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Everything posted by nok1a

  1. View File Farm Ville 2 Country Escape Loads the values in the saved list and edit them by choice. If game refreshes you must reactive the script. Don't put keys to high or game refreshed. Make sure that before you try to edit something its value is not zero. Otherwise the script won't find it. If you have one key, they script will find it. If you have zero keys the script will not find it. Until otherwise. Submitter nok1a Submitted 03/31/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Loads the values in the saved list and edit them by choice. If game refreshes you must reactive the script. Don't put keys to high or game refreshed. Make sure that before you try to edit something its value is not zero. Otherwise the script won't find it. If you have one key, they script will find it. If you have zero keys the script will not find it. Until otherwise.
  3. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Yes, good idea.
  4. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Never saw, but not every post will always be responded to or read. But if the script works fine then i guess the solution has been provided. Will upload script officially in the Lua section then more easy for update.
  5. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Ok Yes, this perhaps means that a script can be made that can enable you to unlock the items, even if you haven't bought them. When item is zero the pointer will change to zero. So no pointer reference to its string. I mean this is inventory_currency logic. Congrats! Which forum posts? It's possible it wasn't seen or there was no time for take a look at the game. I dunno, i don't play the game so i think you have to figure out.
  6. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Can make a video on how i did it. But will not be now. Found a bit more things here. I added it to the script. Just need to check if it works for 32 bit as well. Script ended: Name: -> animalCount | Value: -> 0 Name: -> level | Value: -> 1 Name: -> coOpStateDuringRamp | Value: -> 2 Name: -> IsEarlySocialExpired | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Highest_TOS_Version_Acknowledged | Value: -> 7 Name: -> AllianceFlowState | Value: -> 1 Name: -> earnedAtMerchants | Value: -> 1961 Name: -> salesAtMerchants | Value: -> 127 Name: -> soldAtMerchants | Value: -> 10169 Name: -> soldAtMerchantsWheat_01 | Value: -> 113 Name: -> MotdAlliancesNeverShowAgain | Value: -> 1 Name: -> soldAtMerchantsApple_01 | Value: -> 80 Name: -> key | Value: -> 1 Name: -> soldAtMerchantsFlour_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> flags_cleanup | Value: -> 1 Name: -> speedSeedFTUE | Value: -> 1 Name: -> workshopUpgradeFTUE | Value: -> 1 Name: -> soldAtMerchantsCow_Milk_01 | Value: -> 8 Name: -> BackFortyIntroDialog | Value: -> 1 Name: -> svDooberInventoryXPFlag | Value: -> 1 Name: -> RateGameAutoPopViews | Value: -> 1 Name: -> FTUE_PHASE8_01coin | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Sunny_Glade_01_intro_seen | Value: -> 1 Name: -> FTUE_PHASE8_03key | Value: -> 1 Name: -> FTUE_TreasureHunting_01Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> FTUE_TreasureHunting_01th_intro_pack_loot_glta | Value: -> 1 Name: -> th_ach_Net_Rare_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> th_ach_journal | Value: -> 2 Name: -> th_ach_Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> th_ach_Sea_Salt_01 | Value: -> 5 Name: -> th_ach_key | Value: -> 2 Name: -> th_ach_Silver_Anchor_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> th_ach_coin | Value: -> 50000 Name: -> th_ach_Pearl_01 | Value: -> 4 Name: -> soldAtMerchantsBlackberries_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Event174_POI_01_intro_seen | Value: -> 1 Name: -> EEE_granted_stamps | Value: -> 1 Name: -> CFMotds | Value: -> 1 Name: -> FTUE_CountyFair_IntroMineWaitTime_Level3 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> W2E_Motd_Shown | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Windmill_01 | Value: -> 2 Name: -> Cow_Basic_01 | Value: -> 2 Name: -> Hay_Dude_01 | Value: -> 6 Name: -> Hay_Girl_01 | Value: -> 5 Name: -> Apple_Tree_02 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Pastry_Oven_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Cow_Basic_02 | Value: -> 6 Name: -> Fence_Left_01 | Value: -> 16 Name: -> Corn_Crop_01 | Value: -> 2 Name: -> Barrel_Flowers_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Corn_Crop_02 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Apple_Tree_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Apple_Tree_03 | Value: -> 2 Name: -> Wheat_Crop_03 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Silo_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Toolshed_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Doghouse_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Dairy_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> partnerAnimalPedestal_Pig_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Cow_Prized_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Cat_House_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Pig_Prized_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> partnerAnimalPedestal_Pig_02 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Chicken_Basic_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Stamp_Common_01 | Value: -> 99999 Name: -> Stamp_Uncommon_01 | Value: -> 99999 Name: -> Stamp_Rare_01 | Value: -> 99999 Name: -> level | Value: -> 99999 Name: -> speedseedvisit | Value: -> 5 Name: -> xp | Value: -> 16250247 Name: -> speedseed | Value: -> 100000 Name: -> Buttermilk_Biscuit_01 | Value: -> 100000 Name: -> Wheat_01 | Value: -> 99743 Name: -> coin | Value: -> 141908 Name: -> Event174_Headstart_Box01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Flour_01 | Value: -> 99999 Name: -> Apple_01 | Value: -> 99926 Name: -> PowerPin_ExtraPeachy_14d | Value: -> 1 Name: -> PowerPin_SoupStirrir_7d | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Apple_01_MasterySeal | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 2 Name: -> Sea_Salt_01 | Value: -> 5 Name: -> Net_Uncommon_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Net_Common_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Silver_Anchor_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> Pearl_01 | Value: -> 4 Name: -> PowerPinActive_01 | Value: -> 6 Name: -> Event174_Phase01_Craft_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> MineWaitTime_Level3 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> key | Value: -> 29 Name: -> Cow_Milk_01 | Value: -> 1 Name: -> progress | Value: -> 7 I think a video i can make in the weekend.
  7. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I could not find a way to do group search, i also would have difficulty explaining how to find it manually. So i had to make a script for it :/, would not have done if i easily could access the values. Then would have explained. Script will load the values. But the script is open source but i do advice to see some other scripts on the forum to learn from it so that you can write your own script. How to use: com.zynga.FarmVille2CountryEscape.lua
  8. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Found a static value here, from there i think you can work your self up to do pointer searches: https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#a5eef9aac9f02932a4c67a184edec2bd4
  9. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I don't think scripting by group search is gone work. All values nearby are dependable on whats in your inventory. Problem also is that more pointers can be added depending on what you have unlocked.
  10. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Yes i just checked. It's from Entry[], You have pointers to strings. A bunch of pointers to strings. It's possible you can edit way more then just the coins and keys. But i quickly check if i don't get any bans
  11. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I see, i edited wrong values. Yes works very well.
  12. nok1a

    Value Saving

    You can upload on YouTube and put video on hidden, then share link I disabled the wifi.
  13. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Making me guess that the method you tried for modifying keys is server sided.
  14. nok1a

    Value Saving

    But you didn't buy more then you already had. The only way to know if your cheat really works is by looking for your coins value and buying something which is higher then the value you originally had before editing it. you permanently changed the values? So they remained even after restarting game?I ask because i want to make sure i get the right values. I did what you did in the video and edited values to 999 or more but i could not buy more then my original values. I originally i had 2 keys. edit it to 999. Then tried buying something which costed 50 keys. Game said i did not* had enough keys.
  15. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Are you sure that works? Have you tried buying something when the keys where on zero and the purchase actually going through?
  16. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I find it quite the feet that you cheat a game like farm ville.
  17. nok1a

    Value Saving

    Perhaps. Which game is it? Provide link. And a video where you demonstrate the hack. Not really
  18. nok1a

    Value Saving

    The pointers i refer to are pointers that point to some block of data. If the keys you have are in Ca/A in lots of cases that block of data gets referenced by a executable through pointers. By following the pointers you can make a script with offsets and pointer searches. But you can also make a group search. Group searches are more reliable then saving addresses. But pointers i find more reliable then group searches. Because pointer must point to that block of data regardless if the values in that block of data got changed by developers.
  19. nok1a

    Value Saving

    You could try pointer searching.
  20. Hmm, i don't exactly understand why string.format over string concatenation, could you perhaps explain? I applied it like this to the script, This is ok? -- concatenation test function getNameForValue(STRU_structOffset, STRU_structCount, addr, val, fieldOff, nam_0, nam_1, nam_2) local name = "" if STRU_structOffset == 1 then name = string.format(nam_0, STRU_structCount, "Unknown") elseif STRU_structOffset == 2 then addressJump = fieldOff + val*8 name = string.format(nam_1, STRU_structCount, "Start address field offset: => 0x", string.upper(string.format("%x", fieldOff + val*8))) elseif STRU_structOffset == 3 then STRU_Field_dataBlockSize(addressJump, val, STRU_structCount) name = string.format(nam_2, STRU_structCount, "Field amount: ", val) end return name end function STRU_Field_dataBlockSize(FieldOffsetAddr, b, c) local name = "Structure Field Data Block: (%d): Count => %d%s%d" local fieldSize = {} local loop = 0 for i = 1, b do fieldSize[#fieldSize + 1] = { address = FieldOffsetAddr + loop, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, name = string.format(name, c, i,"/", b) } loop = loop + 0x8 end gg.addListItems(fieldSize) c = c + 1 end function STRU_dataBlockSegments() local name_0 = "Structure (%d): %s" local name_1 = "Structure (%d): %s%s" local name_2 = "Structure (%d): %s%d" local STRU_structures = {} local loop = 0 local structure_count = 1 local STRU_struct_offset = 1 local fieldOffsetCalc = validSignatures[3][4].address + validSignatures[3][2].value + 0xC local STRU_block = STRU_dataBlockSize() for i, v in ipairs(STRU_block) do STRU_structures[#STRU_structures + 1] = {address = v.address, flags = v.flags, value = v.value, name = getNameForValue(STRU_struct_offset, structure_count, v.address, v.value, fieldOffsetCalc, name_0, name_1, name_2)..""} if STRU_struct_offset == 3 then STRU_struct_offset = 1 structure_count = structure_count + 1 else STRU_struct_offset = STRU_struct_offset + 1 end end gg.addListItems(STRU_structures) end STRU_dataBlockSegments()
  21. Ok, will at least put the link to this thread. I do that in any situation. Unless function became drastically modified. I won't have millions of iterations. But perhaps max a 100k, it is possible. In fact i do like to know how i do it if it would be a look up table. Because as you saw the variable in the table key value did not get updated. Can variables in tables that are stored in key value not get updated from outside the table? Perhaps i scripted it wrong. The conditions where met.
  22. Thanks, works great. Do you mind if i use your example in the script? I would attach link to this threat as i did with the range function. But i do question, if i write it in a separate function the function will be called for each loop. Will this not slow speed down drastically? Added your function like this: function STRU_dataBlockSegments() local STRU_structures = {} local structure_count = 1 local STRU_struct_offset = 1 local STRU_block = STRU_dataBlockSize() for i, v in ipairs(STRU_block) do STRU_structures[#STRU_structures + 1] = {address = v.address, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, name = getNameForValue(STRU_struct_offset, structure_count)} if STRU_struct_offset == 3 then STRU_struct_offset = 1 structure_count = structure_count + 1 else STRU_struct_offset = STRU_struct_offset + 1 end end gg.addListItems(STRU_structures) end STRU_dataBlockSegments() Is it appropriate like that?
  23. Condition does get met: Script ended: structure_count: 1 structure_count: 2 structure_count: 3 structure_count: 4 But in table no update.
  24. I don't know why but my script does not update the value that is assigned to variable structure_count. function STRU_dataBlockSegments() local STRU_structures = {} local structure_count = 1 -- value of that needs to be incremented local STRU_struct_offset = 1 local STRU_structureNaming = { [1] = "Structure ("..structure_count..") :Unknown: ", [2] = "Structure ("..structure_count..") :Field offset: ", [3] = "Structure ("..structure_count..") :Field amount: " } local STRU_block = STRU_dataBlockSize() for i, v in ipairs(STRU_block) do STRU_structures[#STRU_structures + 1] = {address = v.address, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, name = STRU_structureNaming[STRU_struct_offset]} if STRU_struct_offset == 3 then STRU_struct_offset = 1 structure_count = structure_count + 1 -- Should be incremented by one, however in the table STRU_structureNaming it remains 1. else STRU_struct_offset = STRU_struct_offset + 1 end end end STRU_dataBlockSegments() How do i access the table STRU_structureNaming and increment the value structure_count when condition is met?
  25. It's the wrong metadata. Sometimes you have to wait sometime before metadata gets loaded. Had the issue several times.
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