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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. You should have put the correct offsets and also patch only the method you think should be patched or at least for testing, the code i gave is just a sample. And also i checked your game it use CodeStage AntiCheat you should kill the anti cheat first
  2. What type of hack are you using that cause this desync ?
  3. NOP ahahha get the joke ?, you should just use hex patch Here you go. Do some testing and also make sure to adjust your offsets and bytes code if you are on 32 or 64. 64bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP RET 32bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP BX LR And this is not to discourage you but as my knowledge and experience when a player kick happen the server will kick you as well even you blocked the local kick if the server desync you there is nothing you can do about it. But who knows ? you better try local gg = gg local function getBaseAddr(lib) for _, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(lib)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end return nil end local function patch(address, hex) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = hex .. "r" } }) end local offset = { KickOutPlayer = 0x181AB04, CloseConnection = 0x181AB04, Disconnect = 0x17FADC4 } local il2cpp = getBaseAddr("libil2cpp.so") for k, v in pairs(offset) do offset[k] = v + il2cpp end patch(offset.Disconnect, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.KickOutPlayer, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.CloseConnection, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6")
  4. NOP is an arm instruction ARM Patching (ADVANCED) (#c3izs8gh) https://chat.openai.com/share/8927367c-0eb2-462c-a73c-f55d7973795d
  5. MAARS

    Updating offsets

    Well you should try pattern scan then
  6. In the refine process you can use either select value has increased or you can specify the difference https://pasteboard.co/22PFwdYekc6Q.png https://pasteboard.co/2NbRFJP3gWjp.png
  7. He just wrote in the file description, the script will no longer be updated
  8. Hi, i think this is what you are looking for
  9. For sure, "Make love, not war"
  10. Hex is not a langage, xD just kinding
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  12. Try disabling Use sound effects or Use notification. https://gameguardian.net/help/config.html
  13. You need to limit your search within a range and unfortunally you can not provide multiple ranges. the solution could be to script that: Make the fuzzy Search in the first address range then backup the search result to a file Repeat step 1 until you are out of search range Load all the saved search result from your files Here is the api you might be interested in: startFuzzy(), saveVariable(), saveList(), loadList() check the api for anything else. And note this might be extremely slow so you need to be careful the way you code it.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Mega Subway Surfers script for game guardian For more info checkout on the repo
  15. View File com.kiloo.subwaysurf Mega Subway Surfers script for game guardian For more info checkout on the repo Submitter MAARS Submitted 07/06/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  16. because there is no such gg.targetInfo().x32 you can use local target = gg.getTargetInfo() if (not target) then gg.alert("Failed to get target info.") do return end end You just have to invert your condition to test for 32 or 64 bit if (target.x64) then -- gg.alert("This script is not compatible with 64-bit.") -- do return end end if (not target.x64) then -- gg.alert("This script is not compatible with 32-bit.") -- do return end end
  17. MAARS


    Well if you want to do something serious you are no going to train an ai with your intel i9 or ryzen 9 cpu what i am trying to say is you need more computer power so for sure you are gonna use a cloud computer and that is not free
  18. MAARS


    Well after seeing how much it cost to train an AI model i guess the answer is no for now xD
  19. I am starting to wonder if those topics op are actual game developer trying to use us as free tester to fix their game security issues LoL. Anyway when making a request try to put more effort, that can make people want to take a look. just pasting a link and go away not even saying what you attempted is kinda /($&Y£/)($")=(I£ ... Trust me when you show what you attempted that make it more easy for people that might try to help you. It give a starting point instead of them starting from scratch that also can speed up the process since they already know what did not work so they dont need to try it anymore. so i will recommend you to reformat your topic. even you did not try anything i guess, it is ok just take the time to even tell what you want
  20. Here is some ressource on how to mod il2cpp https://youtu.be/Vm1Eq0ICCJg https://platinmods.com/threads/videotutorial-how-to-dump-and-mod-il2cpp-games-advanced-modders-only.448/ https://platinmods.com/threads/editing-offsets-floats-and-hex-codes-in-il2cpp-games.120692/ https://platinmods.com/tags/tutorial Again you can find a lot of tutorial/topics on how to mod unity game in the forum, you can search from here or you can google it, your game have no protection so it is perfect for you since you are learning You will find some interesting beginner oriented tutorial on Mr.Dragon Star Chanel. You also have Hacker House that provide some general purpose Tuto. well for the rest just do your own research.
  21. Not about update, those dino are maybe unfinished, hatch DeathDodo you will see, instant crash if you tried to collect the specimen
  22. Make sure they are already released, you can actually unlock unreleased dino but that that will break your account
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