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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2023 in all areas

  1. View File Real Racing 3 (11.6.1) AutoWiN Hack REAL RACING 3 AUTOWiN HACK Current version: RR3 working version: 11.1.1 Description: Automatically win any race without play. Instructions: 1. Before run this script is highly recommended to logout and restart the game. 2. Win your wished serie then go to profile and check total completed events. 3. Restart the game again. 4. Check total completed events again to see if something went wrong. If you run script in background (default) you have to stop it manually After several wins a game restart is racommended too. Run the script then select any race to win it automatically, or, if you don t run it in background, select race before run the script. Known issues: After several races the game can become unstable, so occasionally restart it to avoid game crashes and loss of game progresses. Video: Submitter MarioRossi93i Submitted 07/09/2020 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  2. View File Real Racing 3 (12.2.2) Race Mode REAL RACING 3 RACE MODE Current version: RR3 working version: 12.2.2 Description: With this script you can enable/disable following hacks: - Autodrive Mode - Drag Autolaunch/Autoshift - Freeze Mode - Ghost Mode - KickAss Mode (not helpful if you active ghost mode too) - Set formula-e battery to 100% Works with standard and rolling start Instructions: Run this script after signal light has turned green. Video: Submitter MarioRossi93i Submitted 05/13/2020 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  3. View File Real Racing 3 (12.2.2) Car Changer REAL RACING 3 CAR CHANGER Working RR3: 12.1.2 Current version: Description: Change car at will. Instructions: Execute Step 1 in the garage by selecting the desired car, then go to the race and replace the car with the one previously selected by running Step 2 Known issues: May not work in some devices. Search mode does not work in omp (x64) Video: Submitter MarioRossi93i Submitted 06/30/2021 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  4. 8,483 downloads

    Slayer legend !!! Use new account!!! Hanya 64bit Cheat update on telegram !!! https://t.me/kabuthit
    1 point
  5. local POINTER_TAG = 0xB4 << 56 local function addTag(pointer) return pointer | POINTER_TAG end gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("123456789", gg.TYPE_DWORD) local results = gg.getResults(1) local address = results[1].address - 0x8 -- applying the offset local taggedAddress = addTag(address) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(taggedAddress, gg.TYPE_QWORD)
    1 point
  6. This is tagged pointer. There is no problem with it. You misunderstood the post from other topic, you shouldn't edit top byte of the pointer. You only need to remove it for navigating to the address in memory editor tab. For example, value of the pointer at address 0x754799F000 from the video is 0xB4000076B220F9F0, remove "B4" from it and leading zeros to get pointed address 0x76B220F9F0, then go to this address in memory editor tab and region label will be shown.
    1 point
  7. Tried with CD and it worked. Don't seem protected.
    1 point
  8. 610 downloads

    Only work 64bit dan versi: 1.0.9 • attack speed • God Mode • Enemy freeze • Exp • Koin • aktivated Sec before login!!
    1 point
  9. it is working , but there are problems on some devices/emu. @DemonPrince you can run it every time you want. run hack, restart the game and then log in. save to cloud, then restore it on your favorite device
    1 point
  10. New version released! It should work with 32bit too, but not tested
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the details. With them it appeared to be quite easy to find the answer. The value is tagged pointer that actually points to valid address in process address space. Top byte in tagged pointers is "implementation defined tag" that needs to be ignored to get the real address that pointer holds. More information about tagged pointers is present in Android documentation: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/debug/tagged-pointers So when you encounter such pointers, discard the top byte of their hex value (or replace it with "00") when navigating to the address to get to the correct address.
    1 point
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