Version v3.1
Tired of copy pasting your menu code over and over ?,
Wanna ready to use menu ?,
Need switch support and easy menu ?
Firstly, you need a most basic lua knowledge such array to use this template.
I already put example into script, so enjoy !
I hope this will help most user struggling with thousand spam of line contain the same thing.
Don't forget to press ❤ button below !
Formatting / Usage:
MyMenu = {
-- { Menu Title: String, Menu Type: Boolean },
{"Template v3 - saiaapiz", true}, {
-- { Button Name: String, Button Content: table or function }
"Destroy Earth !", function() gg.alert("We still need earth, aborting ..") end,
-- {"Button Name / Submenu Name", Table: Menu Structure }
"What console did you like ?", {
-- Submenu, please look at example how to utilize it.
-- Don't forget to include initMenu function code into your project.
Example of usage:
Templates for Using Offsets (#68um1uri) by @AKRAMRAZA