Hack Dungeon Maker for Devil stone , Point , Rebirt level , Dark lord Level
1.new game go to trial mode 1 ~ myth difficulity, because u need trial cards or continue game with trial card event
- continues battle until u get trial card event. day 1 i have 810 pt
2. select trial card,like the red one in the center
3. now you have value for search like 400;100;200 in my case
4. open game guardian and use group search
5.then you get result 400 100 and 200 ,next refine value for example 400 in my case
6.now edit 400 to value you like, example i change to 130.000.000
7.back to game and select 400 pt card name is "supression" in my case (because iam edit this value before)
8.Go to battle ,now in day 3 i have 780xxxxx value (more battle more PT u get)
-get lvl up for rebirt and got 5k ~ 9k red stone for abyss shop
-get dark lord lvl up to 15 open all skill *require have awakening
this cheat dungeon maker working version 1.7.6 ~ 1.8.2
hope you understand and sorry for my bad english
pw:dont forget send love if u like this