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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Watch on YouTube: Type of floating window - GameGuardian
  2. Watch on Youtube: How to specify any value in a group search - GameGuardian
  3. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Any text editor. No such editors exists in universe. Nobody able edit simple text files. It is born in ancient times.
  4. Watch on YouTube: Group search with outside range - GameGuardian
  5. If it works, then use it. Why do you need its source code?
  6. GG can not able run this file as script. so does not matter which trash inside.
  7. LJ = gg.getFile() file = io.open(LJ, "r") assert(file) function DZSH(data2) a = string.find(data2, "p" .. "r" .. "i" .. "n" .. "t") if a == nil then -- do load stuff else os.remove(LJ) os.remove(LJ .. ".bak") file = io.open(LJ, "w") file:write("") file:close() gg.alert("\230\131\179\232\167\163\229\175\134\229\144\151\229\130\187\233\128\188\228\184\156\232\165\191\239\188\159\232\167\163\231\154\132\229\188\128\230\152\175\228\189\160\229\142\137\229\174\179\239\188\140\232\167\163\228\184\141\229\188\128\230\152\175\228\189\160\228\184\141\233\133\141\230\139\165\230\156\137") os.exit() end end data2 = file:read("*a") file:close() DZSH(data2) ROFL
  8. Enyby


    @ngoc_anthony If you cannot choose a process in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/ On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps).
  9. @SHKOranya How to run in PhoenixOS - GameGuardian (#21ckjied)
  10. @FreeAlwaysGood Protection in the game. It closes itself when you activate the speedhack.
  11. @Argentuc All that is possible has already been done. Get the root, or use a device with a large amount of memory.
  12. @Argentuc Prevent force close without root: http://gameguardian.net/v-490
  13. Enyby


    @pmohan If you cannot choose a process in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. Virtual spaces to run GameGuardian without root (#ct7bob3) On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps).
  14. If you think so, then the topic is closed.
  15. Start from read first post in this topic.
  16. @Alecx low resolution, not good method, already exists. Asphalt 8: Airborne - hack credits - search encrypted - GameGuardian (#2hsjt8z0)
  17. @alvianmewengkang It is not GG issue. It is issue of your game if game closed.
  18. Killed by android. Android better from you know which app you need on memory. Say thanks to Google.
  19. Not only this. Try read fully and carefully. Every word.
  20. @80869969 Prevent force close without root: http://gameguardian.net/v-490 _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Om message from your screen written not this.
  21. Click on last item in the process list and read help message. Answer here.
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