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Everything posted by Sysadmin

  1. Hey guys, In case you haven't noticed yet, Aqua has just given me iGameGuardian to release! Unfortunately, I have no iOS device, so, I'm going to need some help! If you are good at cheating, well, prove it, then show me you are, and I'll add you to the GameGuardian Team
  2. iGameGuardian released! Check it out!

  3. Toy Village cheat found! Check VIP+ soon :D

  4. No. I tested GG on 1.1.1,and I cheated it just fine. Sent from my GT-P7510
  5. Name of Game: Agent Dash Game Version if known: 1.0.2 Name of Cheat: Diamond Cheat Steps: Open both Agent Dash, and GameGuardian. Start a level, and collect some diamonds. FInish the level. Search the amount of diamonds on the menu, after the level. Start another level, collect diamonds in that level. Search your amount of diamonds on the menu. Repeat this process until you have a few results. Change them all to whatever you want.
  6. Name of Game: Weapon Chicken Game Version if known: 1.1 Name of Cheat: Score Cheat Steps: Open both Weapon Chicken, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Get above a score of 3. Then search that score in GG. Gain some more score, then search the new amount in GG. Repeat this process, until you get 1 value. Change the value to whatever you want. ___________ Name of Cheat: Hearts Cheat Steps: Open both Weapon Chicken, and GameGuardian. Start a level. Search the number of hearts you have (If you have 3 hearts, search for 3). Lose a heart. Then search your new amount of hearts (2) in GG. Repeat this process until you have 1 value. You may also start changing 4 byte values, when you reach below 10 values in search. The 4byte values, tend to be on the bottom of the search results. Save both values as 3.
  7. What would you like molded? Anti cheat and IAP cracked? Sent from my MB855
  8. Yes, I am tired of all the same questions... Sent from my MB855
  9. And the fact you can access it offline. Sent from my MB855
  10. Trouble with GameGuardian? Try some of the below basic troubleshooting tips. Are you rooted? You must be rooted to use GameGuardian Does GameGuardian have root access? GameGuardian not having root access is the equivalent of not having Root. Can't find a value, which another user could? Enable "All regions", in "set search regions", under the settings tab. Is the Icon disappearing/the app closing while searching? Set a temp path. Are searches taking over 5 minutes long(fuzzy search excluded)? Make sure you are not searching for 0 or 1. These are often "Yes" or "No" values in a game, and as such, there are many of them. You may also need to press "Reset GameGuardian", or even "Stop GameGuardian" and re-open it. Can't lock values? Enable lock function in GameGuardian, by clicking an ad, under the "Enable Lock Function" button, while the GameGuardian is open. Game Dead instantly? Make sure you have enabled Usage Access for GameGuardian, under: System Settings -> Security -> Usage Access.
  11. Confirmed working on 1.1 [Resolved]
  12. This is a notice If any user does not upload their gamesave into the download system(found here: http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/category/4-gamesaves/), Their gamesave is subject to be uploaded by a moderator or administrator. I have told many users before about this, and none listen. What's the reason? We don't want gamesaves to be taken down by file hosting sites.
  13. Hello, It seems you are indeed correct. When cheating it, the value of stars resets to zero. Even if you have 500 stars prior to cheating, after, you cannot buy a 330 star item. I would say this isn't server sided, but protected. You can use this save though:
  14. I will update to the latest version, and cheat it as well.
  15. Cooperb, can you please post this?
  16. I think Gameloft updated it so it is uncheatable.
  17. I have this game, but it closed on me. Let me try to get it on another device.
  18. Hello, This game, unfortunately, has the characteristics of a server sided game.
  19. I think it's easy to say you win Assaultive Your rankbars are very impressive, modern, and specialized for the forum. I'll send you the money when I get the chance
  20. Hey bodph! Welcome to GameGuardian
  21. I am not sure. I would make a backup just in case.
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