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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.26.5 Added option to prevent unloading GameGuardian and the game on low memory. Added option to bind hot key to open the UI. Improved bypassing ptrace defend. Fixed functionality of 'cancel' for long operations. Fixed crashes. Updated translations.
  2. Need logcat and video with your actions. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7398-gathering-information-about-gg-errors/
  3. No. But all same then can be used any other video with search event without id by it params. For example from Championship.
  4. Rd can be hacked without id. Need only make right group ordered search with visible event params. Like as any other event. All same for rd, edd, carrier and so on. No, I do not know ids.
  5. 1. On Android emulator on PC. You doing something wrong. 2. EDD need pass test. RD need collect QC. And format of RD event can be different from EDD. Maybe this not work for RD in exact same action. But in general you can edit RD events. I do not check this not for RD not for EDD. Video is not mine.
  6. <string name="prevent_unload">Prevent unload:</string> <string name="soft">Soft</string> <string name="hard">Hard</string>
  7. Low quality video of last test (50) in upcoming R&D Porsche 911 GT3 RS:
  8. You can subscribe to our new videos. Game run at the speed 0.4 with speedhack. Video speed up after record to normal speed.
  9. Log empty it must be recorded from first attempt use speedhack in current game run. And valid log is huge. Bigger from 10 KB and contains thousand of lines. Try use another recorder. You must have root for collect logcat from the app. Without root you can collect logcat only from PC connected over USB via adb.
  10. Source: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=492661&view=findpost&p=57026530 Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4qPq6AeMQPBdFQxUl84OEdGUEk/view Mirror with crop and lower resolution: Update: Source: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=492661&view=findpost&p=58182116
  11. Db not exists for new events. You can search id same as for championship or search without it. Yes, you can use it for RD too. Or with event id, or with event params. You need some data for find event definition in memory. Or use hack car for upgrades. Any test can be passed with fully upgraded car. Especially upcoming RD. As for me hack car is more easy. You can also use speedhack for slow down game for better handling.
  12. For EDD you can hack car to MAX PRO temporary. Or search event params for find and change event params. No video here.
  13. Possible upgrade for pass tests with all boosters: 1-26 - 0000-0000 27 - 0100-0000 28-43 - 0400-0000 44-47 - 0503-0000 48 - 5555-2020 49-50 - 5555-0000
  14. 48 Test is hard. Can not be done with only MAX car. I pass with 0505-2020. All others tests can be pass with only maxed car. Of course you can loose and buy QC at the end. But this is too expensive - 60 QC in total = 17 QC * 4 times. 45 tokens for each buy = 45*4 = 180 tokens.
  15. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.26.4 Added info about how to speed up search into the help. Extended FAQ. Improved help. Updated translations.
  16. Try read last few pages of this topic.
  17. <string name="help_faq_31_q">After a while, __app_name__ icon disappears.</string> <string name="help_faq_31_a">"Try clicking in the place where the icon was be. If this open __app_name__ interface, then the icon is hidden in the settings or your firmware has bugs with display the icon. If the interface does not open, it means that __app_name__ has been unloaded from memory. Possible reasons: 1. There is not enough RAM on the device - __app_name__ killed by the system. Try use less RAM. In __app_name__ settings, do not specify the storage of data in RAM, do not set a large number of displayed results, unload \"extra\" applications from RAM, use \"light weight\" analogues of applications that can not be unloaded (for example, launcher). In especially bad cases, reboot the device before run __app_name__ with the game. Almost all of the firmware always has leak RAM. More time after reboot - the less available RAM. 2. You have a process killers which kills __app_name__. Disable the killers or add __app_name__ to its exceptions. Killers are also all sorts of \"optimizers\" and \"improvers\" of RAM. In general, see the description for the software, if you do not know is that the killer or not. For FlyMe: __app_name__ for some reason after a few minutes of work unloaded - you need to allow work in the background for __app_name__ and your root manager (usually SuperSu). You can also try to enable \"__use_notification__\" in __app_name__ settings. Sometimes this prevent kill __app_name__."</string>
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