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Everything posted by saiaapiz

  1. ... -- main code gg.searchNumber("9904B8A0h", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) -- Added Code ! _resultCount = gg.getResultCount() if _resultCount > 0 then -- Check for result, before using value. _result = gg.getResults(1) -- Get list no 1. _address = _result[1].address + 0xF0 -- Add 0xF0 at address list of no 1. gg.alert(string.format("Original Address: 0x%X\nAddress With Offset 0xF0: 0x%X", _result[1].address, _address)) -- Edit value on address that we added with offset before. gg.setValues({{address = _address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = 0x1}}) end com.shinybox.smash.lua
  2. Its easy, copy all content on script you attached above. Then add a few line of code. 1. Get all listed items. 2. Get the address, and add offset. 3. gg.setValues
  3. So emulator just translate the binary just by reading it without setting executable bit ? Interesting. Thank you @Enyby for updating it.
  4. @VortexInfinity As i don't use emulator, i need you to provide this.
  5. I've confirmed there only armv7 lib in apk, So it is forced to load arm lib. Then, arm lib should be loaded into memory. Idk why gg failed searching for it. Maybe loaded lib not marked as code app region ?
  6. Maybe the way emulator handle memory is different from real device. @Enyby I'm sorry for tagging you, but please can you check it ? Idk why this happen, this script should work on emulator too since they load same shared library. But still same result, it failed.
  7. I assume you're using emulator, this script only work on real device.
  8. Yep, exactly. Anyway, i've made a script that automatically get pointer of the game. You can dump the address, then use it inside Chainer script to see if it works well. PinOut HaX | Unlimited Time | Premium | Powerup (#9hclw3dl)
  9. You should check PinOut games, It has it own engine. Usually i get its pointer from .got -> .bss.
  10. saiaapiz


    So we just need to find what pointing to our value, by scanning upper address. Then calculate the offset, repeat the process until it leads to static location such .bss ? Am i right ?
  11. Maybe, but im too lazyy... Anyway, stay tuned !
  12. I've been using this technique for a long time, and undococumented api inside gg. Someone with good brain will know how to surpasses this.
  13. View File Eternium | Gems Hack Features: • Gems Hack Don't forget to ❤ my work, if you like it Subscribe My Channel Submitter saiaapiz Submitted 06/13/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  14. I heard your voice xD Here u go, Eternium | Gems Hack (#3msm639a)
  15. Version v1.1


    Features: • Gems Hack Don't forget to ❤ my work, if you like it Subscribe My Channel
  16. View File Mini Militia | Mini Script Features: • Magic Bullet • No Reload • Unlock Pro Pack Gameplay: Don't forget to ❤ my work, if you like it Subscribe My Channel. Submitter saiaapiz Submitted 06/12/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Features: • Magic Bullet • No Reload • Unlock Pro Pack Gameplay: Don't forget to ❤ my work, if you like it Subscribe My Channel.
  18. Not a joke for someone who has enough knowledge to do this.
  19. Yes, you can.. Just copy the byte pattern of 00880055, then copy into gg search.
  20. Oh i forgot about important thing, Now i know why it failed to change value xD gg.setValues must appended after modifiying result from gg.getResults. xor = bit32.bxor sf = string.format DefaultXorKey_1 = 0xFF DefaultXorKey_2 = 0xAA DialogOut = gg.prompt({ 'Xor Key #1', -- [1] "Value #1", -- [2] 'Xor Key #2', -- [3] "Value #2" -- [4] }, {DefaultXorKey_1, 0, DefaultXorKey_2, 0}, {number, number, number, number}) XoredValueWithKey_1 = xor(DialogOut[2], DialogOut[1]) XoredValueWithKey_2 = xor(DialogOut[4], DialogOut[3]) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d;%d;1;5:100", DialogOut[1], XoredValueWithKey_1, DialogOut[3], XoredValueWithKey_2), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) o = gg.getResults(4) o[2].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[1]) o[4].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[3]) gg.setValues(o) -- < This api is required to apply modified value.
  21. Check gg.getResults return value, It may return less than what you expected. That why it doesnt work, and only changed when you use gg.editAll.
  22. You mean "Make a dialog for editing Xor Key and Value to Xored" ? Maybe this could be usefull .. xor = bit32.bxor sf = string.format DefaultXorKey_1 = 0xFF DefaultXorKey_2 = 0xAA DialogOut = gg.prompt({ 'Xor Key #1', -- [1] "Value #1", -- [2] 'Xor Key #2', -- [3] "Value #2" -- [4] }, {DefaultXorKey_1, 0, DefaultXorKey_2, 0}, {number, number, number, number}) XoredValueWithKey_1 = xor(DialogOut[2], DialogOut[1]) XoredValueWithKey_2 = xor(DialogOut[4], DialogOut[3]) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(sf("%d;%d;%d;%d;1;5:100", DialogOut[1], XoredValueWithKey_1, DialogOut[3], XoredValueWithKey_2), gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) o = gg.getResults(4) o[2].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[1]) o[4].value = xor(1000000000, DialogOut[3]) Example.lua
  23. I've already included radar hack into this script. You might wanna check it carefully.
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