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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2019 in all areas

  1. On this topic, hacks for games such as Combat Arms, Crossfire, Counter-Strike, and other games will be posted. If you are going to make a request for non-gameguardian hacks then make sure your title has [REQ] at the beginning of the title itself. Also post that topic in the non-Gameguardian hacks section. Whatever you do, DO NOT post in the gameguardian cheats requests section. (non-gameguardian means that it is not an android game.) Have fun hacking/cheating.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Update script free fire all bypass & menu Credits Script by mantan gamer:) Sub & like channel : MantanGamer
    1 point
  3. I am not sure if you can retrieve the Device ID in script but if not I think the best way would be to read /system/build.prop and any other files that store values unique to the device type at the very least and to generate a relatively unique ID from a combination of the info there, that way even if you cant get the actual device id it will add entries for every different device type that uses the password and in php you can script that if the number of ID's exceeds say 5 devices the password will be disabled. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later most people are just freaked out by Enyby's scary warning lol
    1 point
  4. @EliudRm Angry Brids Transformers - hack gold, gems, pigs, sparks - GameGuardian (#b0nog158)
    1 point
  5. http://sendvid.com/8fko30m1 Hack of Angry Brids Transformers - Gold - Gems - Pigs and sparks!
    1 point
  6. Who needs GG scripts on emulator when you can make better and crazy stuffs with cheat engine?!
    1 point
  7. a = gg.prompt({'string'}, { }, {'text'}) if not a then os.exit() end local data = a[1] local result = '' for i = 1,#data do local aa = string.sub(data, i , i) bb = string.byte(aa) if aaa == nil then aaa = 1 result = result..tonumber(bb) else result = result..','..tonumber(bb) end end local cc ='load(string.char('..result..'))()' gg.copyText(cc) print(cc) I make similar function, I think it is more simple.
    1 point
  8. Useless, everyone easily can see and access your file uploaded in public_html folder. gg.makeRequest API cant work on file with permission access. So, you cant cover your vip scripts code.
    -1 points
  9. Version 4.0.9070+1.0.3010+1.0.3049


    Requires Android: Android 4.0.3-4 / Ice Cream Sandwich MR1 or later. There is support for x86. Video: No root via optimized Parallel Space Lite - GameGuardian (#47glijbj) Before installing the optimized version, uninstall the version from Google Play. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. About second apk (32-Bit Support): About third apk (64-Bit Support): You do not need to install it if you do not intend to crack 64-bit games. After installing it, GG will not see 32-bit games in the virtual space, only 64-bit.
    -1 points
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