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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. There was a YT tutorial for it but it got deleted due to copyright. There is several ways to find the speedvalue. One of those is by trying find the timeScale value. If you have the option to pause the game you should search 0.0F if game is paused(use the pause button in the game, not the one of gameguardian) and if the game is not paused the value is increased. Other method could only work assuming the value is 1.0 float. Freeze the game at start of loading and then search 1.0 Float. Then continue the game and keep doing unchanged.
  2. If this game is Unity the only reason why autospeedhack finder doesn't work is because the speed value is something else then 1.0 Float. Could be 1.5 or 2.0 whatever Unity timescale developer put's in there or it's because you used unknown search while the game is on pause or because it is not Unity at all so the script doesn't know the default mechanics of the game to find it's speed value like for example a different gaming engine. Perhaps share game name.
  3. This usually happens because you got reported. Don't try to make it obvious that you are using cheats. For example don't make it look like your shooting behind walls all the time. Use hitheadbox low. Don't teleport all the time. Play controlled. Like that you reduce the possibility of being reported and banned.
  4. Try script: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/3255-string-replacer/
  5. This game was made with Construct 2 and so HTML5. Also should have some Javascript in it. I don't think you can just change the data type from dword to double. Perhaps you have to check how data types work with Construct 2 or HTML5, javascript. Also what you try to accomplish with changing points? It doesn't give you benefit in the game i believe. Pff..browser games are the worst to cheat with GG because so little is know of it(personal opinion).
  6. Send video/screenshot of the error.
  7. Eventually the level value was found in region java instead of region Other. Following the steps in this video: One exception is that the string search was in UTF-8 on that device instead of UTF-16LE
  8. Yeah, on the person his device it seems to work a bit different. For whatever reason there were no game folders in /data/data/ even though he had root access. So i could also not find the shared_pref file for that game on his device(poco x2) but the person his level value is in region Other or in region Java. We tried looking for coint value and that worked which was in Java Heap. Searching for coint's and searching for level work in the same way, but the person hanged up before i could figure it out.
  9. Yes, all values related to the shared_pref file like pointers are 4 bytes. But the values changes address whenever you hide game or some other actions. But you need to first enter a level i think in order to have the value found. But weird why the value can't find.
  10. Very weird, i tried on 64 bit and got results, for all the tests i run the value should be same regardless of instruction set. Have you tried to find the value in the other regions? It could be in region Other. And in case nothing is found(even after enabling all regions) you will have to search it manually. Can perhaps be a bit hard if it is your first time using GG @JonSnowFS
  11. Perhaps for quick troubleshooting it would be good. I sended you request on discord.
  12. Can you try? bandicam 2023-06-11 10-45-15-946.mp4
  13. Do you mind giving me the game name? It's gone be hard fixing the script like this.
  14. Seems to happen because one table is larger then the other. Change the [i] to [1] at the line you got the error. xCoordMe[i].value, yCoordMe[i].value, zCoordMe[i].value It's to be expected your filtering is accurate so that you only have 1 result for your characters coordinate.
  15. Not sure what that is? It's something you take like orbs during dungeon?
  16. There is a type fault in variable naming. Remove the underscores in the variables of the for loop, xCoord_Me needs to be xCoordMe. Do that for all variables that are used for tables. So that they are the same name as the local variables local xCoordMe = {} local yCoordMe = {} local zCoordMe = {} local xCoordEnemy = {} local yCoordEnemy = {} local zCoordEnemy = {}
  17. I wonder if it is possible to change the balls when shooting. For example making it all fire balls or lightning balls.
  18. Some example that i think can work but you have to adjust it here and there so it works for your game. Main thing to adjust is to separate your coords and that of enemy. I could not really test it so it can have some faults in syntax's or design. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber('-0.082', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) t = gg.getResults(7) local check = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do check[i] = {address = v.address + 0x10, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end check = gg.getValues(check) local xCoordMe = {} local yCoordMe = {} local zCoordMe = {} local xCoordEnemy = {} local yCoordEnemy = {} local zCoordEnemy = {} for i, v in ipairs(check) do if v.value == 1 then -- the random value at the given offset to see if its enemy or you coordinates(1 result) xCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x38, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} yCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x3C, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} zCoord_Me[#xCoord_Me + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x40, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end if v.value == 2 then -- (6 results) xCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x38, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} yCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x3C, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} zCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x40, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end end xCoordMe = gg.getValues(xCoordMe) yCoordMe = gg.getValues(yCoordMe) zCoordMe = gg.getValues(zCoordMe) xCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(xCoordEnemy) yCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(yCoordEnemy) zCoordEnemy = gg.getValues(zCoordEnemy) local final = {} local getCoordsEnemy = {} for i = 1, #xCoordEnemy do final[#final+1] = string.format("Your Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordMe[i].value, yCoordMe[i].value, zCoordMe[i].value) final[#final+1] = string.format("Enemy Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordEnemy[i].value, yCoordEnemy[i].value, zCoordEnemy[i].value) getCoordsEnemy[#getCoordsEnemy+1] = {[1] = xCoordEnemy[i].value, [2] = yCoordEnemy[i].value, [3] = zCoordEnemy[i].value} -- edited(wrong variable name) end menu = gg.choice(final) if menu == nil then gg.toast("nothing selected") else xCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][1] yCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][2] zCoordMe[1].value = getCoordsEnemy[menu][3] gg.setValues(xCoordMe) gg.setValues(yCoordMe) gg.setValues(zCoordMe) end Did some corrected in script.
  19. Your able to differentiate between your player object and the one of the enemies?
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  21. nok1a


    Your playing around. I ask you why there is a .bin file. You keep responding with useless answers, wasting each-others time. Take care.
  22. nok1a


    If i download your script from the drive it downloads a .bin file. When i run that .bin file it says that a .lua file is made. 1hy7ZvNKhQqeC6VyvgesQ_KhXmuStDhtb.bin Punball Scripts 3.5.3 By An Kino.lua
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