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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.1


    With this script you can easy change amount of any currency in the game: lucky coins (gold), snoutlings (silver) essence of friendship (hearts or gems) Video with example.
    1 point
  2. Well, according to what you said (I didn't tried the game), this game could be server sided: - values remain the same after modification --> may proove that the server is verifying some data and blocking their edition. Yes, solo games can also be server sided. - A cloud has nothing to do with server sided games. A cloud is only a server where you can save your data, and it's not always for games (dropbox is a free cloud you can find on internet for example, to save any stuff on it). Some games may have a cloud without being server sided; for example, grow castle: you can easily cheat the game (not server sided), and you can save your progress, cheated or not, on the game server (= cloud). In your case, brutal street 2, in my opinion, may be server sided, but like the devs said, it hasn't a cloud to save your progress and recover it. That's why you can't restore your progress after uninstalling the game without manually saving it. I hope i was clear : cloud ≠ server sided
    1 point
  3. maybe this video can help you "Anonymous 1000" find it on the topic hack last day on earth
    1 point
  4. are looking for body pattern to? im now waiting to hehe
    1 point
  5. I know @NoFear put up info about remapping items. My question is this: Can I use that trick to just change one item in my inbox (like a stack of alcohol) into one of the crates in the item store (the Body Work crate with paint and patterns)?
    1 point
  6. there is a guide for rooting bluestacks at xda so you can use GG on it link to file list here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24194320&postcount=3 files hosted with pdf and .doc walkthroughs here: http://www.androidfilehost.com/main/Misc/Bluestack/Rooting%20BlueStacks%20Beta/ our thanks to the wonderful guys over at XDA for this walkthrough!
    1 point
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