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Everything posted by BigBadGunner

  1. No threre one program I am no good in _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later You Can change map Hope you know it
  2. The fastest way for gem hack is when your rewards show 290 gold 85 wood and 2 gems search 2;85;290::49 dword then refine search by 2 increment by one all value select the one that has changed and change it to 2123456789 do the battle and that will be the rewards for gems still working on the level up for character but the gems buy anything in the game
  3. Will see what I can do.
  4. Editing the value is easy but it does not work any more.
  5. Yes there is a way you must destroy the card and it will take it back to level zero.
  6. Search 499;2;3:: and use a offset 4 You will get to the value you need 749 of them the contain the same value with different address the you can search that value you will get 749 of them.
  7. Remember the resources hack the that part is similar maybe you can add method to the madness
  8. I am trying to get a other way or method of getting exact building and please do remember I use nox it show word strings better than Android phone it self the other idea I had to unlock it via a script
  9. Well the other method is doing it by 760 + address and going through them sorry there is no faster way and there is no way to borrow it down to single building
  10. Sorry Mu mistake Here is the link
  11. https://youtu.be/byuIzqqr0mk Here is the video
  12. Yes it is Word and no Dword I Am busy with a video Will up load Shortly The 150 i got from the lunar YouTube Video it was cash reward for building one of the lunar Items and i use c++ heap on nox
  13. Here is PDF ON How to This is the tutorial for How to Unlock SimCity Buildit Building.pdf
  14. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Will up load some pics Later
  15. Wel I did find a way to unlock buildings from past events and I already unlock season 9 stuff and it pretty cool their is lot of new building coming your way.
  16. There is no video on the internet Like No fear explained it is complicated I will see if I can get some video done but I am busy at the moment
  17. Score; healed::5 the heal part is in reverse meaning one heal = 9 2=8 etc. But that will not toggle the shields
  18. To put in this term let say there are 8 switch on and off you must find the Right combinations to get the shield to work This is a Learning Experience to learn something new. There are a lot you tube Video’s out there showing you how to but not explaining the why. With Windows games you got a lot of tools to work with Android lesser tools. The other problem with you tube video’s is change the version of the game and the address change and Structure and then people get upset because they don’t understand the time it took to get there. And that people that get annoyed are lazy and want’s everything for free
  19. To find the value for the server will be the score; value healed their will be two of them but you can not modify them they are controlled by the server Go to the base side repair a building search repeat and till you get two value now now I need to get a work around that part to bluff the server will update when I got something
  20. When the building is destroyed Rubbel how do you search for that value of a destoyed Building
  21. Look at both map their is only one value that is on both maps RoRo Thanks No Fear Got it Thanks For the help _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Look at both Maps Robo There is only one value that is in both maps. Thanks No Fear for all the info
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