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  1. Version 2


    import this lib to your script : • setup ! XEK = nil load_lib = gg.makeRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chihaamin/XEKEX/main/xLIB.lua') if load_lib.code == 200 then -- check the status of the request XEK = load(load_lib.content,'bt')() end • Comment if you find a bug / error or if you have Idea for implementation. • All the file is documented and commented for beginners. ♥ Add "XEKEX was here" in your script if it was helful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORT : JSON = XEK.import('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rxi/json.lua/master/json.lua') -- this will import a lib into your script JSON.decode(response.content) Text2Dword : -- Text2Dword function Convert a text to dword value local DWORD = XEK.Text2Dword("berry") -- Print the result print(DWORD) --> Output: '6619234;7471218;121::9' Dword2Text : -- Dword2Text function Convert a Dword value to text local sampleValue = "6619234;7471218;121" local text = XEK.Dword2Text(sampleValue) -- Print the result print(text) --> Output: 'berry' hex : The 'hex' function takes two arguments: a value to convert to hexadecimal and a boolean 'hx' indicating whether to add '0x' or 'h' prefix to the output. --[[ If hx is true, the function returns the hexadecimal value with '0x' prefix. If hx is false, the function returns the hexadecimal value with 'h' suffix. If hx is not provided or not a boolean, the function returns the hexadecimal value without any prefix or suffix. The function uses string formatting to convert the value to hexadecimal. ]] --> Examples: --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with '0x' prefix print(XEK.hex(255, true)) --> Output: 0xFF --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with 'h' suffix print(XEK.hex(255, false)) --> Output: FFh --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal without any prefix or suffix print(XEK.hex(255)) --> Output: FF dump : --[[ dump function takes a table as input and returns a string representation of the table. If the input is not a table, it returns a string representation of the input. Parameters: tab (table): the table to be dumped Returns: (string): the string representation of the table ]] --> Example usage: local myTable = {name = "John", age = 30, hobbies = {"reading", "running"}} print(XEK.Dump(myTable)) -- Output: { ["name"] = "John", ["age"] = 30, ["hobbies"] = { [1] = "reading", [2] = "running", } } split : --split function splits a string into a table of substrings using a specified delimiter --The function takes two parameters: s, which is the string to be split, and delimiter, which is the character or string used to separate the substrings --> Example usage: local myString = "apple,banana,cherry,orange" local myTable = XEK.split(myString, ",") -- The above code will split the string "apple,banana,cherry,orange" into substrings using the comma as the delimiter and store the result in a table called myTable --The resulting table will contain the following values: myTable[1] = "apple" myTable[2] = "banana" myTable[3] = "cherry" myTable[4] = "orange" ARMIT fix : --# Example 1: Converting an Integer to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456, "int", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456 into a register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0xE240, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0001, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 2: Converting a Boolean to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(true, "bool") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 1 (true) into a register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOV R0, #0x1', [2] = '~A BX LR', } --# Example 3: Converting a Float to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(3.14159, "f", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 3.14159 into a floating point register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0FD0, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4049, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 FMOV S0, W0', [4] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 4: Converting a Double to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456789.987654321, "d") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456789.987654321 into a double precision floating point register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOVW R0, #0x5BA8', [2] = '~A MOVT R0, #0x57F3', [3] = '~A MOVW R1, #0x6F34', [4] = '~A MOVT R1, #0x419D', [5] = '~A VMOV D0, R1, R0', [6] = '~A BX LR', } readBytes | readWord | readDword | readFloat | readDouble : local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size, ';') <-| return a string local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size, '-') <-| return a string local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size, '|') <-| return a string local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size, ':') <-| return a string -- OR local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size) <-| return a table local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size) <-| return a table local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size) <-| return a table local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size) <-| return a table --<< these function purpose is to read values from memory for comparison >>-- getResults : --# Example usage of getResults function and its returned table local t = XEK.getResults(10) or t = XEK.getResults() <-|-- Get 10 results or all result | you can specified parameter same as GG print(t.data[1].address) <-|-- Print the address of the first result --# Example usage of focus function t:focus() <-|-- Save original values of results table print(t.original[1]) <-|-- Print the original value of the first result --# Example usage of update function t:update(999) <-|-- Set all values in result table to 999 --# Example usage of reset function t:reset() <-|-- Reset all values in result table to their original values --# Example usage of offset function t:offset(0x8) <-|-- Add 8 to the address of each result --# Example usage of append function local t2 = XEK.getResults(5) <-|-- Get 5 more results t:append(t2) <-|-- Append t2 results to t print(#t.data) <-|-- Print the total number of results in t --# Example usage of get function t:get() <-|-- Refresh the results table --# Example usage of clear function t:clear() <-|-- Destroy the results table and clear garbage MakeMenu : -- Create a new menu object local myMenu = XEK.MakeMenu().Menu:new({"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"}) | this will add Menues -- Add a new action to the menu myMenu.actions:new(1, function() -- argument 1 is the index of menu ( option 1 function ) | index must be a number print("Option 1 was selected!") end) myMenu.actions:new(2, function() print("Option 2 was selected!") end) -- etc -- . -- . -- . -- Display the menu and wait for the user to make a selection myMenu:display() --whenever the user select a menu item it will trigger the functions inside myMenu.actions ( created with myMenu.actions:new(index, function) )
    1 point
  2. Version V3


    1 point
  3. View File Offset Hex Value Extractor Hey everyone, If you're tired of manually hexadecimal values, this Lua script is the solution you've been looking for. It features a function that automates the process of retrieving values from the libil2cpp.so library. The script defines a function that takes an offset value as an argument, calculates the memory address of the desired value, and retrieves it using the `gg.getValues()` function. The value is then formatted as a 16-digit hexadecimal string, reversed, and formatted with spaces before being returned by the function. By using this script, you can save time and effort when working with hexadecimal. Give it a try and let me know what you think! And if you have any questions or suggestions for improving the script, feel free to share them in the comments below. Submitter LatoM Submitted 05/13/2023 Category Tools  
    1 point
  4. Im looking for that too!
    1 point
  5. View File MENU ON/OFF TEMPLATE This script is designed to create a feature menu with toggleable options for memory editing in GameGuardian. It allows users to turn on and off different features by modifying memory values. The script defines functions for each feature to turn them on and off and organizes them into three groups. The script also defines a function to toggle the state of a given feature in the menu, which checks whether the feature is currently turned on or off and calls the appropriate on or off function accordingly. The state of each feature is stored in a boolean array, and the script displays a feature menu that allows users to toggle the state of each feature. The script also includes a main menu function that allows users to either display the feature menu or exit the script. Submitter LatoM Submitted 05/14/2023 Category Templates  
    1 point
  6. View File Package Check and Info Display Script This script is designed to provide an automated way of verifying the package and version of a specific game and displaying its information. The script first defines the expected game package name and version. It then gets the actual package name and version of the game being targeted and checks whether they match the expected values. If they do not match, an error message is displayed, and the script terminates. If they match, the script proceeds to retrieve the game name and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) and displays all this information to the user. This script helps ensure that the correct game version is being targeted before proceeding with any memory editing or script execution. It saves time by automating the process of verifying game information and helps prevent errors that may arise from attempting to execute a script on an unsupported game version or package. - NOTE :- - FIRST SCRIPT (PACKAGE CHECK.LUA)TO CHECK GAME BACKAGE AND GAME VERSION ONLY. - SECOND SCRIPT (PACKAGE CHECK & ARCH CHECK.LUA),TO CHECK GAME BACKAGE AND GAME VERSION AND GAME ARCH. Submitter LatoM Submitted 05/14/2023 Category Tools  
    1 point
  7. And this "gg.editAll('99', gg.TYPE_C_ALLOC)"
    1 point
  8. i dont know what kind of help you need but maybe you can take a look at this example script : local gg = gg function main() -- this for test local menu = gg.choice({ "\n> Menu A", "\n> Menu B", "\n> Menu C", "\n< EXIT"}, nil,"Multi Menu") if menu == nil then gg.toast("minimize menu") return elseif menu == 1 then menu_A() elseif menu == 2 then menu_B() elseif menu == 3 then menu_C() elseif menu == 4 then os.exit() end end function menu_A() local menuA = gg.choice({ "\nHack A1", "\nHack A2", "\nHack A3"}, nil,"Menu A") if menuA == nil then main() elseif menuA == 1 then A1() elseif menuA == 2 then A2() elseif menuA == 3 then A3() end end function A1() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack A1 Done") end function A2() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack A2 Done") end function A3() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack A3 Done") end function menu_B() local menuB= gg.choice({ "\nHack B1", "\nHack B2", "\nHack B3"}, nil,"Menu B") if menuB == nil then main() elseif menuB == 1 then B1() elseif menuB == 2 then B2() elseif menuB == 3 then B3() end end function B1() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack B1 Done") end function B2() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack B2 Done") end function B3() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack B3 Done") end function menu_C() local menuC= gg.choice({ "\nHack C1", "\nHack C2", "\nHack C3"}, nil,"Menu C") if menuC == nil then main() elseif menuC == 1 then C1() elseif menuC == 2 then C2() elseif menuC == 3 then C3() end end function C1() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack C1 Done") end function C2() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack C2 Done") end function C3() --your codes here gg.toast("Hack C3 Done") end while true do while gg.isVisible() do gg.setVisible(false) main() end end and as far as i've known there is no such "TYPE_CODE_APP" value. only : CODE_APP is a memory ranges.
    1 point
  9. 0D;0D;275,666,349D;11D;0D;1,886,221,680D;1,601,071,467D;7,628,144D:33 Lil pumpkin pet
    1 point
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