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saiaapiz last won the day on February 18 2024

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  1. View File Double-Click UI Toggle your cheats, function, var just by Double-Clicking GG Icon ! Submitter saiaapiz Submitted 12/21/2019 Category Templates  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Toggle your cheats, function, var just by Double-Clicking GG Icon !
  3. View File Call Of Duty: Mobile Cheats ! Features :- - Wallhack - Radar - Distance ESP - Aimlock - No Recoil - No Spread - Instant Fire - Much more coming soon ! How to use :- - Execute aPizClient. - Use 'freemium' as username. - Select xCODM. - Toggle your desire cheats, and enjoy ! Note : - - Make sure you hide GG to prevent from getting banned ! - This script will outdated in 3 days ! For more information, checkout http://t.me/apizhax ! Gameplay :- Submitter saiaapiz Submitted 11/19/2019 Category LUA scripts
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Features :- - Wallhack - Radar - Distance ESP - Aimlock - No Recoil - No Spread - Instant Fire - Much more coming soon ! How to use :- - Execute aPizClient. - Use 'freemium' as username. - Select xCODM. - Toggle your desire cheats, and enjoy ! Note : - - Make sure you hide GG to prevent from getting banned ! - This script will outdated in 3 days ! For more information, checkout http://t.me/apizhax ! Gameplay :-
  5. Maybe this would be useful, function rwmem(Address, SizeOrBuffer) assert(Address ~= nil, "[rwmem]: error, provided address is nil.") _rw = {} if type(SizeOrBuffer) == "number" then _ = "" for _ = 1, SizeOrBuffer do _rw[_] = {address = (Address - 1) + _, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end for v, __ in ipairs(gg.getValues(_rw)) do _ = _ .. string.format("%02X", __.value & 0xFF) end return _ end Byte = {} SizeOrBuffer:gsub("..", function(x) Byte[#Byte + 1] = x _rw[#Byte] = {address = (Address - 1) + #Byte, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, value = x .. "h"} end) gg.setValues(_rw) end -- Usage: readedMem = rwmem(0xAABBCCDD, 128) -- Read 0xAABBCCDD with 128 size. rwmem(0xDDCCBBAA, readedMem) -- Write readedMem memory into 0xDDCCBBAA.
  6. Thanks, no plan yet for x86, maybe armv8 soon.
  7. View File Regview (ARMv7) Wanna debug your code ? But lazy to start remote debugging ? Use this, just put your address and ready2go ! Use this, might usefull when you want to know the caller, encrypted pointer, anything inside register. - Features: Dump Register Write Register Copy register to clipboard Jump onto register Note: Only work on 32-Bit Arm Processes. Don't forget to leave ❤, if it help you. Source: Github Submitter saiaapiz Submitted 10/02/2019 Category Tools  
  8. Version 1.2 (32-Bit)


    Wanna debug your code ? But lazy to start remote debugging ? Use this, just put your address and ready2go ! Use this, might usefull when you want to know the caller, encrypted pointer, anything inside register. - Features: Dump Register Write Register Copy register to clipboard Jump onto register Note: Only work on 32-Bit Arm Processes. Don't forget to leave ❤, if it help you. Source: Github
  9. Sound like rocket science to me xD Anyway thumbs up for giving explaination
  10. Actually, i've seen some apps requesting for access to devices screen. I think maybe they would do remote screenshot, then manually find for hacking tool overlay. I wish you could filter any access that required root, give user a warning like you do in gg.makeRequest. That would scripting enviroment better.
  11. I wish @Enyby could add this, i think other scripter will need this too. Control GG icon overlay visibility. We need this to hide GG from getting caught from screenshot. Get 'Hide GameGuardian from game status'. Sometime user that uses script complain about game being crashed, or script has no effect on game. Drawing abilities. xD Access game data, such /data/data/<target app>.
  12. Thanks ! Really usefull feature to analyse script.
  13. I see, There alot of work need to do. Handling, hiding, lot more thing to cover up. So i stayed with trampoline. Thank you.
  14. Not watchpoint support. Backtrace ? I only can find LR (Address of current function caller.) I've created shellcode that save R0-R12, LR into stack. Then copy the stack address into my allocated region, so i can read it with script. ROM:00000000 STMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR} ROM:00000004 LDR R0, =0xBBBBBBBB ROM:00000008 STR SP, [R0] ROM:0000000C ROM:0000000C isLocked ; CODE XREF: ROM:00000014↓j ROM:0000000C LDR R0, =0 ROM:00000010 CMP R0, #1 ROM:00000014 BNE isLocked ROM:00000018 LDMFD SP!, {R0-R12,LR} ROM:0000001C LDR PC, =0xAAAAAAAA ROM:0000001C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROM:00000020 _returnaddress DCD 0xAAAAAAAA ; DATA XREF: ROM:0000001C↑r ROM:00000024 _stackaddress DCD 0xBBBBBBBB ; DATA XREF: ROM:00000004↑r ROM:00000028 _spinlockctl DCD 0 ; DATA XREF: ROM:isLocked↑r It work like this, Firstly, i hooked an address that contain interesting info. Then, i make it jump into this shellcode, After it jump.. Shellcode will save R0-R12, LR into stack. then write the stack address at _stackaddress. this shellcode will wait for spinlock before continuing execution.
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