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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. View File Real Racing 3 (12.6.8) Cars/Events Unlocker REAL RACING 3 CARS/EVENTS UNLOCKER Current version: Working RR3: 12.6.8 Description: Run this script to unlock all cars and old closed events/races!!! Instructions: Run the script wherever you want, then go to the garage and get any car for free (also old nascar cars). Script will re-open old finished events Known issues: May not work on all devices/emulators. Note: Video: Submitter MarioRossi93i Submitted 12/15/2020 Category LUA scripts  
    1 point
  3. Version


    REAL RACING 3 CARS/EVENTS UNLOCKER Current version: Working RR3: 12.6.8 Description: Run this script to unlock all cars and old closed events/races!!! Instructions: Run the script wherever you want, then go to the garage and get any car for free (also old nascar cars). Script will re-open old finished events Known issues: May not work on all devices/emulators. Note: Video:
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Version 1.0.2


    There are lots of slither.io mods present everywhere so what's so special about this one? Well this mod is the only mod on android that can help you change the zoom. Well other mods have zoom hacks available but none provide the feature to change it mid game (for online mode too!). This mod works when you click on the gg icon so that you can quickly change the zoom without worrying about dying. IMPORTANT: Don't mess with the search values before turning this script on.
    1 point
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