Version current
Lua in GG is based on LuaJ 3.0.1, so you can try to decompile the script from a binary form for show its code. However, GG is developing. Also, Lua is being modified in it, so that such scripts can not always work, or not work at all. If you experience problems with binary scripts, use the text form of the script. There is no support for the binary form of scripts and will never be. You do everything at your own peril and risk.
java -jar unluac_2015_06_13.jar script_compiled.lua
Examples are provided for the Windows command line. If you have Linux or Android, then this is your problem how to run a .jar file there. Do not ask me about it.
You must have java installed. It should also be available on the command line. In general, this is also your problem how to run the .jar file.