5. Lover1500


    function funcValue() local a = gg.prompt({" ENTER YOUR CURRENT COINS :", " ENTER YOUR CURRENT GEMS :"}) if not a then return end group=';' t={} for b, c in ipairs(a) do if not tonumber(c) then return print('Input number pls') end table.insert(t, c) --put value into table t end --you can check t[1] and t[2] by print(t) groupsearch=t[1]..group..t[2] return groupsearch end lol=funcValue() print(lol) I think this is what u need. I write this to be clear as possible as i can. sometime it needs more info like monkeysan said.
  6. -dump a little. target is maps txt. -search global-metdata.dat in the resulted txt. Copy its start address and end address. -dump again with start and end address. it will end with bin file. And now i dont know how to continue lol
  7. It will show after you enable desktop site.
  8. You can change only ally bot when start fighting.There are a lot of things in manually. So I recommend to create a script.
  9. Yeah its a loop. I'll correct some syntax. for i, v in pairs(r) do v.address = v.address + 0x9C v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD v.value = 999 --desired value to edit end gg.setValues(r)
  10. Lover1500


    You should try it out in virtual space. as i remembered you dont have Cb. It would a little bit different.
  11. Lover1500


    I wrote a simple script. Fine for both arms. but it must be the same version( for_broc.lua script will auto put coin value into saved list. Hope it helps.
  12. You need a loop to check every each results. You only check first one in table r in your code.
  13. I dont know Then, create a table that will store original value. and Instead of those 13618, 4713 blah blah, use table which stored original values.
  14. wrong coding. AccID is variable. not string use gg.searchNumber(AccID..";40;6;1065353216::"
  15. its for table t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = 0x18004030 t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD t = gg.getValues(t) print(t) or t = {address = 0x18004030,flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} t = gg.getValues(t) print(t)
  16. Use gg.getValues() for that purpose
  17. Hope this help. function lol(new_t, new_i, original_t, original_i, offset, valu) new_t[new_i].address= original_t[original_i].address + offset new_t[new_i].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD new_t[new_i].value = valu new_t[new_i].freeze=true new_t[new_i].freezeType= gg.FREEZE_NORMAL end gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("31881667;40;6;1065353216::", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL,0, -1, 500) r = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) p={} for i=3, #r, 4 do p[i]={} p[i+1]={} p[i+2]={} lol(p, i, r, i, 0x20, 4713) lol(p, i+1, r, i, 0x30, 103706) lol(p, i+2, r, i, 0x40, 13618) end gg.setValues(p) gg.addListItems(p)
  18. Firstly check if Cb region is there. If it is,then have a chance. Fix some codes. use lmao[3]['end'] instead of lmao[4]['start'] Result will be still the same. If not then i'll have to search a new chain in Cd static address
  19. Normally when print out lib.so, there are 1st Xa, 2nd Cd, 3rd Cd 4th Cb. (some lib shows 1st Xa,2nd Cd,3rd Cb) I noted someone explained that Cb is extra junk of Cd.exist after Cd. Like i said, when i try to get Cb in the beginning of game the error is appeared.not found Cb. But after play for a while, and print again, Cb become there. You can test it. I think i should have use Cd for static address instead of Cb. LoL
  20. That happens sometimes to me. print(gg.getRangesList('lib.so')) Its fine. Nothing error. print(gg.getRangesList('lib.so:bss')) Or when i tried to get Cb memory range in lib. That nil problem come. Play game for a while. Then the nil problem will be gone. It can be happen in both 32 and 64 bit.
  21. Im 64 bit device. So i have to use vmos for 32 bit. I have put only 1 pointer chain in script for 32 bit. May be there is something i missed. I'll take a look back.
  22. For move you can use this short script. It will give you two value. Freeze them both.move wont decrease anymore. I dont encrypt. So you can check my codes. homeEscape.lua
  23. If they are near,you can use offsets. There may be some static codes u can search. Have u tried?
  24. There are many chains. I picked one up among them and use it in script. Thats all. Which game r u trying on? I can show you how.
  25. Check your game is if latest version. Different version may change some data. I made for latest version. Search 401479789D;-65335320D:5 in Xa region Choose -65335320. After u start playing,use pointer search on that address. Result will be only one in Anonymous region. And goto that address. Choose address at offset 10.Goto pointer. Offset +18.Goto pointer. See below for clean. --> +18 --> +58 --> +20 --> +98 (here is health) Def will be under health.
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