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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. MAARS

    Arm64x To Arm32x

    This is adb command, you will not be able to use it with native package manager of android This is nice but since some app got signature verification it can be difficult de kill it. and also if he want to use google play service this is not a good idea
  2. MAARS


    Better use vxPosed
  3. MAARS


    Install GG to a virtual and remove gg from your phone + allow GG to use root in virtual. You should be good to go
  4. Normaly when you call gg.editAll values are set automaticaly right ? I dont understand why you call gg.setValues in another function, can you explain ?
  5. Can you explain more, it is a litle bit confusing for me.
  6. MAARS


    Nope x64 can be a x86 chip not only ARM
  7. MAARS


    Snapdragon is not an architecture it is just a name for a Chip. Arch are these: arm, arm64, x86, and x86_64. ARM and x86 are for 32-bit processors, while arm64 and x86_64 are for 64-bit processors (source). The game under the hood can be designed very differently on 32bit chip because of it limitations. And note that you can have a 64bit arch cpu but if your firmware is 32bit you will be running only 32bit games/apps. so run this app on both phone to check your architecture
  8. MAARS


    What about the architecture ? Are both build in the same architecture ?
    Good ideas I tried to optimize it local function addstring (separator, ...) return table.concat({...}, separator or "") end local r = addstring (nil, 'hello', 'world') local y = addstring ("; ", 'hello', 'world') print (r) print (y)
  9. MAARS


    Are those two phones sharing the same game version ?, Are those two using the same architecture ?
  10. Nice approach by converting the value to hex, really genius
  11. So actually you need to convert it to binary first the method is quit clear here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54718064/how-to-convert-manualy-hexadecimal-to-decimal-with-twos-complement If you can't implement it in Lua then tell me I will do
  12. But signed integer allow you to represent both, negative and positive number ? Why would you want only positive number ?
  13. string.format always return a string, if you have formated your integer as hexadecimal If you want to retrieve is value as Integer then use the function tonumber and second argument as 16
  14. Here you are doing concatenation of a number with string "0x" this will result a string because that what concatenation do, and since the function string.format are expecting an integer to be passed as argument this will result an error. Actually you don't need to convert hex value to integer since Lua do it automatically you can try this local x = 0xA print (x) --> 10 Except if your value is a string no conversion will be done local x = "0xA" print (x) --> "0xA" If you have a hex value as a string you will need to use the function tonumber instead and he doesn't require the "0x" before local x = "A" print (tonumber(x, 16)) --> 10
  15. If you wanna do such thing in online games you gotta learn networking I think, since you will try to trick the game server that you are getting hit
  16. MAARS

    hex converter

    I don't know exactly what is it and what is the use of that xD but it seems not too complicated to implement in Lua. https://www.allmath.com/twos-complement.php
  17. MAARS

    hex converter

    Binary you mean ?
  18. There is a detailed documentation inside the app
  19. This is a wonderful project, but It is actually difficult to understand the code or at least for me, next time you build a "massive project" like this please try using module this can make things easier to understand
  20. When publishing an encrypted script, we always keep the unencrypted version you don't need to delete it, you are actually making your work difficult that it should be
  21. Mean you make your script evolving, You start at version 1 and each time you add or remove a fonctionality to the script you increase the version number
  22. I don't understand why "you" split cheat into multiple script. For me if it is about one game just do everything in the same files, there is no need to split bif you don't use module
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