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Everything posted by Sysadmin

  1. Sorry about that. Correct file: http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/60-arel-wars-2-free-shopping/ [Resolved]
  2. http://youtu.be/GMHXZP5us5E Gamesave:
  3. That's nice! Does it have a clear BG, and can you make the lines/whatever is wrapping around the text, more crisp/clearer? It looks a little blurry.
  4. Wrong file uploaded. One second.
  5. http://youtu.be/le-JP6uZoSI Gamesave:
  6. Gamesave: Cheat(for those who want it): [Resolved]
  7. Here ya are: http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/59-arel-wars-2-moddedoffline/
  8. Name of Game: Virtual City Playground Game Version if known: 1.7.5 Name of Cheat: Money Cheat Steps: Open both Virtual City Playground, and GameGuardian. Search your amount of money(gold). Either gain some money, or use some. Search the new amount of gold. Change both addresses to whatever you want. ____________ Name of Cheat: Invest Points Cheat Steps: Open both Virtual City Playground, and GameGuardian. When you have 2 invest points, search 2(so it won't take a long time to search). Get more invest points by upgrading your garage. Search the new amount of Invest points. Repeat this process until you get 3 values. Change them all to whatever you want. If the invest points start going up 1 by 1, go back into GG, and change the value it is displaying in game. To put this into effect, get another invest point by upgrading. _____________ Name of Cheat: Energy Cheat Steps: Open both Virtual City Playground, and GameGuardian. Search your amount of energy. Use some energy. Search your new amount in GG. Repeat until you get 1-2 values. Change them to whatever you want. _____ Screenshot of cheats in action:
  9. Hmm, a little too simple and bland. Looks like something phpbb comes with. Sent from my MB855
  10. Howabout tutorial specialist?
  11. Added a few new mods, courtesy of Mobilism :D

  12. Sysadmin


    Update: 5.6: * Fix speed change functionality in Android 4.1.1. * Change speed levels.
  13. It works with ICS. Best thing to do at this point is to pull a logcat, and post it here. Sent from my MB855
  14. Ok. You just need to be more active on the forum. First, you most post some cheats, and solve requests, and stay active.
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  16. Welcome! PSP's rule! . I cheated on there as well. Sent from my MB855
  17. The contest is almost over! Also, you can choose either the $10, or VIP+ for 1 year!
  18. Post a guide in VIP+! Sent from my MB855
  19. Got the data, and will commence play... I mean cheating it XD Sent from my MB855
  20. Hello and welcome! Glad you are here as well! Sent from my MB855
  21. Hey guys, There are a few things I would like to tell everyone. 1: guides for Com2us and Gamevil cheats will be public (not VIP+). However, you cannot cheat them, unless you have the VIP+ version of GameGuardian. 2: if we find the VIP+ version to be blocked, we will conduct an audit. When the misbehaving user is found, we will revoke their VIP+ access, and possibly ban them. 3: image hosting bandwith has been increased. This is made possible by the ads on the hosting Page. It will always remain free. 4: if someone posts a cheat, for a developer Hawk companies games, they will receive a complimentary 3 month VIP+ account/access. Their cheat, will of course be moved to VIP+. Thanks for reading, and keep contributing to the community!
  22. Moved to VIP for security. Sent from my MB855
  23. Amazon app store. Or apkmania ;-) Sent from my MB855
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