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Everything posted by HEROGAMEOfficial

  1. local a = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() local b = { 1234, 5678, 9810 } local c = {} for z, x in next, b do c[x] = z end local d = {} for z, x in next, a do if c[x.value] then d[#d + 1] = x end end gg.loadResults(d) Many ways this is one
  2. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/38963-game-guardian-android-14/?do=findComment&comment=149083
  3. GameGuardian_signed.apk suport android 14
  4. Android 14? @Enyby I hope update for sdk. And this post fix android 14 doesn't address the issue either.
  5. GG doesn't have access to the phone, the phone number is just there, gg doesn't do that.
  6. Here many can tell, but can you do it? The name of the game is Crisis Action
  7. gg.saveVariable your solution
  8. Game guardian suport luarocks, you can use lua program
  9. local function menu() local a = gg.choice({'A', 'B', 'C'}) if not a then return else a = {[a] = a} gg.setVisible(false) if a[1] then elseif a[2] then gg.toast('Hack done') return menu() elseif a[3] then end end while not gg.isVisible() do end return menu() end return menu() I think ...
  10. The script does not load the normal code, there is no problem in running the script
  11. @_yourram:is it possible to hide our search values in the script? Answer: normally its impossible (standard).
  12. Offset is distance. Example: A = 2 B = 8 Offset is 6.
  13. gg.setVisible(false) while not gg.isVisible() do end gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(1234, false, 4)
  14. If you want hide values (don't share your script to public), share to public = share code. 1 device one script its easy. I think 000webhost is pretty good, but Google Drive is better.
  15. Don't share your script just this your script (code) its safe, i can decrypt anything encryption in 1 second.
  16. You can use compiler (hook), change the version by you want or by the script.
  17. https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html
  18. You can use: local value = gg.getValues({{address = 0x1234, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = 0}})
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