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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Install the test version. At startup, there will be a toast with the name of the log. Wait two minutes after running on the black screen, and then send this file to me. GameGuardian.git_signed.apk _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later @salmacs @Mtart365_YT
  2. Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  3. It's a dump. And what is there in memory depends on the game and how it is arranged. But most often the data in the memory and the data on the disk are stored in different forms, so that you can get the same from the memory as you can on the disk.
  4. Enyby

    Hogwarts mystery

    @datguygamer HAWK: Freedom Squadron hack request (#3u36neej)
  5. Watch on Youtube: No root via Octopus - GameGuardian Octopus (#40d1rnsq) Tap Counter: https://gameguardian.net/f-193
  6. View File Octopus + 32-bit Support + 64-Bit Support Requires Android: Android 4.4 (KitKat) or later. Video: No root via Octopus - GameGuardian (#5fw0ueo6) Before installing the optimized version, uninstall the version from Google Play. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. Main apk can be 32bit or 64bit. Choose appropriate one based on your Android system. About second apk (32-Bit Support): About third apk (64-Bit Support Plugin): You do not need to install it if you do not intend to crack 64-bit games. Submitter Enyby Submitted 07/01/2018 Category Virtual spaces (no root)  
  7. Version 6.1.3/6.1.4 + 4.4.4 + 4.4.7


    Requires Android: Android 4.4 (KitKat) or later. Video: No root via Octopus - GameGuardian (#5fw0ueo6) Before installing the optimized version, uninstall the version from Google Play. Differences of the optimized version: no error 105. Main apk can be 32bit or 64bit. Choose appropriate one based on your Android system. About second apk (32-Bit Support): About third apk (64-Bit Support Plugin): You do not need to install it if you do not intend to crack 64-bit games.
  8. Usually log will be enough. Most of scripts is plain list of gg calls. Your obfuscated code easly can be deobfuskated if you change decoded stuff. First dump load. Second build version without load and encode. Next step - simplify. Add print return in your encode function. Print all params and return. Or save to file. It is allow build replace list. After that make replace in all place and format code. Now you can get script in state closed to initial source. Maybe with variables with different names. It is enough for restore work flow.
  9. Performing multiple actions with multiChoice local t = gg.multiChoice({'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}) if t == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else if t[1] then gg.alert('do A') end if t[2] then gg.alert('do B') end if t[3] then gg.alert('do C') end if t[4] then gg.alert('do D') end end with prompt local t = gg.prompt({'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}, nil, {'checkbox', 'checkbox', 'checkbox', 'checkbox'}) if t == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else if t[1] then gg.alert('do A') end if t[2] then gg.alert('do B') end if t[3] then gg.alert('do C') end if t[4] then gg.alert('do D') end end
  10. Performing an action by clicking on the GG icon function doAction() local ret = gg.alert('Here some action', 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Exit') if ret == 3 then os.exit() end -- exit from the script end gg.setVisible(false) while true do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) doAction() end gg.sleep(100) end
  11. Saving input between script restarts local configFile = gg.getFile()..'.cfg' local data = loadfile(configFile) if data ~= nil then data = data() end local input = gg.prompt({'Please input something'}, data) if input == nil then os.exit() end gg.saveVariable(input, configFile)
  12. Frozen values from the search Search for the number 10. The first 7 results are frozen with a value of 8. gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) local t = gg.getResults(7) for i, v in ipairs(t) do t[i].value = '8' t[i].freeze = true end gg.addListItems(t)
  13. The topic for various examples of Lua scripts
  14. @Dj-jom2x If you really want your script to be downloaded, you must upload it to the lua scripts section. In this form, guests will not be able to download it and its popularity will be extremely low.
  15. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    I don't like this, so - no.
  16. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    For what? Steal private data and spy for users?
  17. You must allow float views in your firmware for virtual space app. Or use GG without float views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS3HgtLQPWI
  18. And about scripts - a complex script for beginners is not understandable, in itself. Even if there is nothing specifically confused. You can open my script for asphalt 8 and try to understand what's there for what. Or the IVovo script for Mage and Minions.
  19. I'm lazy because I do not have time for this and because it's time to nowhere. You can write a script that will automatically decode your changes. In fact, even a dump load is enough to get some information. _G["WZLQGOXKJPPDLTNFYDBMSETPPXTLYI"] = pcall; _G["LQJYLGJGKHJDNMXKPLQLHOVNFKVFRP"] = function (x) return pcall(load(x)) end; function LOOTIGNGENVHDRCHIOEDJTASOGW( ) BINKNBGHBUZROHXVMMZLHDSKQZ = gg.prompt({"Password:"},{"12345"}) if BINKNBGHBUZROHXVMMZLHDSKQZ and tonumber(BINKNBGHBUZROHXVMMZLHDSKQZ[1]) then return BINKNBGHBUZROHXVMMZLHDSKQZ[1] else return os.clock() end end; _G["ITSAOLYGTMOAANRZTWDMSLWUKF"] = LOOTIGNGENVHDRCHIOEDJTASOGW(); This is your bootloader, which asks for the password. The second load loads the already changed script. But why bother with all this, if you can just make a log of all the calls. You can change the algorithm. But you can not bypass the log. Only the fact of launching under the logger, and that is not a fact. This is really difficult and you need to know the details of the implementation.
  20. gg.getRanges() gg.setRanges(4) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("0", 16) gg.searchNumber("0", 16) gg.getResults(200) gg.setRanges(262207) gg.editAll("-999.451155", 16) gg.toast("ANTENNA GOD by Rad7t & Glen/Activatedctivated") _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later "ON/OFF ??Jump Hack??") gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("0", 16) gg.getResults(8) gg.addListItems(table(3f54317d): { [1] = table(219b5872): { [address] = 851443712 [flags] = 16 [freezeType] = 0 [freeze] = true [value] = 2 } [2] = table(3e4394c3): { [address] = 851443752 [flags] = 16 [freezeType] = 0 [freeze] = true [value] = 800 } [3] = table(2bebf140): { [address] = 851443756 [flags] = 16 [freezeType] = 0 [freeze] = true [value] = 800 } [4] = table(2e776879): { [address] = 851443760 [flags] = 16 [freezeType] = 0 [freeze] = true [value] = -60 } [5] = table(314289be): { [address] = 851443764 [flags] = 16 [value] = 0.0 } [6] = table(640ba1f): { [address] = 851443768 [flags] = 16 [value] = 0.0 } [7] = table(353ee16c): { [address] = 851443772 [flags] = 16 [value] = 0.0 } [8] = table(19fd1335): { [address] = 851443776 [flags] = 16 [value] = 0.0 } }) gg.toast("You Tube = Dragon Star") And so on. In log written all calls. Does not matter how you encrypt it. But I can decode fully code with different var names of course. But I too lazy for this. But this possible you doing nothing complicated. All call load can be decoded. All your encode string can be decoded. Question of time.
  21. This script not good written. Bad style and too many duplicate code. But idea good enough. This is not dump code of function. It is only log some calls from it. No more. In script compiler can be added more friendly output for tables. Or constant decode. It is simple. More important - script compiler able work with any new functions. This script - no. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later if function_hook ~= nil then os.exit() end This line in script stop run script under this script. Or this: if type(gg.searchNmber) == 'table' then os.exit() end
  22. You can use dump. Usually it is enough for restore script flow. Most script has very easy work flow. Rare use loop or even functions. And run in this script can be easly detected, because here functions replaced by table with metatag "call". I use function with local vars, so it more hard detect. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Forum not good. But we can do nothing with its. IPS authors have different point of view for editor and many other things.
  23. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/18799-i-can-find-out-the-address-but-unable-to-edit-the-value/
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