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Everything posted by Sysadmin

  1. Name of Game: Jetpack Joyride Game Version if known: Name of Cheat: Steps: Open both Jetpack Joyride, and GameGuardian. Start a level, and earn some coins. Finish the level. Search your amount of coins on the screen after you finished. Start another level, gain coins, and finish. Search the new amount of coins on the menu after the game. Repeat this process until you find 8> values. Change all 4byte values to whatever you want Note: You MUST change the value on the menu screen, after finishing a level.
  2. Sysadmin


    Hello and welcome! Sent from my MB855
  3. Hello welcome! It's pretty easy to pick up, and you can always ask us for help Sent from my MB855
  4. Are you sure you are only changing the ammo values? There should only be two Sent from my MB855
  5. I don't think you can make a sever sided game offline.
  6. I think this is one of THOSE games....Server sided I believe.
  7. I think you would need an older version. Sent from my GT-P7510
  8. Name of Game: Traffic Panic London Game Version if known: 1.1.3 Name of Cheat: Credits Cheat Steps: Open both Traffic Panic London, and GameGuardian. Start a game, and finish a game. Press Next on the menu following the end of the game. Search your amount of credits in the store. Start another level, and finish that level. Press next on the menu following the end. Search your new amount of credits. Repeat this process until you get 2 results. Change both to whatever you want. Buy something, to put it into effect. _______________ Name of Cheat: Bombs Cheat Steps: Open both Traffic Panic London, and GameGuardian. Start a game, and finish a game. On the menu following the end of the game, search the amount of bombs you have. Start another level, and use some bombs in it, then finish the game. On the menu following the end of the game, search your new amount of bombs. Repeat this process until you get 1 result. Change it to whatever you want.
  9. Well, if he's not going to... Sent from my MB855
  10. Make sure you set the permissions. Sent from my MB855
  11. Try downloading Root explorer, and use the text editor built in.
  12. Then try opening it with a text handler.
  13. Hello, What kind of file would it be? Such as text, zip, media, etc.
  14. File Name: Monster Island File Submitter: d2dyno File Submitted: 16 Aug 2012 File Category: Modded apks Mod includes: - Adfree - In_app purchase hack Click here to download this file
  15. Hello and welcome! Always glad to have people from all over on here Enjoy the forum!
  16. Please use Google Translate if you cannot speak English.
  17. Guys, this is a vastly different guide than I posted. The one I posted is mainly for values, what they are, what they do, what locking does, what fuzzy does, etc. nou posted how to actually use GG.
  18. Hmm. [Not_Resolved] I'll look into it.
  19. Url updated to: http://ggimage.gameguardian.net
  20. We only have the choice of a select number themes, which are built into the image hosting. I can try to only change the background though. There's an imgur like, theme. Would that be better? Sent from my MB855
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