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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. For what? Describe why the current implementation does not suit for you.
  2. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    If you want know changes from begin: -- new [choice] = function: choice /* gg.choice(table items[, string selected]) -> string || nil */ [getValuesRange] = function: getValuesRange /* gg.getValuesRange(table values) -> table || string with error */ [isVisible] = function: isVisible /* gg.isVisible() -> bool */ [multiChoice] = function: multiChoice /* gg.choice(table items[, table selection]) -> table || nil */ [setVisible] = function: setVisible /* gg.setVisible(bool visible) -> nil */ [sleep] = function: sleep /* gg.sleep(int milliseconds) -> nil */ -- changed [searchAddress] = function: searchAddress /* gg.searchAddress(string text[, long mask[, int type[, int sign[, long memoryFrom[, long memoryTo]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [searchFuzzy] = function: searchFuzzy /* gg.searchFuzzy([string difference[, int type[, int sign[, long memoryFrom[, long memoryTo]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [searchNumber] = function: searchNumber /* gg.searchNumber(string text[, int type[, bool encrypted[, int sign[, long memoryFrom[, long memoryTo]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [startFuzzy] = function: startFuzzy /* gg.startFuzzy([int type[, long memoryFrom[, long memoryTo]]]) -> true || string with error */ -- new [SIGN_FUZZY_EQUAL] = 536870912 [SIGN_FUZZY_GREATER] = 67108864 [SIGN_FUZZY_LESS] = 134217728 [SIGN_FUZZY_NOT_EQUAL] = 268435456 [SIGN_GREATER_OR_EQUAL] = 67108864 [SIGN_LESS_OR_EQUAL] = 134217728 [SIGN_NOT_EQUAL] = 268435456 [copyText] = function: copyText /* gg.copyText(string text [, bool fixLocale = true]) -> nil */ [getFile] = function: getFile /* gg.getFile() -> string */ [getLine] = function: getLine /* gg.getLine() -> int */ [getTargetInfo] = function: getTargetInfo /* gg.getTargetInfo() -> table || nil */ [getTargetPackage] = function: getTargetPackage /* gg.getTargetPackage() -> string || nil */ -- changed [choice] = function: choice /* gg.choice(table items [, string selected = nil [, string message = nil]]) -> string || nil */ [multiChoice] = function: multiChoice /* gg.multiChoice(table items [, table selection = {} [, string message = nil]]) -> table || nil */ -- removed [SIGN_INEQUAL] = 268435456 [SIGN_LARGER] = 67108864 [SIGN_SMALLER] = 134217728 [getSelectedPackage] = function: getSelectedPackage /* gg.getSelectedPackage() -> string || nil */
  3. Enyby

    What is gg(hw)

    Yes. It is reason why we introduce this split. But it is not very odd behavior. Happens more bad. For example, crash if choose hw.
  4. Enyby

    What is gg(hw)

    Icon affect only for start activity. Settings in options affect all other. Anyone can use any set. Gg try switch ui option to sw if hw enabled and gg found crash caused by that.
  5. 1. You do not need make separate topic. It already exists. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/17568-supercheat-for-crisis-action/ All scripts have own topic. just press green button "Get support" for go to it. 2. You do not need reupload scripts. Because only registered users can download attachments. Scripts from download sections can download anyone include guests. And what happens if author update script. He update it on download section. In this topic stay old version which confuse users.
  6. Enyby


    In the continuation of this topic, I can add that now, these amounts of memory are very clearly visible right in the interface of the application: In addition, I can note that on the nox this memory is not "empty", according to fast signs. So, it will be constantly scanned at every search. However, if the game is based on C code, and the correct values are not in the java heap, then you can not use these regions, which will speed up the search by calling Nox with other emulators using this parameter. If you take real values, then on the droid, 11.34 MB was scanned, with a standard set of regions. On the nox - 574.27 MB. At the same time on a droid 64.91 MB was quickly recognized as an "empty" memory, and skipped. And on the nox - only 6.21 MB. Differences in the speed of search will be appropriate. Slower around 5 times.
  7. Improved script with full automation: Asphalt 8: Airborne - new maps in quick solo race - lua script - GameGuardian
  8. You do not need this. Any values sended to gg.getResults override this limit and you get needed count of results.
  9. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    It is same. Just renamed. getSelectedPackage to getTargetPackage. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later And this is not all list of changes. Some constants new, some - renamed.
  10. Enyby


    Exact because of that I want make this script. You input "Crystals" and get something like 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8::8. you press button copy and copy this to clipboard. After that you going into search erase last 8 and put 16. And search. I think this is will be enough for find right values. Of course they need manual review. this can not be automated. but it is more better from nothing.
  11. Enyby


    This not understand. No. We use byte for store internal structures. Byte consist of 8 bits. This is enough for group search. We have plans make normal string search. Not via lua script.
  12. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    gg = table(53680388): { [BUILD] = 5896 [CACHE_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache [EXT_CACHE_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/cache [EXT_FILES_DIR] = /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files [FILES_DIR] = /data/data/catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_/files [PACKAGE] = catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_ [REGION_ANONYMOUS] = 32 [REGION_ASHMEM] = 524288 [REGION_BAD] = 131072 [REGION_CODE_APP] = 16384 [REGION_CODE_SYS] = 32768 [REGION_C_ALLOC] = 4 [REGION_C_BSS] = 16 [REGION_C_DATA] = 8 [REGION_C_HEAP] = 1 [REGION_JAVA] = 65536 [REGION_JAVA_HEAP] = 2 [REGION_OTHER] = -1032320 [REGION_PPSSPP] = 262144 [REGION_STACK] = 64 [SIGN_EQUAL] = 536870912 [SIGN_FUZZY_EQUAL] = 536870912 [SIGN_FUZZY_GREATER] = 67108864 [SIGN_FUZZY_LESS] = 134217728 [SIGN_FUZZY_NOT_EQUAL] = 268435456 [SIGN_GREATER_OR_EQUAL] = 67108864 [SIGN_LESS_OR_EQUAL] = 134217728 [SIGN_NOT_EQUAL] = 268435456 [TYPE_AUTO] = 127 [TYPE_BYTE] = 1 [TYPE_DOUBLE] = 64 [TYPE_DWORD] = 4 [TYPE_FLOAT] = 16 [TYPE_QWORD] = 32 [TYPE_WORD] = 2 [TYPE_XOR] = 8 [VERSION] = 8.30.0 [VERSION_INT] = 83000 [alert] = function: alert /* gg.alert(string text [, string positive = 'ok' [, string negative = nil [, string neutral = nil]]]) -> int: 0 = cancel, 1 = positive, 2 = negative, 3 = neutral */ [choice] = function: choice /* gg.choice(table items [, string selected = nil [, string message = nil]]) -> string || nil */ [clearResults] = function: clearResults /* gg.clearResults() -> nil */ [copyMemory] = function: copyMemory /* gg.copyMemory(long from, long to, int bytes) -> true || string with error */ [copyText] = function: copyText /* gg.copyText(string text [, bool fixLocale = true]) -> nil */ [dumpMemory] = function: dumpMemory /* gg.dumpMemory(long from, long to, string dir) -> true || string with error */ [editAll] = function: editAll /* gg.editAll(string value, int type) -> count of changed || string with error */ [getFile] = function: getFile /* gg.getFile() -> string */ [getLine] = function: getLine /* gg.getLine() -> int */ [getRanges] = function: getRanges /* gg.getRanges() -> int */ [getResultCount] = function: getResultCount /* gg.getResultCount() -> long */ [getResults] = function: getResults /* gg.getResults(int count) -> array || string with error */ [getSpeed] = function: getSpeed /* gg.getSpeed() -> double */ [getTargetInfo] = function: getTargetInfo /* gg.getTargetInfo() -> table || nil */ [getTargetPackage] = function: getTargetPackage /* gg.getTargetPackage() -> string || nil */ [getValuesRange] = function: getValuesRange /* gg.getValuesRange(table values) -> table || string with error */ [getValues] = function: getValues /* gg.getValues(table values) -> table || string with error */ [gotoAddress] = function: gotoAddress /* gg.gotoAddress(long address) -> nil */ [isPackageInstalled] = function: isPackageInstalled /* gg.isPackageInstalled(string pkg) -> bool */ [isProcessPaused] = function: isProcessPaused /* gg.isProcessPaused() -> bool */ [isVisible] = function: isVisible /* gg.isVisible() -> bool */ [multiChoice] = function: multiChoice /* gg.multiChoice(table items [, table selection = {} [, string message = nil]]) -> table || nil */ [processKill] = function: processKill /* gg.processKill() -> bool */ [processPause] = function: processPause /* gg.processPause() -> bool */ [processResume] = function: processResume /* gg.processResume() -> bool */ [processToggle] = function: processToggle /* gg.processToggle() -> bool */ [prompt] = function: prompt /* gg.prompt(table prompts [, table defaults = {} [, table types = {} ]]) -> nil || table with keys from prompts and values from inputs */ [removeResults] = function: removeResults /* gg.removeResults(table results) -> true || string with error */ [searchAddress] = function: searchAddress /* gg.searchAddress(string text [, long mask = -1 [, int type = gg.TYPE_AUTO [, int sign = gg.SIGN_EQUAL [, long memoryFrom = 0 [, long memoryTo = -1]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [searchFuzzy] = function: searchFuzzy /* gg.searchFuzzy([string difference = '0' [, int type = gg.TYPE_AUTO [, int sign = gg.SIGN_FUZZY_EQUAL [, long memoryFrom = 0 [, long memoryTo = -1]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [searchNumber] = function: searchNumber /* gg.searchNumber(string text [, int type = gg.TYPE_AUTO [, bool encrypted = false [, int sign = gg.TYPE_EQUAL [, longmemoryFrom = 0 [, long memoryTo = -1]]]]]) -> true || string with error */ [setRanges] = function: setRanges /* gg.setRanges(int ranges) -> nil */ [setSpeed] = function: setSpeed /* gg.setSpeed(double speed) -> true || string with error */ [setValues] = function: setValues /* gg.setValues(table values) -> true || string with error */ [setVisible] = function: setVisible /* gg.setVisible(bool visible) -> nil */ [sleep] = function: sleep /* gg.sleep(int milliseconds) -> nil */ [startFuzzy] = function: startFuzzy /* gg.startFuzzy([int type = gg.TYPE_AUTO [, long memoryFrom = 0 [, long memoryTo = -1]]]) -> true || string with error */ [timeJump] = function: timeJump /* gg.timeJump(string time) -> true || string with error */ [toast] = function: toast /* gg.toast(string text [, bool fast = false]) -> nil */ } _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later We have plans about that.
  13. Enyby


    Maybe I later write converter which allow input hex or string and get string for group search as byte array.
  14. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.30.0 Added search for strings (HEX, AoB) through the built-in Lua script. Greatly increased the speed of the first search on many firmware and emulators. Added option to hide one of the launch icons. Added information about the icons of launching into the FAQ. The list of memory regions added their volume. Changed the comparison signs in the search: more by more or equal, less by less or equal. Improved search for type Auto. Improved search by conditions more or less. Changed signs in the search results filter. Improved detection of empty memory. Improved work with empty memory. Improved floating icon. Improved changing the size of the floating icon and its panels. Improved removal of older versions. Fixed bug in the installer. Fixed bug when detecting root. Improved the process list. Added additional checks to eliminate bugs in API calls. Implemented the completion of the script when the game fell. Added support for localization in scripts. Renamed some constants in the API. Renamed some methods in the API. The API adds new functions: copyText, getTargetInfo, getFile, getLine. Added the ability to specify a header in choice and multiChoice. Implemented saving of the input history in scripts. Improved short description of API functions. Fixed errors in the work of scripts in different locales. Improved handling of errors in the API. Fixed bugs in the API. Bug fixes. Fixed crashes. Added link for downloading scripts. Added a reference to the video on XOR search to the Help. Added information about searching for strings to the Help. Updated translations. Built with support for ARMv5.
  15. This RD is old. And all info about it present in DB. You can use DB and hack all manually. I do not have time for investigate what need do for hack all. Previous script I am only translate from textual instruction how to hack by Valeedol and other users from 4pda.ru.
  16. After searching what? I don't understand. _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later You mean found count? It can be different. Not exactly 49 or 33. It is doesnot matter.
  17. Enyby

    What is gg(hw)

    Previous is SW. It is only affected for start activity. You press "Start" and it is closed. So that nothing changed. If you want change UI acceleration - you need separate option from settings.
  18. Try watch videos in our gallery.
  19. All codes present in Database.
  20. Enyby

    What is gg(hw)

    Wrong. It is not connected which you want to hack.
  21. Enyby

    What is gg(hw)

    And carefully read last item in appeared help. And I advice do not use nox at all. Use any other emulators: droid4x, memu, leapdroid, koplayer, bluestacks and so on. Nox have very bad memory managment. On it search always be slower in compare with another emulators.
  22. Watch on Youtube: How to search and replace HEX array (AoB scan) - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
  23. No. Use Xprivacy or similar tools.
  24. Asphalt 8: Airborne - new maps in quick solo race - lua script - GameGuardian
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