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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    Question about group size

    App help. Button on settings tab.
  2. Enyby

    Question about group size

    Not "search size". "Group search size". Read help about group search.
  3. Enyby

    Question about group size

    Minimal group search size for specified types.
  4. Not a GG issue.
  5. How to hide GameGuardian to avoid detection (Root only) Are you tired of nasty anti-cheats detecting GameGuardian ...even you are not using it? You can hide it in virtual space apps Using GameGuardian from virtual space with root permission can help hide the fact that there is a GameGuardian on the device. This method may not work on some ROMs/firmwares or virtual spaces. The games must still be installed outside virtual. Only GameGuardian should be installed inside virtual and uninstalled from outside Download links: https://gameguardian.net/download https://github.com/android-hacker/VirtualXposed/releases List of working virtual apps for hiding: https://gameguardian.net/forum/tags/app%20hide/ Video Tutorials: http://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/580-free-fire-avoid-detection-root-from-virtual-space-virtualxposed-gameguardian/ http://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/581-avoid-detection-root-from-virtual-space-virtualxposed-gameguardian/ https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/587-avoid-detection-root-from-virtual-space-notepad-gameguardian/ https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/585-avoid-detection-root-from-virtual-space-multiple-accounts-gameguardian/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPBp0zpQEdw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5hUehNmgJ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9MQx-9WCNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqRel5w5HIM Text Tutorial (VirtualXposed): In this tutorial, I will use VirtualXposed app to install GG with root permission Download VirtualXposed and install it Launch VirtualXposed Click on white icon to open settings Click on Add App Allow the storage permission Install/clone GameGuardian. Note: it may have different name Choose way to install. I just choose VirtualXposed Open the GameGuardian. You will see a welcome screen. Below, click on the button Fix it on right side Select Use root in virtual space Choose Yes (dangerous) Save and restart Do not forget to uninstall GameGuardian outside virtual Open GameGuardian again and start it If it can see apps outside virtual (apps that don't have icons), it works No cheat detection If you are using GameGuardian and the game detects it, you can hide it in runtime Open Menu -> Hide GameGuardian from the game Select all 4 The game should not detect it anymore (depending on the game securities)
  6. Enyby


    View File Container I am not an author. I am only upload the app here. Address all requests for updating the app to the author on Github. He does not exist here. It is useless to write here in the comments, reviews, or to me in PM! All of this will be ignored. Write to the author on Github! Requires Android: Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1) or later. There is support for x86. Uninstall the official version before installing the optimized version. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. To install any applications, you may need to disable safe mode in the settings. See screenshots. Submitter Enyby Submitted 07/05/2020 Category Virtual spaces (no root)  
  7. Version 0.428571428571


    I am not an author. I am only upload the app here. Address all requests for updating the app to the author on Github. He does not exist here. It is useless to write here in the comments, reviews, or to me in PM! All of this will be ignored. Write to the author on Github! Requires Android: Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1) or later. There is support for x86. Uninstall the official version before installing the optimized version. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. To install any applications, you may need to disable safe mode in the settings. See screenshots.
  8. View File Water Clone + 32-Bit Support Requires Android: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or later. Before installing the optimized version, uninstall the version from Google Play. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. About second apk (32-Bit Support): Submitter Enyby Submitted 07/02/2020 Category Virtual spaces (no root)  
  9. Version 1.2.1 GG + 1.1.2 GG


    Requires Android: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or later. Before installing the optimized version, uninstall the version from Google Play. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. About second apk (32-Bit Support):
  10. Not a GG issue.
  11. Still wrong and don't relevant to video.
  12. Then you not grant root right to GG.
  13. Enyby


    Read API help. [added 0 minutes later] https://gameguardian.net/help/
  14. Already answered many times on forum. You can set any speed manually in settings gg. And possible damage game data.
  15. Enyby


    Learn Lua and you can do stuff like this loader: math.random = function (m, n) return m end return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)() Place it in any file near xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua and run. Now password always be same: 50 q chars. So you can input one time and use all other time Input history. Or you can go ahead and skip password at all: math.random = function (m, n) return m end local orig = gg.prompt gg.prompt = function (...) local args = {...} if args[1] then for i, v in pairs(args[1]) do local pass = string.rep('q', 50) if v:find(pass) then return {[i] = pass} end end end return orig(...) end return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)() Learn Lua and you can do useful things.
  16. Because your devices is ARM. Emulator is x86. Google about what is architecture.
  17. Database is app files. So you need change it in some way. It can be really complicated and out of usage memory editor which GG is.
  18. You can input utf8 text directly in gg, without use any converter. Data on screen can be fetched from database, so you can not edit it with memory editor.
  19. Dword address must be even for 4. Use memory editor for edit desired address with another type.
  20. Enyby

    Virtual Optimisation

    I am not shocked. I doubt in your words and think you mistakes. It is typical. You not a first with such statements. Only in public. Or I do it is for all community or I not do it at all.
  21. Enyby

    Virtual Optimisation

    Really? How you test it? Usually it is installed but you can not run anything inside it. You can run inside it Tap Counter?
  22. Enyby

    Virtual Optimisation

    Do anything, but give me an apk signed with a test signature that will work fine. Until this happens, there will be no conversation.
  23. Enyby

    Virtual Optimisation

    Before you write something, use the search. https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=com.excelliance&quick=1 https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?&q="Multiple Accounts" optimize&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy Instead of wasting someone else’s time.
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