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Everything posted by Sysadmin

  1. Are you rooted? Sent from my MB855
  2. Can you explain your situation more? Sent from my MB855
  3. Or if it's ICS, it's emmc and sdcard. Jelly Bean is sdcard0 sdcard1 Sent from my MB855
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9-MAaYT5VE&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from my MB855
  5. I have done it successfully. I can make a video tutorial, but it would be like a 5 minute video, . Takes so long. Sent from my MB855
  6. Hmm. I'll make a video tutorial later.
  7. Health is just a simple search. Make sure all regions are enabled. As for money, it requires a fuzzy search, then press smaller when you spend, larger when you gain. Then change values until you get the right one.
  8. Latest. Try setting search regions to all. Sent from my MB855
  9. Haha, me make it? I'm not that good . I didn't make it.
  10. Sysadmin


    It cannot be installed for me either. I will say, do as P3rcy suggested, and do a fuzzy search. Then, when you have under 20 values, change random 4byte values.
  11. Hey guys, I thought I would go through some of the different functions which the "Report" button (on posts), can be used for. If you think a post, guide, or otherwise, belongs in VIP+, for whatever reason, you can press the report button, and specify why you think that guide or post, should be in VIP+. You can use it if a user posts, and it is in direct variation with the site rules (what report buttons are mainly for). You may also use the report member function, if you find a member to be posting ads, spam, or just hating on people, and we will take care of them. If someone stole your post, guide, or whatever, you may report that as well. You must include the link to your thread, and why you think the reported post' user copied your work. These are just the main examples, but you can use it for many things. If you abuse it however, you will receive a one week suspension.
  12. Hey guys, There are a few things I have done, fixed, or had fixed, for the forum. Fixed mobile theme. When accessing from a mobile device, the mobile theme will be shown by default, not the desktop version. New theme! Let me know what you think! I think it's amazing. I will add the logo a little later (got a surprise ) 500 internal server errors should no longer show. If they do, please let me know. The site is ad free! Mainly because Adsense hates us, but still. Enjoy it!
  13. File Name: The Dark Knight rises File Submitter: d2dyno File Submitted: 02 Aug 2012 File Category: Gamesaves Click here to download this file
  14. Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions you like!. You are able to develop?
  15. Hello, Become a VIP+ member to access this cheat. [Resolved]
  16. Yes, please use GG image. Also, it's because the play store uses images, which don't end in png, jpg, etc. Sent from my MB855
  17. Ayush, you need upload this (minus the data) into the download section. Sent from my MB855
  18. Yes, it will be offline, we will change things so it's not detected, and we will release a modified version, undetectable, which needs Internet, publicly. Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Hey guys, Just thought I'd let you all know, that me and xologist (from Android Cheats), have mostly cracked GameCIH 3.0.0. We are just working out one problem, then we will release it, in VIP, and a separate cracked version, in public. Be watching the downloads section
  20. Be sure to press the "Like this" button on his post
  21. For cash and jewels, it may just be easier to do this: http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/60-arel-wars-2-in-app-billing-cracked/ Just backup your current Arel Wars 2 with Titanium Backup, uninstall AW2, install crack, restore data.
  22. http://youtu.be/pgyzlO-nbg8 Cheat guide:
  23. Name of Game: Moto X Mayhem Game Version if known: 1.8.4 Name of Cheat: Number of tries Cheat Steps: Open both Moto X Mayhem, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Die/restart over 3 times. Search the number of restarts you have had. Collect a few more restarts, then search the new amount of restarts in GG. Repeat this process until you get 2 values. Save them both as 0. _______ Name of Cheat: Time Cheat Steps: Open both Moto X Mayhem, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Start a fuzzy search. Resume, for a few seconds, then press "larger" in GG. If you happen to restart, press "smaller" in GG. Repeat this process until you get somewhere below 30 results (27 for me). The top one should be the result to change. You will know if the time changes to 0. Once you have found the correct value, save it as 0.
  24. http://youtu.be/aErRqhBtWcc Cheat Guide:
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