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Everything posted by Lover1500

  1. First of all, you need to know how gg freezing value works. If you freeze a value(unchanged freeze for instance) in saved list, gg will continuously edit your address with the value you try to freeze in every nano seconds you set in setting So, if you dont want to use gg freezing which need gg and its saved list, you need another method to do that same job as gg. Like editting continuously or stopping the source cause which is trying to change your value. Possible option is finding out function offsets related to changing or touching value on your address. Like AddHp(), GetCurrentHp(we can exploit this to give full hp), TakeDamage(we can exploit this to stop decreasing hp if we get hit by enemy). To do this, you need to know and understand how to dump source functions, how to use debuggers, how they works internally. Have a great journey. [Edit] You can make it with script too. Just edit same value over and over again in a loop.
  2. sure. go ahead. I think you can play with vpn
  3. It was possible to claim rewards before. But the devs fixed it and banned acc afterward. For now, vip is only for speeding up battle and some other things. I noticed it too. But cant do anything since even static values I used to find vip value changed after get vip points. I might fix it someday
  4. It might be split apks or java based game. Check if the game has actual libs. Or Download the game apk from apkcombo or apkpure.
  5. Version 2


    Features: -Full Vip -One Hit Enemy One hit does not work against real players.
  6. View File Mobile Legends Adventure Features: -Full Vip -One Hit Enemy One hit does not work against real players. Submitter Lover1500 Submitted 02/22/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  7. The script should work for both of armv7 and v8. If it doesnt work, may be script bug or game is protected. You can link to the game.
  8. Lover1500


    I added to support both 32/64 and added some explanation. Hope it makes you easier to understand unity pointers. modified_com.hypgames.ultimatepool.lua
  9. Lover1500


    -Goto AndroidMinisfest.xml -under <application tag, find android:extractNativeLibs="false" -Make it true -Sign and install -Now, game will export its libs outside as normal. If the game has apk signature protection, dont forget to kill signature before you edit AndroidMinifest.xml.
  10. I am not sure if this is what you need. I add some instruction that I think it is easy to understand. refiningValues.lua
  11. Lover1500


    This is very helpful for unity hackers. Full star for me.
  12. Can you tell exact error? Error when exporting Lib or metadata? Its better you show me the error log of gg when it crashes.
  13. Code to autoupdate the function. Like ByNameModding.
  14. View File codm class dumper For now, this script is only for 32 bit. Submitter Lover1500 Submitted 04/21/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  15. Version 1


    For now, this script is only for 32 bit.
  16. gg has already it. Use :Hi for utf-8 and ;Hi for utf-16 in gg.searchNumber(). gg.searchNumber(";Hi") script will automatically convert into corresponding hex and will search it. ----- You are trying to convert signed pointer values of armv-7 into positive address. But becuz of this one, gg should not convert all negative values into positive. There are not only pointers which use negative value. you can try this short code to convert into positive hex. local arch64 = gg.getTargetInfo().x64 --to check if arm32 or arm64 local function negativeToPositive(value) if not arch64 and value<0 then return value & 0xffffffff else return value end end local value = gg.getValues({{address = 0x10001000, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) value[1].value = negativeToPositive(value[1].value) print(value[1].value) ----- Lets wait for enyby.
  17. gg.searchNumber('', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.refineNumber('', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local res = gg.getResults(count) local x, y = {}, {} local xChecker, yChecker = {}, {} --get values at offset 0x44 and 0x4c for i, v in ipairs(res) do xChecker[i] = {address=v.address+0x44, flags=gg.TYPE_FLOAT} yChecker[i] = {address=v.address+0x4c, flags=gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end xChecker, yChecker = gg.getValues(xChecker), gg.getValues(yChecker) --put addresses with value zero into table x and y for i, v in ipairs(xChecker) do if v.value==0 then x[#x+1] = xChecker[i] end if yChecker[i].value==0 then y[#y+1] = yChecker[i] end end --check if the result amount of x and y are equal if #x~=#y then return print('Ohh the results of x and y are not equal. check maually please') end --loop local total = #x+#y for loop=1, total/2 do for i, v in ipairs(x) do v.value=x[loop].value end gg.setValues(x) for i, v in ipairs(y) do v.value=y[loop].value end gg.setValues(y) gg.sleep(500) end i dont understand the loop part what you want to do.
  18. This is what people were waiting for. Best and free field searcher script.
  19. Field pointer and Method function pointers are near each other. 0xc in arm32 and 0x18 in 64. You can easy check them after watch his tutorial
  20. not possible. i think. becuz every field offset values are always in A region. not in Ca.
  21. if you extract the zip file, you'll see dump.cs there
  22. @blocxits dump.cs. i showed how to get it in above video. can use il2cppdumper.com
  23. @blocx you'll know when you mod a game. sure
  24. This is getting dump.cs. This is how i check class name and field offset. you can also learn what is il2cppdumper for and modding.
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