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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby


  2. In latest version you can use feature 'Copy memory' from memory editor tab. It can be more easier.
  3. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  4. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  5. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  6. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  7. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  8. New cloud account. In latest version of Gameloft it mean lost local progress too, because they encrypted local save file with login data from cloud. Of course normal unban for any server data is impossible if developers not full dumb.
  9. This must works for most Gameloft games. Author Youtube channel: Your Channel You can subscribe to our new videos.
  10. Enyby


    @MR.A You need wait more after vibrate feedback.
  11. Enyby


    @shashwatpathak I do not know.
  12. Enyby


    Usage GG on different SDK and ABI
  13. Enyby


    @Aliem Use "Fix it" for disable floating windows. https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/image/240-how-to-use-gameguardian-without-float-window-gameguardian/
  14. You can subscribe to our new videos. Watch on YouTube: Example of the mask search - GameGuardian
  15. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.25.0 Added address (mask) search. Read help for details. Improved and speed up protocol between the daemon and client. Improved UI. Improved support bad fimwares. Allow select the type of floating windows into 'Fix it' menu. Fixed crashes. Updated translations. Built with support for ARMv5.
  16. <string name="change_float_type">Select the type of floating windows</string> <string name="reset_float_type">Reset the type of floating windows</string> <string name="search_mask_address">Address (mask) search</string> <string name="mask">Mask:</string> <string name="mask_request">Enter an address to search for</string> <string name="help_mask_search_title">Address (mask) search</string> <string name="help_mask_search">"* Address (mask) search: You can search or filter out by address with mask. A typical example is searching for addresses that end with a known value. For example, on \"12E\". The search parameters are the address and mask. In the address can be used wildcards (\"__question__\"). This symbol means that it can be any character from \"0\" to \"F\". An additional mask is formed from the address, so the leading zeros are important. Thus, the search for \"0120\" and the search for \"120\" is not the same thing. In the first case will be found: \"00010120\", \"00020120\", \"00030120\" and so on. While in the second: \"00001120\", \"00002120\", \"00003120\" and so on. You can search both for equality and for the inequality indicated by the mask. The second option can be useful for eliminating unnecessary values. The address and mask are entered in the hexadecimal system and without the letter \"__hex__\" at the end. The mask obtained from the address intersects with the mask that was entered by you. This is the resultant search mask. The following examples are equivalent, because the resulting mask has same - \"FF0\" __mask_example__ "</string>
  17. @kamild1996 Use translation site for this. I see if you change something on it. You do not need report here about that.
  18. By design. Change car stats change it rank.
  19. Try watch videos in our gallery and on Youtube.
  20. If these files are flushed to disk after decryption (which is required for running .dex and .so), they can be copied while they are on the disk. The trick is very simple - you need to know the name of the file and copy it from under the root. For copying, an infinite loop is started in the console. while true; do cp /data/data/pkg/some.file /sdcard/; done Where /data/data/pkg/some.file is the file we need to copy, and /sdcard/ is where we will copy. Run this script in the console, run the desired apk and see the desired file copied. If the filename is autogenerated and changes each time it is run, for example /data/data/com.applisto.appcloner/app_outdex/libdexprotector.16994q0.8902.so /data/data/com.applisto.appcloner/app_outdex/libdexprotector.16994q0.9114.so Then you can specify a mask, instead of the file name: /data/data/com.applisto.appcloner/app_outdex/libdexprotector.*.so Or if you need to copy several files: /data/data/com.applisto.appcloner/app_outdex/*.so Let's move on to an example. I trained on SBGameHacker 3.1 (further GH). There is some sbhack.jar in assets. It's encrypted. Run GH in the Droid4X. We pass to the console. There we find the pid of the process in the output of the ps command: u0_a57 15615 165 925264 45788 ffffffff b7508a27 S org.sbtools.gamehack This is 15615. We look at the memory regions map cat /proc/15615/maps Among other things there will be this: 14800000-14805000 r-xp 00000000 08:13 147416 /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load2/libencode.so (deleted) 14805000-14806000 r - p 00004000 08:13 147416 /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load2/libencode.so (deleted) 14806000-14807000 rw-p 00005000 08:13 147416 /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load2/libencode.so (deleted) 98742000-987ef000 r - p 00000000 08:13 147428 /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load1/sbhack.dex (deleted) 987ef000-987f0000 r - s 0003e000 08:13 147429 /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load1/sbhack.jar (deleted) Actually, we see the paths we need. In this case, it is /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load1/sbhack.jar Now start the script in the console: while true; do cp /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load1/sbhack.jar /sdcard/; done Restart the GH. Done, in the root of the memory card appeared the necessary file - /sdcard/sbhack.jar. Similarly, you could copy all the other files: /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load2/libencode.so or /data/data/org.sbtools.gamehack/app_load1/sbhack.dex The method of encryption of files does not matter. It matters only whether they are on disk or not. And if .dex, in theory, can be loaded without creating a file, then with .so such a focus will not work, which means that you can always get the decrypted file. If this is not possible at first time - restart the application until the desired file appears.
  21. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.24.1 Huge improvement for the speed of the ordered group search. Improved speed of the group search. Improved float icon. Improved UI. Improved speedhack injection. Fixed crashes. Fixed bugs. Updated translations.
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