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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Filename is a problem. Do not use character outside set of 0-9 a-z A-Z _ And all will be fine.
  2. Enyby


    Unfortunately, you cannot be helped. This application is not for those who can not read.
  3. It is same link as above. So my answer still same as above. Read it and try again.
  4. https://gameguardian.net/forum/forum/13-requests/ [added 1 minute later] File have bad name. Author want play with some characters in name file. On PC it downloaded no problem.
  5. 1. Quality too low. Text not readable. 2. Text overflow actual frame size, so can not be cropped. 3. Recorded in portrait, but edited in landscape. It is only decrease quality and increase size. 4. Some things not necessary and must be skipped from record. For example select process in GG. You need do this before start recording. It is obvious operation and do not need waste traffic for show that. Same for some animation in game. If it is obvious and long better pause recording or cut on edit, save only start and end. Need fix all this. Current video can not be uploaded.
  6. Watch on YouTube: ARM to HEX converter on Android - edit opcode - GameGuardian ARM to HEX / HEX to ARM converter (#8pvm0ni6)
  7. Uploaded with some crop: Dragon Up: Idle Adventure - hack gems and coins - search double - GameGuardian (#478w1osc)
  8. Watch on YouTube: ARM converter (opcode to HEX) - GameGuardian ARM converter (#t0c9ypo)
  9. Version 3.1


    Converting (assembling) ARM 32-bit opcodes. The result is immediately copied to the clipboard. The output is a hexadecimal number, or a sequence of HEX bytes. Possible continuous input of commands. The dialog is accessible by a floating icon and can be called up at any time. If the input fails, a suggestion for correcting the command is displayed. You can input HEX number or HEX bytes. it will be converted to ARM opcode and you can edit it and convert back to HEX number or HEX bytes. You can specify opcode address (in hex) for automatic calculation relative address for branch. Video: ARM converter (opcode to HEX) - GameGuardian (#bgguexqn)
  10. View File ARM to HEX / HEX to ARM converter Converting (assembling) ARM 32-bit opcodes. The result is immediately copied to the clipboard. The output is a hexadecimal number, or a sequence of HEX bytes. Possible continuous input of commands. The dialog is accessible by a floating icon and can be called up at any time. If the input fails, a suggestion for correcting the command is displayed. You can input HEX number or HEX bytes. it will be converted to ARM opcode and you can edit it and convert back to HEX number or HEX bytes. You can specify opcode address (in hex) for automatic calculation relative address for branch. Video: ARM converter (opcode to HEX) - GameGuardian (#bgguexqn) Submitter Enyby Submitted 05/17/2020 Category Tools  
  11. No. Write by self. One of getSelected* + loadResults.
  12. Try use something like http://whatismyip.org Answer - 327 bytes. One packet. http://www.guimp.com - 1970 bytes. 4 packets at least.
  13. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Look like Roblox lua code.
  14. All complains write to https://forum.cheatengine.org/
  15. You always can try use Cheat Engine (or another tool) for understand: GG is not as bad as it could be.
  16. https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=how download old version
  17. PC not need. https://cheatengine.org/download/CheatEngine.apk
  18. If you used GG before and everything worked, and now GG is to blame, continue using the old versions of GG and everything will work for you. I'm glad that your problem has been resolved and now everything works for you.
  19. Enyby

    Cheat Engine server

    Example of hack game via Cheat Engine without root (#c0ggu7sp)
  20. Enyby

    DBG server

    Version 1.0


    A simple utility that allows you to run debugger server binaries (GDB, LLDB, Frida, IDA) for different architectures. Both with root and without.
  21. Version 1.0


    A simple utility that allows you to run ceserver binaries for different architectures. Both with root and without. Theoretically, you can use the Cheat Engine in virtual space without root. All binaries are taken from the official Cheat Engine website: https://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php Unfortunately, they contain errors in processing the command line, so command line options will not work. Although the application itself has their support.
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