@Enyby the situation is like this:
There is a game with more than 1 parameter that are Hackable, for example this game:
A game that has, gems,mana,gold and silver (like Cower Defense or WRB)
but this game saves values each in a different region than other, they are different type.
User MAY want to hack only one value , for this instance of the game.
I could do it by using this trick:
(It's part of my next script, 50% finished)
(on phone, no code button to submit it as a code, so it may be a bit messy)
x = gg.prompt({z='Wich value you want to be hacked? (1=mana,2=gold,3=gems,4=silver)'}, {z='0'})
if x == 1 then
goto mana
if x == 2 then
goto gold
if x == 3 then
goto gems
if x == 4 then
goto silver
Making a button that user choose what he/she wants is more convenient.