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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    MLBB Radar Script

    Any text editor.
  2. Enyby


    Yes. there is. Instead of asking and waiting for an answer, it would be faster to try it yourself. There even in the help text for this is. With a direct link to the video. And you waste both your and my time.
  3. Enyby


    Yes. You can set some offset while search for pointers. Pointer search has such field. I do not remember, but I think I use this in some videos in gallery about pointers. Try search by keyword 'pointer' in its.
  4. Enyby


    In GG options. Set to external.
  5. Enyby


    You enabled internal keyboard or not? Show full screen with text field. Try disable internal keyboard in GG.
  6. Enyby


    Look like Nox issue. I think you need write to Nox support. Show video with issue and explanations,
  7. Enyby


    Why you not read API help? Why you waste others time for explain what already described in API help? Why you disrespect others time?
  8. Enyby


    At a minimum, read the API and description of makeRequest. Get data to variable. The contents of the variable to write to the file. If you do not know how to do this, you should definitely read books or articles, because you will stumble at every step if you do not know such basic concepts. I will not sit with you and write line by line.
  9. Enyby


    Read about io.open.
  10. Enyby


    Io.open. Io.write io.close and so on. Read lua reference or lua-users wiki or lua book for know how to write byte data to file.
  11. Enyby


    Yep. Load data via gg.makeRequest and store it via io.* functions.
  12. The text is already translated automatically. This is usually a poor quality translation. Therefore, people, if they want, can translate manually and efficiently.
  13. Watch on YouTube: 73.11: Small list items for all tabs - GameGuardian
  14. Watch on Youtube: Work on Android Q - GameGuardian
  15. I don't format numbers like this. I just call the system class that does the rest. If it formats numbers in this way, then it is either conceived and accepted in this locale, or it is an android bug. I can not rewrite the whole android in one application. I can only advise you to use a locale that you understand. Moreover, I do not know how correctly, because I do not know these locales.
  16. Enyby

    Version replacer

    This all does not make sense. To argue about whether some hypothetical person can or cannot write these 4 lines or not. The script is designed for another. Here is an example script: Postknight Hack Script by Backlift (#3slb8nuy) There is such code: if gg.VERSION_INT < 83000 then print('ERROR: You need a newer version of GameGuardian app to run this script. At least v8.30.0, Head to the website to update your app.') goto endall end How will you run it on the new GG? Or do you want to say the author did not want his script stolen? Then you urgently need to ban all text editors, because through them you can see the text of the script. Start with Windows. It contains the most powerful lua scripting decompiler - Notepad. Urgently write to Microsoft, let them delete it! Faster! Or then someone will steal some scripts from someone!
  17. Enyby

    Version replacer

    So you think that to write those 4 lines, you need to be "experienced in programming"? This is not true. Those 4 lines are very easy to write and they do not need any experience. So this is a meaningless conversation. Those who need to get a bitter script will get it in any case, so that you do not do it. For example through Lua assembler. And this script is the ability to run scripts in which there are errors associated with checking the version of GG. Kitchen knife to cut food. If someone cuts people to them, then this is the problem of this person. This thing has a different purpose. And you start to complain that someone can use this script for other purposes and for harm. You can go complain that you can kill people with knives. It is necessary to prohibit them.
  18. Enyby

    Version replacer

    What prevents to take to write something like: gg.VERSION = '8.39.1' gg.VERSION_INT = 83901 gg.BUILD = 12345 return loadfile('/sdcard/Notes/BadScript.lua')() Is it so hard? Or this could not be done before this script? It seems to me for a long time that you are crazy about encrypting scripts and stealing them. As soon as someone posted a script, you immediately write a comment or a review to it. If the script is not encrypted, then that it should be encrypted. If the script is encrypted, then that is badly encrypted. Believe me, the world does not revolve around encryption of scripts and their theft.
  19. Enyby

    Version replacer

    Oh yes, you can cut people with a kitchen knife. A penis - rape. Therefore, the fact that you have a knife in the kitchen is good for murderers and bad for everyone else. And the fact that men in pants have a penis is good for rapists and bad for everyone else. The same logic.
  20. Video how bypass bug with wrong GG version: Version replacer - GameGuardian (#3ffax3vo)
  21. Watch on YouTube: Version replacer - GameGuardian Version replacer (#bdgetp7d)
  22. Enyby

    Version replacer

    Version 1.0


    A simple script for replacing the GG version for the script. Some scripts require certain versions of GG to run. Using this script, you can set the necessary GG version for the script. Example usage: Version replacer - GameGuardian (#3ffax3vo)
  23. View File Version replacer A simple script for replacing the GG version for the script. Some scripts require certain versions of GG to run. Using this script, you can set the necessary GG version for the script. Example usage: Version replacer - GameGuardian (#3ffax3vo) Submitter Enyby Submitted 03/17/2019 Category Tools  
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