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Everything posted by Sysadmin

  1. Yes, as of this morning (my time), we are on the new server. Sent from my MB855
  2. [Resolved] In VIP+ Sent from my MB855
  3. Hey guys, We have switched servers (not hosts). You may notice, if you post something, it will magically disappear... So don't post anything important until 48 hours. The best part about this is, we are no longer on a large server! We are on a state of the art, brand new server (seriously, the host just acquired it). Enjoy a better, faster Site! Sent from my MB855
  4. Switching to a faster server/less busy server sometime tonight hopefully! :D

  5. Switching to a faster server/less busy server sometime tonight hopefully! :D

  6. Should work now: https://www.box.com/shared/d655af66e305bd851ee2 Sent from my MB855
  7. Nice! Aqua is such a beast Sent from my MB855
  8. Name of Game: Total Recall Game Version if known: 1.0.4 Name of Cheat: Money/Gold Cheat Steps: Open both Total Recall, and GameGuardian. Go into shop. Search your amount of money. Buy something cheap. Search your new amount of money in GG. Change the value to whatever you want. Purchase another item to put it into effect. Repeat the same steps for gold. ______ Name of Cheat: Ammo Cheat Steps: Open both Total Recall, and GameGuardian. Start a mission/level. Search your current amount of ammo. Shoot a round or two. Search new amount of ammo in GG. Change the 1 value to whatever you want/save it.
  9. Name of Game: Monster Shooter: Lost Levels Game Version if known: 1.3 Name of Cheat: Cash Cheat Steps: Open both Monster Shooter: Lost Levels, and GameGuardian. Go into store. Search your current amount of cash. Purchase something. Search the new amount of cash. Change the value to whatever you want. ____________ Name of Cheat: Ammo Cheat Steps: Open both Monster Shooter: Lost Levels, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of ammo (say from a chaingun). Shoot some bullets. Search your new amount of ammo in GG. Repeat until you get 3 results. Save them all as something like 1,000 ( to keep your screen not full of numbers). ____________ Name of Cheat: Score Cheat Steps: Open both Monster Shooter: Lost Levels, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of score. Gain some more by killing enemies. Search new amount of score in GG. Repeat this process until ou get 2 values. Change them both to whatever you want.
  10. Name of Game: Mortal Skies 2 Game Version if known: Name of Cheat: Score Cheat Steps: Open both Mortal Skies 2, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Gain a little bit of score by shooting airplanes, then search your amount of score in GG. Gain some more, and search the new amount of score in GG. Repeat this process until you get 2 values. Change them both to whatever you want. ___________ Name of Cheat: Lives Cheat Steps: Open both Mortal Skies 2, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Search your amount of lives. Lose a life, or get an extra life, then search the new amount of lives in GG. Repeat this process until you get 2 values, then, save them both as whatever you want.
  11. Name of Game: Major Mayhem Game Version if known: 1.0.0 Name of Cheat: Money Cheat Steps: Open both Major Mayhem, and GameGuardian. Start campaign, and a level. Once you have some money, such as 3, search for your amount of money in GG. Shoot some people, thus earning more money. Search your new amount of money in GG. Repeat until you get 2 values. Save both as whatever you want. ____________ Name of Cheat: Mayhem points Cheat Steps: Open both Major Mayhem, and GameGuardian. Search your amount of Mayhem points. Earn some more by shooting enemies. Search the new amount in GG. Repeat steps until you get 2 values. Save both as whatever you want.
  12. Name of Game: Pyramid Rising Game Version if known: 1.2.7173 Name of Cheat: Gold/Coins Cheat Steps: Open both Pyramid Rising, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of gold in GG. Get some more gold from a house. Search your new amount of gold in GG. Repeat this process until you get 1 or 2 values. Change them both to whatever you want. __________ Name of Cheat: Resource/building Cheat Steps: Open both Pyramid Rising, and GameGuardian. Search your amount of resources. Either wait for some to regenerate, or use some. Search the new amount in GG. Repeat this process until you get 1 or 2 values. Save them both as whatever you want. ____________ Name of Cheat: Worker/collector Cheat Steps: Open both Pyramid Rising, and GameGuardian. Search either your amount of workers, or collectors, who are home (for example 3/4, you would search 3). Send one out. Search the new amount in GG. Repeat this process until you get 1 value. Save it as the max available, such as 7 is max from 7/7. Repeat steps for whoever you did not change.
  13. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear. Yeah, that's the reason I switched as well
  14. Name of Game: Garfield's Defense Game Version if known: 1.0 Name of Cheat: Cookie Cheat Steps: Open both Garfield's Defense, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Collect 2 cookies, then, search 2 in GG. Collect another cookie, and search 3. Repeat this process until you have 2 values. Change the 4 byte value to something not to big (or at the end of the level, it will take forever to count all the cookies.) Finish the level(whether you lose or win).
  15. http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/56-immortal-dusk-free-shopping/ [Resolved]
  16. Hey guys, So, I told the guys at Tapatalk about the issue in the IPB Tapatalk plug in, and they said they'll fix it in the next update. There's just one problem... I don't know when that update would be released... So, I fixed it myself XD Enjoy one less bug on Tapatalk! Sent from my MB855
  17. Yes, here you are: https://www.box.com/shared/0ae5ef8686604aeefe26 Sent from my MB855
  18. Added poll. Vote for your favorite rankbars!
  19. http://youtu.be/LI5W29XI3hk Cheat guide: Jewel and gold cheat video tutorial coming soon!
  20. Ok, I plugged en3rgizer's in. What does everyone think?
  21. File Name: Mission of Crisis (In-app Billing cracked) File Submitter: d2dyno File Submitted: 24 Jul 2012 File Category: Modded apks Instructions: Download and install (remove old apk) Click here to download this file
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