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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2021 in all areas

  1. Yeah. I think it can be by editing files my guess. Well I don't know
    1 point
  2. Just as @MonkeySAN mentioned, you don't need to guess whether anything was found and replaced. Instead it is enough to add logging to the code to find that out: loop = 0.1 for i = 0, 98 do print(string.format("Searching: %.15f", loop)) gg.searchNumber(loop, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) local found = gg.getResultsCount() print(string.format("Found: %d", found)) gg.getResults(found) local edited = gg.editAll(500, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) print(string.format("Edited: %d", edited)) gg.clearResults() loop = loop + 0.1 end This way you would see how many results were found and edited and it wouldn't be needed to guess anything.
    1 point
  3. Everything are done online. What I said was just using a new account to replace the banned one. At step 4, you have to wait for a while and the game will pop out a message, asking you to select which account to continue. Choose the new one and TALA, replacement complete.
    1 point
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