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  1. Version 1.1


    REAL RACING 3 HACK TOOLS AIO 2020 Current version: 1.1 Description: All hacks i made, and something more, in one file: - Ads Remover - Auto Win - Car Hack - Currency - Endurance - Formula E Battery - Race Changer - Race Modes - Required PR Fkr - Profile / Statistics - Vip Car Hack Fully compatible with 32/64bit devices. Run on Real Racing 3 v.8.6.0 Instructions: See my posts for the single hack.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. I won't laugh, it's a disease, right?xD the gg app doesn’t work for you, give up ... you won’t make it, nor try anymore. XD
    1 point
  4. Finally an AIO script for RR3. Thanks so much for all the trouble @MarioRossi93i. I very much appreciate all your hard work. I hope you'll continue updating and maintaining your script. Thanks again.
    1 point
  5. The topic for various examples of Lua scripts
    1 point
  6. Prompt file with specified extension local ext = '.txt' local p = {gg.EXT_STORAGE} while true do p = gg.prompt({'Select "'..ext..'" file:'}, p, {'file'}) if p == nil then os.exit() end if p[1]:sub(-#ext) == ext then break end gg.alert('You select "'..p[1]..'".\n\nIt is not end with "'..ext..'".\n\nPlease select file with "'..ext..'" extension.') end print(p[1]) -- do something
    1 point
  7. Prompt with 'remember' checkbox for store data in the config. local info = {} local config = gg.getFile()..'.cfg' local data = loadfile(config) if data ~= nil then info = data() data = nil end info = gg.prompt({'Login', 'Password', 'Remember'}, info, {'text', 'text', 'checkbox'}) if info == nil then os.exit() end if info[3] then gg.saveVariable(info, config) else os.remove(config) end -- here work with 'info' content print(info)
    1 point
  8. Avoid use global variables Global variables is slow. Also if you put local gg = gg At top of your script it can speed up it. Just one line. Now see tests: local n = 1000000 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use global gg: '..t..' seconds') local gg = gg local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use local gg: '..t..' seconds') a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use global vars: '..t..' seconds') local a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use local vars: '..t..' seconds') Results: use global gg: 2.138 seconds use local gg: 1.6 seconds use global vars: 2.068 seconds use local vars: 0.727 seconds It is not big difference, because I run it on powerful emulator. On real device it can be more slow. You can see disassembled code - for global vars need more Lua instructions, so it more slow in any case. Upvalue too slow, Because of that better define local copy of var in places where you need optimization. For example huge math.
    1 point
  9. Search and replace text Up to 4096 bytes. Good if replace be same length in bytes. -- UTF-8: search 'rfde', replace to 'gold' gg.require('80.0', 15060) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(':rfde') gg.getResults(100000) gg.editAll(':gold', gg.TYPE_BYTE) -- UTF-16LE: search 'dust', replace to 'gold' gg.require('80.0', 15060) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(';dust') gg.getResults(100000) gg.editAll(';gold', gg.TYPE_WORD)
    1 point
  10. Search and replace text Up to 32 bytes. Replace must be same length. gg.clearResults() function searchText(text) local bytes = gg.bytes(text, 'UTF-8') local ret = '' for i, b in ipairs(bytes) do ret = ret .. ';' .. b end ret = ret:sub(2)..'::'..#bytes return gg.searchNumber(ret, gg.TYPE_BYTE) end searchText('rfde') function replaceText(text) local bytes = gg.bytes(text, 'UTF-8') local all = gg.getResults(100000) local len = #bytes for i, t in ipairs(all) do t.value = bytes[((i - 1) % len) + 1] end return gg.setValues(all) end replaceText('gold') If you want UTF-16, replace 'UTF-8' in code to 'UTF-16LE'.
    1 point
  11. Performing multiple actions with multiChoice local t = gg.multiChoice({'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}) if t == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else if t[1] then gg.alert('do A') end if t[2] then gg.alert('do B') end if t[3] then gg.alert('do C') end if t[4] then gg.alert('do D') end end with prompt local t = gg.prompt({'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}, nil, {'checkbox', 'checkbox', 'checkbox', 'checkbox'}) if t == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else if t[1] then gg.alert('do A') end if t[2] then gg.alert('do B') end if t[3] then gg.alert('do C') end if t[4] then gg.alert('do D') end end
    1 point
  12. Performing an action by clicking on the GG icon function doAction() local ret = gg.alert('Here some action', 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Exit') if ret == 3 then os.exit() end -- exit from the script end gg.setVisible(false) while true do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) doAction() end gg.sleep(100) end
    1 point
  13. Saving input between script restarts local configFile = gg.getFile()..'.cfg' local data = loadfile(configFile) if data ~= nil then data = data() end local input = gg.prompt({'Please input something'}, data) if input == nil then os.exit() end gg.saveVariable(input, configFile)
    1 point
  14. Frozen values from the search Search for the number 10. The first 7 results are frozen with a value of 8. gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) local t = gg.getResults(7) for i, v in ipairs(t) do t[i].value = '8' t[i].freeze = true end gg.addListItems(t)
    1 point
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