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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2022 in all areas

  1. Thank you. this script is for the 32bit and latest version 2.24.1 TEST_FruitNinja2[32bit].lua
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Version


    REAL RACING 3 RACE MODE Current version: RR3 working version: 12.2.2 Description: With this script you can enable/disable following hacks: - Autodrive Mode - Drag Autolaunch/Autoshift - Freeze Mode - Ghost Mode - KickAss Mode (not helpful if you active ghost mode too) - Set formula-e battery to 100% Works with standard and rolling start Instructions: Run this script after signal light has turned green. Video:
    1 point
  4. Version


    REAL RACING 3 AUTOWiN HACK Current version: RR3 working version: 11.6.1 Description: Automatically win any race without play. Instructions: 1. Before run this script is highly recommended to logout and restart the game. 2. Win your wished serie then go to profile and check total completed events. 3. Restart the game again. 4. Check total completed events again to see if something went wrong. If you run script in background (default) you have to stop it manually After several wins a game restart is racommended too. Run the script then select any race to win it automatically, or, if you don t run it in background, select race before run the script. Known issues: After several races the game can become unstable, so occasionally restart it to avoid game crashes and loss of game progresses. Video:
    1 point
  5. @natively Why don't you do as Mamizou said? Just hack your coins and increase your depth? It's very simple.
    1 point
  6. View File Fruit Ninja 2 Unlimited Coins & Gems Submitter sammax71 Submitted 12/03/2022 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  7. hi @sammax71 i made a script for 32bit. with your permission..can i upload it here? or i can PM it to you and you can make necessary adjustment to it if needed.
    1 point
  8. That one wasn't from dump but I admit I didn't test it on 32bit only 64bit.
    1 point
  9. run the script. dont do anything..dont even TAP the GG button(or it will stop running)..let the script finish its job. then follow the next instruction appear.
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Often when editing strings in games there will be a limit on the length of the string. Script will put length equal to the modified string. This does not work if the game has a custom sized limit for the string you want to modify.
    1 point
  11. GameGuardian work without root So, as for work without root. This is not magic. Technical limitations were, and have remained. So it will not work anywhere and always. Actually it looks like this: 1. You put an application of virtual space (Parallel Space, VirtualXposed, Parallel Space Lite, GO multiple, 2Face and many others). 2. In it you add the game and installed GameGuardian. 3. From the virtual space application, you launch the game and GameGuardian. Actually everything. GameGuardian can be used to hack the game. Everything is simple and transparent. It was a good part of the news. Now about the bad: 1. The game has zero progress. You can not transfer the progress from the existing installation of the game, if the game itself does not provide it (through the cloud or somehow). 2. Not all games work through virtual spaces. 3. There may be another account in the game. 4. Not all functions will be available in GameGuardian. 5. On some firmware it does not work at all. If you cannot choose a proсess in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. 6. In some virtual spaces GameGuardian does not work. What can be done in case of problems: 1. Try different virtual spaces if the problem is in them. Best option: Parallel Space. 2. Try changing the firmware. 3. Get a root and do not fool yourself. Once again: it will not work at all and always. It is possible that it will work for you and will not. Virtual spaces to run GameGuardian without root (#ct7bob3) Proper install without root - GameGuardian (#abausujp) Help: https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#work_without_root Video-examples: Balls Bounce Free - hack balls - without root - GameGuardian, Parallel Space Bejeweled Stars: Free Match 3 - hack without root - group search - GameGuardian, GO Multiple Hack Tap Counter without root via GO Multiple on Android 7.1.1 - GameGuardian Hack Tap Counter without root via GO Multiple - GameGuardian Work without root via Parallel Space - GameGuardian Work without root via 2Face - GameGuardian Work without root via Mutiple Accounts - GameGuardian Work without root via GO Multiple - GameGuardian No root via VirtualXposed - GameGuardian (#b6l7k1qu) No root via VirtualXposed (without error 105) - GameGuardian (#bpb5835m) No root via optimized Parallel Space Lite - GameGuardian (#47glijbj) No root [from scratch] (boring and long video) - GameGuardian (#9rf9317c) No root via Dr. Clone - GameGuardian (#aft8whcy)
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Can you update to 22.7.5?
    0 points
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