Yes. And can be created automated calculator/tool based on gg.
Present function 'toast', 'alert' and 'prompt' which allow create some dialogs for user.
For example 'Input gold amount:' and use this value for make search.
data = gg.prompt({[1]='Search value', [2]='Replace value', [3]='Max count'}, {[1]='123', [2]='456', [3]='321'})
gg.searchNumber(data[1], gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
found = gg.getResultCount()
gg.alert('We found: '..found)
replaced = gg.editAll(data[2], gg.TYPE_DWORD)
gg.alert('We replaced: '..replaced)
gg.alert('Summary: We search '[1]..', found '..found..', replaced '..replaced..' to '[2]..' with max count '[3]..';')
print('Script ended.')