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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2023 in all areas

  1. What I showed before was already in web using js. My example is using basic js only.
    2 points
  2. Yes and yes. But you also shouldn't care about soft ban. There are ways to revert it if you need to, but you don't really. Interactions with other players are not only unnecessary, it's also kinda primitive and useless..
    1 point
  3. So first, Emba made those items obsolete more or less. Emba armor is better than maxed event items. But I just simply don't have those items on me. It's a new account I'm playing. Wait till the next event, I'm pretty sure they will keep the same leveling system and we will figure it out when the events are on. I'm trying now to get a few hundred of orange injectors but without opening half a thousand of expedition cases. I'm looking for a nicer solution. Lulz.
    1 point
  4. While I really wanna join this bangwagon of hacking the game via custom http requests, I'm not quite there yet. I'm quite good at JS, but... maybe later. Don't wanna bother with encrypting/decrypting, looking into network logs and whatnot. And this is while 90% of the game is easily owned with simple memory editing. Here, another one: I can't find this info in the repo. Is the caps store there? Oh, this store must have been added in 767, and the repo is 766.
    1 point
  5. be careful when using God Mode..it may get you stuck.. Screenrecorder-2023-07-01-21-48-35-951.mp4 Wall hack prevent you from collision but you also cant collect anything.
    1 point
  6. [ @SamePerson ] --- Most language are ordered from up to down and left to right. This is common concept that you should declare something before it's called. It includes function and variable. Consider moving all the function block to upper script (including global variable). Perhaps you should attach your script here so others can fix the problem. --- If your script is for personal use only, you can send the script through Direct Message. We can't fix all the errors from your script only based a few screenshots.
    1 point
  7. these functions aren't declaired or a typo error when calling a function in lua it's case sensitive also you need to declaire a function then you call it , not calling a function then declairing it this is wrong
    1 point
  8. Again, the same reason, function "BP1" needs to be defined before it is called. If you don't want to reorder all of the functions, then moving block of code from lines 135-143 to the end of the file may work.
    1 point
  9. Because you need to define the functions before calling them as has been mentioned in the comment in the code above. For example: function HOME1() -- ... end HOME1() And not: HOME1() function HOME1() -- ... end
    1 point
  10. I guess you should use "versionName" field for that: -- ... if v.versionName == VN1 then HOME1() -- Functions HOME1, HOME2, HOME3 need to be defined before they are used elseif v.versionName == VN2 then HOME2() elseif v.versionName == VN3 then HOME3() else os.exit() end
    1 point
  11. Version 3.0.0


    Hello Friends, I Made a Script for Family Farm Seaside This game is usually played by women. But kind men love it Subscribing to me on Youtube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8GsJXEVx4PWQ_toRC05VQw @Enyby thread for the extra family farm time cheat. Family Farm - zamanlayıcıları atla - zaman atlamasını kullan - GameGuardian (#afvn8kx1)
    1 point
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