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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2022 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Info: This project is in a "work in progress" state. Please report any bugs or suggestions. Many features are missing, like "create thread", "save settings", ... Testing was limited, not all .so will work How to use: Attach GG to target process Run script, click "Inject" Locate file via file prompt Select function by name that you would like to run Toggle target app to background and then to foreground Done!
    1 point
  2. Hey everyone! We recently had a community member, @Ferib reach out to us about a Lua service they created. We're sharing it here for any of our serious power-users to take advantage of, or just try out if it sounds of interest! Let us know how it goes. On to Ferib's description:
    1 point
  3. View File Jad3d arm64 .so injector Info: This project is in a "work in progress" state. Please report any bugs or suggestions. Many features are missing, like "create thread", "save settings", ... Testing was limited, not all .so will work How to use: Attach GG to target process Run script, click "Inject" Locate file via file prompt Select function by name that you would like to run Toggle target app to background and then to foreground Done! Submitter darklinux Submitted 07/26/2022 Category Tools  
    1 point
  4. Hello, would it be possible to have a Lua wrapper for `pthread_create` so we can create threads on the fly using the GG Lua API? I think more advanced people would greatly appreciate this as this would make GG more competitive against Frida, thanks.
    1 point
  5. Let's gooo, I found how to make so that you can bring all pets and i mean literally 1000 weapons to a battle quite funny ngl
    1 point
  6. @HorridModz"Tell me where anyone said this was an xp spoofer. You just did the equivalent of walking into a furniture store and asking if they sold shoes." Got me dying idk why
    1 point
  7. Alr tysm for the nice and friendly reply like always Ig I'm gonna work on somewhat easy stuff for a starter modder like sets & lottery script
    1 point
  8. the pthread_create is indeed a native thing, what I meant is that I would like a Lua wrapper API to invoke the pthread_create so that I can spawn a thread on my injected assembly instructions. Lua coroutines are overrated btw
    1 point
  9. `pthread_create` is only on C++ / C Language , Lua has `coroutines` it does the same thing as threads , but Enyby has removed them for no reason maybe because they're useless in Game Guardian.
    1 point
  10. This is what people were waiting for. Best and free field searcher script.
    1 point
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