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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.9.3 Improved 'eye' feature. Improved UI. Improved process selection. Improved speedhack. Improved search depth. Autofix some bad settings. Added support for Remix 2.0. Allow GG to run without floating windows. Bug fixes. Updated translations. Removed unused translations.
  2. Do not make sence. Game used random key + shift to random number of bits. On every run it can be any.
  3. On PC copy/paste worked well. And currently nothing to check.
  4. Better use xml with proper formatting.
  5. @CarbageHacker 1. Stop use CAPS. 2. GG already have memory editor. 4 tab.
  6. Enyby


    In next version we remove transaltion for some unused langs. if you want one of this langs - write to us. List of removed langs: be bn ceb cy eo eu ga gl ha he hmn ht hy id ig is ji kk kn mg mi ml mn mr mt ne no ny pa so st sw ta te tg Indonesian have code "in" (not "id") and stay present. All of this translation is auto-translation by Google Translate and have low quality. We never remove any manual translation. Remove this langs make apk size less on 1 MB.
  7. <string name="disable_floating_windows">Disable the floating windows and restart app</string> <string name="enable_floating_windows">Enable the floating windows and restart app</string>
  8. Enyby


    Currently we move system apps to the end of list.
  9. Enyby


    Same thing as for cpu. Results may be very unstable. You can play with media player in background. Or with screen recording software.
  10. Enyby


    Thanks but it can not be used. game can call system app like google play. cpu usage too give unstable results. But we have some plans about improvement process picker.
  11. Enyby


    It is bad. I explain it before:
  12. You wrong. GG not connected with Xposed.
  13. Most of them (in 99.9999%) game crash after any negative amount used. Game mechanics not intend for past time. It can break your data.
  14. With hack code you can completely rewrite code in memory. But it is only for inhumans.
  15. In translation center present filters: outdated: http://gameguardian.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/translate/project/project/103666/language/5#/filter/outdated need revision: http://gameguardian.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/translate/project/project/103666/language/5#/filter/need-revision And others:
  16. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.9.2 Pinned items in history. Do not hide status bar. Updated translations. Fixed bug in speedhack. Fixed bug with parse fractional numbers on some locales. Fixed crashes and bugs.
  17. I correct few mistakes with use placholders: "__appname__" and "__app-name__" instead of "__app_name__". But translation not done. Few string not translated and one outdated. fr: Translate for "search_unknown_value" is old: 1457027069.3712 < 1479085232.7537 In string "help_exact_search" found old placeholder: "appname" In string "help_speedhack" found old placeholder: "app-name" Present manual strings. need translate: front_text need translate: search_hint need translate: mode_hacking need translate: union need translate: history need translate: help_fuzzy_search need translate: help_group_search need translate: help_others need translate: help_typical_usage need translate: help_hints need translate: help need translate: help_floating_icon_title need translate: help_exact_search_title need translate: help_speedhack_title need translate: help_fuzzy_search_title need translate: help_group_search_title need translate: help_others_title need translate: help_typical_usage_title need translate: help_hints_title need translate: value_format need translate: format_hex need translate: format_rhex need translate: clear_selection need translate: invert_selection need translate: select_all need translate: edit_selected need translate: delete_selected need translate: save_selected need translate: nothing_selected need translate: remove_prompt need translate: items_added need translate: no_items_for_editing need translate: on_sdcard need translate: edit_info need translate: edit_all_info need translate: revert_selected need translate: nothing_to_revert need translate: revert_prompt need translate: format_string need translate: calculate_offset need translate: used_only_first need translate: need_select_more need translate: select_copy_offset need translate: offset need translate: offset_calculator need translate: fill_toolbar need translate: unit_hours_short need translate: speed_info need translate: search_helper need translate: off need translate: sort need translate: daemon_killed need translate: freeze_lags need translate: improve_translation need translate: freeze_interval need translate: saved_list_update_interval Main thing: front_text not translated - then on first screen appear info about auto translation.
  18. Enyby


    Practice shows that to guess that the people had in mind, is quite difficult. Better to wait for his response, but not to build theory. Sometimes the results are very strange.
  19. Enyby


    Confirmed work on Android 7.1 (x86 and x86_64) in emulator:
  20. Write to their support. In desktop version it here (I pointed mouse on it and hover appear):
  21. You need see internal name of string. For this example it is like hours_short. I do not know about mobile version but in desktop version it must be visible.
  22. Translate directly. All strings must be translated directly. This message never see by user if you translate front text.
  23. Gold in memory stored in 10 times less. 12340 in game => 1234 in memory.
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