Day r survival caps hack tested on 1.620;
I'd recommend having at least 2500 caps to start with this hack.
Step 1: do an unknown search( float value)
Step 2:After the search is done purchase a coupon from the shop or something that's 100 caps or less to avoid running out.
Step 3: go back into the search , continue using unknown search, (click decreased)
Note: repeat steps 2 and 3 until you come down to 5 values or less).
Step 5; once you get down to around 5 values, click edit all.(I'd recommend editing the values to 500 or so)
Step 6, once you done that in step 5, purchase something in the shop and see your caps value sky rocket to your heart's consent.
(This hack is not mine and I do not take credit.)
important note; this will automatically ban you online, however, if you play offline and want to cheat, this works perfectly. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.